This next presentation is another exclusive from Dr. Ruth Olmstead, a leading authority in brain stimulation & entrainment. For nearly 20 years, I’ve been producing my own brain entrainment audios to enhance my own learning and related abilities, but I have never experienced the power of a brain stimulation methodology like the devices that use Dr. Olmstead’s protocols. The most clinically tested “mind machine” is also one that uses her protocols and the results are astounding and that includes significantly increasing the IQ in children and more!
Ruth Olmstead, PhD presents the interesting theories and clinical findings utilizing auditory and visual (AVS) non invasive brain stimulation and entrainment through the use of a small device consisting of white full spectrum glasses and headphones. She describes the evolution of AVS devices (known also as mind machines), and presents some of the clinical findings using AVS technology to combat the symptoms of a variety of disorders.
The developer of a clinical device, the Professional Synaptic Stimulus Trainer (SST), Dr. Olmstead discusses its use with individuals diagnosed with autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, and stress.
Note: The WISC-III individual child test scores are omitted to ensure confidentiality.
Go here for a copy of this important presentation: https://emediapress.com/shop/auditory-and-visual-non-invasive-brain-stimulation-and-entrainment/
We’ll make some of these Mind Machines available soon – some of the models are only available through Dr. Olmstead as the manufacturers do not sell them directly to the public. Stay tuned!