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DISCLAIMERThe BEDINI RPX 3.1 MHz SIDEBAND GENERATOR™ is sold only as an electronic research and test device. No claims are given and the user assumes full responsibility for how they use it. It is up to the buyer to comply with all applicable laws. There are no other purposes or applications for this device that are claimed or implied in any manner whatsoever. By purchasing the RPX v3.0, you are agreeing to the no-refund policy and our Terms & Conditions for the sale of this research and test device. |
Bedini RPX 3.1 MHz Sideband Generator v3.0 Video Walkthrough
You’ll learn why this is more user friendly than the previous models, what it does, how it creates the real Rife Frequencies and other advantages compared to any other “Rife Machine” being offered anywhere else.
Optional but recommended old video where John Bedin explains the sideband generator method
Aaron Murakami demonstrates the NEW Bedini RPX v2.0 Sideband Generator and the sidebands and PUMPWAVE (our exclusive advantage). See Rife Frequencies verified in live time. This all applies exactly to the new RPX v3.0. This goes into more specifics on than the above video on the v3.0. Again, this applies EXACTLY to the 3.0.
This video shows you exactly how Rife & Hoyland created and calculated the frequencies in the so-called “Rife Machine.” This is the most succinct and simple explanation on the entire internet showing you these calculations.
The Real Rife Machine Explained

The Bedini RPX Sideband Generator is the most legitimate electrode delivery “Rife Machine” in the world. The RPX incorporates the Pumpwave and if electrode delivery “Rife Machines” don’t have it, they not offering you the best. The following gives you simple clarification on what this means and why it is true. John Bedini, a world-renown genius was the leading authority on the real Rife technology until his untimely death back in November 2015. This was the last technology he released, which is but one of many technologies that are a part of the important legacy he left behind. We are dedicated to keeping John Bedini’s work alive so that all future generations can learn and benefit from his years of dedicated, tireless research and hard work. Presenting the Bedini RPX 3.1 MHz Sideband Generator v3.0 – a simple but profound solution so the average person can put a legitimate “Rife Machine” in their hands without having to spend thousands of dollars and without winding up with something that has nothing to do with Rife, which is mostly what is currently available by most other companies. Please read the below carefully as it outlines the truth about Rife’s technology. And if you didn’t watch the videos up above, we’d highly recommend that you watch them as this written explanation and video presentations will solidify each other. Between those videos and this write up, you will know more about what Rife actually did that most so-called Rife “experts” who are selling machines that have absolutely nothing to do with Rife.
What Is A Rife Machine?
The Rife Machine invented by Royal Raymond Rife creates frequencies that hit the resonant frequency of whatever is targeted – or more accurately, creates frequencies that are even multiples of a resonant frequency in the form of a “sideband”, which happens to be ultra rich in harmonics of that desired resonant frequency. Sidebands will be explained soon. A crystal glass has a resonant frequency. An opera singer can sing a note that is in resonant with the crystal glass. If the opera singer increases the amplitude or strength of their voice for that particular note that is in resonance with the crystal glass, it can vibrate it so strongly that it will shatter. This is related to the principle that is in operation with the Rife Machine according to Rife, but most information available online about what Rife accomplished is false. Also, almost every machine available claiming to be a Rife Machine is not only built incorrectly because they’re not even producing the Rife Frequencies properly with sidebands and are therefore imposters. If a device does not create harmonically rich sidebands of the Rife Frequencies, it literally is just an extension of the signal generator scam started by John Crane way back, which is explained further down the page.
How Does A Rife Machine Work?
1. A circuit creates a carrier frequency in the 3 MHz range – John Bedini used 3.1 MHz. This frequency does not change and remains constant and was used because with a 3.1 MHz, the Rife Frequencies appeared stronger in the sidebands nearest the carrier. 2. A second circuit or audio frequency generator produces fundamental frequencies from 1Hz to 40,000Hz. These audio frequencies were combined and MIXED with the fundamental 3.1 MHz. The frequency generator may continue pass the audio range for more benefit. Rife went to 40 kHz because that was the capability of a typical audio signal generator back then. For the most part, frequencies from the low 20 kHz to upper 30 kHz range was all that was used to create sidebands for every Rife Frequency in his day. You get all that and more with the RPX. 3. The MIXING of the CARRIER + AUDIO frequencies together creates other frequencies called SIDEBANDS (explained down below) which hit the “Rife Frequencies” rather than directly creating a single frequency that is in resonance with a target, which is what almost all phony “Rife Machines” on the market are doing. Going up to 40 kHz allows sidebands to be produced (explained in the videos) that are multiples of the Rife Frequencies in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and all the way to the 8th sideband. However, the problem is that when you get further from the central carrier frequency, each sideband like the 4th, 5th, and on are just weaker and weaker and weaker. Although you’re hitting sidebands that are multiples of the Rife Frequencies, some of them are just ultra weak. John Bedini solved this issue by going to 150 kHz and when doing the math, all sidebands that are multiples of the Rife Frequencies are hit in the 1st and 2nd sidebands! That means that for the first time ever in any “Rife Machine”, all Rife Frequencies have a greater amplitude or strength than they ever have and only the RPX is doing this… and… this has been the case since late 2014 to early 2015 when John first released the RPX with the 150 kHz sweep protocol so again, the RPX is historically proven to not just be the best but the strongest electrode delivery Rife Machine in the world, indisputably…and when looking at the science, it is superior to gas tube delivery where most of the energy is wasted in heat. We’ll give you references that validate this in the near future. It would be easy for other companies offering “Rife Machines” that create sidebands to recommend that their customers also sweep to 150 kHz and that would empower them all the more. However, it would also be an admission that they didn’t understand the Rife method as well as John Bedini did to begin with and that they have been offering something that is much weaker than the RPX.
