Reactive Power Generator – Part 4

(2 customer reviews)


SKU: MC-ESTC2022-RPG Categories: , ,


This is Part 4 of Mike Clarke’s presentations on the Reactive Power Generator, which has advanced by leaps and bounds since its inception. At its essence, it is like a Bedini SG, but with multi air core coils, higher voltage and with automatic battery swapping.

The results? The input and output batts keep swapping and keep themselves charged up – it’s a true self-running motor that turns a generator that produces hundreds of net watts and again, the batteries stay charged up.

Due to a problem with an optical sensor used for timing, this machine did not run at the conference but worked just fine at Paul’s home shop the night before.

Mike shares how he is now making his rotor that is very inexpensive and faster than machining so the whole manufacturing process has been streamlined to the point that it is becoming practical on all levels, including financially.


2 reviews for Reactive Power Generator – Part 4

  1. Peter Klaren (verified owner)

    Great presentation!

    Good to see Mike & team’s advancements and hope to see him finally reach his goal, install it in their house, saying goodby to Idaho-electric and start underground manufacturing for their friends, neighbours and beyond!

    Thank you Paul for upgrading their switching circuit!


  2. 12345brod (verified owner)

    Very disappointed that cct details are not available.
    I’ve paid for several videos to learn how to build this and have a “hot rodded Bedini Bike wheel running
    with 16 coils, sic fets and diodes etc. No help available for the circuitry?????????

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