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Gravity Power Paper 2

by William F. Skinner, 1939

A small amount of input is leveraged through the lever to to encourage the movement of the Translation Coupler in a clockwise direction. The upper weight spins clockwise from this movement assisting the lever’s back and forth movement. The upper weight counterbalances the weight supported by the tilted Wobble Control Shaft at the connection point with the Translation Coupler. The heavy Lower Output Weight has a high center of gravity from it’s tall weight distribution and the tilt angle is very small. The combination of these two variables makes it very easy to manipulate the entire weight of the Lower Output Weight with very little input by the lever. However, the Lower Output Weight’s mass is very high and as it “falls” by simply rolling to the inside of the Wobble Control Shaft, it’s entire weight is able to produce a strong force at the Output Wheel.

It is very important that the Lower Output Weight is not physically locked to the Wobble Control Shaft. Otherwise, the output would always be directly proportionate to the input work. However, in the case of them being related, yet not in “lock-step”, the output could be stopped without having a direct stopping action on the input. And therefore, if the input lever was stopped, the Lower Output Weight would continue to spin around the stopped Wobble Control Shaft while continuing to produce power at the Output Wheel until it rand out of momentum.

It is also important to note that the Translation Coupler is causing motion in the Wobble Control Shaft in an elliptical orbit. That means there are two points in the rotation where the speed and power of the weights are increased before they switch direction in the opposite direction of the long length of the orbit. The counter reaction from this movement does not oppose the input lever but rather reinforces it so that the reaction assists the machine’s movement in the forward direction.

This is a true open dissipative system, which does not conform to conventional Laws of Thermodynamics or Laws of Motion, as they are conventionally interpreted.

Aaron Murakami
12/2/2012 1:26:09 AMCopy of output

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