Douglas Lindstrom

Dr. Lindstrom’s schooling consists of an earned Master’s degree in Physics, with specialization in Plasma Physics, and a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering with a materials’ specialization. His working career has lead him through a variety of industries, defence department initiatives, academia, ending at a government research lab where he lead a group of scientists and engineers in advanced materials development . Since retiring from the government he has been applying his knowledge of numerical solution techniques, especially the finite element method, to the solution of the ECE electro-gravitic equations. His experimental and engineering stance requires that these techniques be directly applicable to design of devices intended for manufacture. The ECE equations consist of more than one hundred non-linear partial differential equations written in a four dimensional space-time. They tend to be quite unstable, and quite resistant to traditional solution methods. He has written and co-authored several papers on topics which include electro-gravitic theory and other segments of the ECE theory and co-authored two books with Myron Evans, Horst Eckardt, and others. The focus of his work however, has been to develop a robust solution technique that will allow the design of devices and experiments that highlight the differences between the predictions of the ECE theory and traditional physics, with the goal of achieving a robust design for a “free energy” device. Dr. Lindstrom currently serves as the director of the Alpha Institute of Advanced Studies, and has appeared for several consecutive years of Who’s Who in the World.

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  • ECE Unified Theory of Physics

    ECE Unified Theory Of Physics

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