Three Phase Distribution System Representation by Griffin Brock

H2 Global – Clean Fuel For A Clean Future


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Disruptive Water Fuel

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Most water fuel researchers and developers are focused on methods to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water with electrolysis (running electrical current through the water).

However, there are other ways that are much more efficient and effective. With only hundreds of milliamps, Walt Jenkins can run an engine with 95%+ water.

He isn’t using electrolysis, but he was heavily involved with that years ago and he is actually the original developer of the popular dry cell that most experimenters are using.

Although this presentation is not a full disclosure, he does share some concepts regarding this method that point people in the right direction. Keep in mind that this is the first time he has given a presentation to the public.

His entire process is patented and is still a work in progress, but being able to get 500 miles per gallon on a scooter is quite an accomplishment and you can see his dune buggy is also quite advanced. It is not an attempt to replicate Stan Meyer’s dune buggy, which is a completely different process, but rather to make it easy for anyone to see that there are no hidden fuel lines, etc…

Moray King considers Walt Jenkins to be the modern-day Stan Meyer and that is a very strong statement coming from a leading authority on water fuel technologies. Help us bring more awareness to the work of Walt Jenkins so we can have clean fuel for a clean future!

Part of the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (75 mins downloadable video).


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