This short video is from a trip I took 2 years ago up into BC – this was on the very far North end of the Selkirk Loop between New Denver and Kaslo. If you go North alone the Kootenay Lake, the ferry ride across the lake to Balfour is FREE. Then you’re not too far from Ainsworth Hot Springs!
If you’re in the Northwest, US or plan on coming to this area, I’d highly recommend the Selkirk Loop – BEAUTIFUL contry and really peaceful.

Nice! The question is of course, if the generator was running too? The place looked a bit left alone or at least not well taken care of, lots of old stuff lying around.
Then, another question comes to mind, did you ever visit the Niagara Falls where Tesla and Westinghouse built the world’s first hydro plant… so why was that destroyed?
I was told there is one man who takes care of the facility and the generator definitely is running and it works. He wasn’t there that day, but if he was, I was told I could have had a tour.
I was in in Niagra Falls around 1992-1993, but did not know anything about Tesla at the time.