Last Saturday night August 19th to August 20th morning, I was on Coast to Coast AM with Richard Syrett for three whole hours talking about Synchronicity, methods to increase synchronicity and sharing some stories.
Three old but popular articles of mine were compiled into one Free downloadable PDF called The Synchronicity Handbook. The articles are Murakami’s Model of Synchronicity, Time Travel Meditation and DeVisE Method of Manifestation. Download your free copy here: The Synchronicity Handbook by Aaron Murakami
A Course in Mind Power is a book that was written to go deep into the biology involved in synchronicities, which was first proposed by me in 2006. As a special, my popular book A Course in Mind Power was offered at a 33% discount with this coupon code: ACIMP33
You can use that code (for a limited time) in the shopping cart for the book through this website: A Course in Mind Power
The website for the Coast to Coast AM show is here: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2017/08/19 and my Coast to Coast AM bio: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/murakami-aaron/79349
You can find Richard’s hometown radio show here: https://conspiracyshow.strangeplanet.ca/