Method Of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied To The Solution Of Polyphase Networks – A Sequel To The Work Of Charles Fortescue Of The Same Title


This presentation is a sequel to Fortescue’s paper titled Method Of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied To The Solution Of Polyphase Networks (180min).

Combo Discount

Electromagnetic Induction And Its Propagation - A Sequel To The Work Of Oliver Heaviside Of The Same Title

This presentation is a sequel to Heaviside’s series of writings titled Electromagnetic Induction And Its Propagation (180 min).

SKU: EPD-ESTC2020-MSC Categories: , ,


PRESENTATION 2: METHOD OF SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES APPLIED TO THE SOLUTION OF POLYPHASE NEWORKS, CHARLES FORTESCUE – This presentation is based on a paper presented to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on June 28, 1918. This presentation by Eric is a sequel to Fortescue’s paper.

Part of the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (180 mins downloadable video).


This presentation is also available as part of a combo package

Save $17 when you buy Method Of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied To The Solution Of Polyphase Networks – A Sequel To The Work Of Charles Fortescue Of The Same Title and Electromagnetic Induction And Its Propagation – A Sequel To The Work Of Oliver Heaviside Of The Same Title together!



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