This is the first ever air conditioner given the “Most Efficient” award by Energy Star – Energy Star finally got something right. This AC is about 35% more efficient than normal ACs due to the inverter technology, but look at the design!
Go here to learn more about the – Midea U-Shaped Air Conditioner
The window literally closes right down the middle of the unit keeping the noisy compressor side on the other side of the window while only the quiet, cool air is on the inside. Its only a few dB louder than a library.
I just ordered one and am having it delivered to Home Depot since for some reason, through Amazon, it can’t be delivered go my home due to the location – never seen that before. In any case, this Midea company offers an 8000, 10000 and 12000 BTU unit.
Needless to say, you can still have full functionality of your window when you want unlike other AC’s where the are locked in the up position due to the fact that you simply have to have the window all the way open for the AC to stick through the opening but not with this one.
I have a portable AC that I stick in the window and use for maybe 2 months here in Spokane, Washington but it’s not cutting it now and that is why I was prompted to search for a better AC and was happy to have found this Midea U-Shaped Air Conditioner.
Check out the temperature here in the Inland Northwest – going to be 113F tomorrow and 100 minimum every day for the next week and unfortunately, that’s not Photoshopped!

Go here to learn more about the – Midea U-Shaped Air Conditioner