What Are Sidebands? (Please Watch The Videos As Well)
If two frequencies are mixed, additional frequencies called SIDEBANDS are created, which are the ADDITION of and the SUBTRACTION of those frequencies. In electrical engineering talk, this is called Heterodyning. For example, if you have a carrier frequency of 3,100,000 Hz (3.1 MHz) and you mix an audio frequency of 20,000 Hz (20 kHz), you will create two additional frequencies. The 3,100,000 Hz frequency will still be available, but you also get 3,100,000 + 20,000 = 3,120,000 Hz (3.12 MHz). A frequency of the difference between the two is also created such as 3,100,000 – 20,000 = 3,080,000 Hz (3.08 MHz). So, you get all three frequencies, 3.08 MHz, 3.1 MHz, and 3.12 MHz all at the exact same time. The frequency that is additive is GREATER than the carrier and the frequency that is the difference is LESS THAN the carrier. The greater one is called the “Upper Sideband” and the lesser one is called the “Lower Sideband.” This is a picture from a spectrum analyzer. This does not show the waveform, but rather, it shows what frequencies are being measured. In the very center is 3.1 MHz, which is the carrier frequency produced by the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator. It is the tallest, which means it’s amplitude or voltage is the highest for that particular frequency. On the left and right of that carrier frequency are other frequencies measured that are GREATER THAN (on the right side of the carrier) and LESS THAN (on the left side of the carrier) the carrier frequency of 3.1 MHz. Those are the upper and lower sidebands. The sidebands are moving away from the carrier towards the left (less than) and the right (greater than). As those peaks move away, they are hitting other frequencies as the signal generator sweeps through it’s pre-determined range. The TARGET “RIFE FREQUENCIES” were produced by Rife using this EXACT method of mixing frequencies. The actual resonant frequency of that, which is being targeted was “hidden” in the sidebands. The sidebands hit multiples of the resonant frequency and this is how Rife did it. There is further clarification that will be given. You can watch the video above on calculating the Rife Frequencies in order to understand this more fully.
Sweep Method
Take note than if a single frequency such as 20 kHz was mixed with the 3.1 MHz carrier, then there would only be one frequency on the left and right side of the carrier as described. However, take note that you see about 5 sidebands on the left and right of the carrier. We’ll now explain why there are more than one. Rife’s trusted assistant Hoyland was the one who developed the “Sweep Method” of producing and hitting the Rife Frequencies. Hoyland would sweep through a dial on an audio signal generator from 0 to 40 kHz over and over at various speeds. What this does is MIX each audio frequency as it is produced with the carrier in the lower 3MHz range. The image right here is the real Rife/Hoyland waveform. As all frequencies are swept through with the audio signal generator, all sidebands are created for every possible frequency and fractional frequency as you see in the picture above. The sidebands on both sides of the carrier move away little by little from the carrier frequency toward the left and right as new sidebands are constantly being created. What this means is that EVERY single “Rife Frequency” is guaranteed to be produced even in the operator does not know what the exact frequencies are. Additionally, frequencies are hit for targets that Rife never knew about. This SWEEP METHOD is what Rife and Hoyland evolved the “Rife Machine” technology to and is the preferred operating method. It is their greatest achievement – it is the ULTIMATE EVOLUTION of everything Rife wanted. With the carrier and sidebands being of a relatively high frequency, this was broadcast by tubes that illuminated under the output power of the machines and these radio frequencies were directed right through a target so delivery of these frequencies where they were desired to go was no problem. Unfortunately, most of the energy in the gas tube delivery method was very inefficient because most was wasted in heat – the studies show that electrode delivery is superior and with John Bedini’s Pumpwave method that we’ll get into, it has taken electrode delivery to a whole other level.
The Signal Generator Scam
Rife later had an assistant named John Crane who turned out to be someone that was highly incompetent. He never understood what Rife and Hoyland did and eventually started to sell simple frequency generators claiming that one could simply output one of the “Rife Frequencies” and it would do the same thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Watch the first video on this page by John Bedini where he mentions John Crane. John Bedini became friends with Crane in order to learn what he knew about Rife’s technology and it wasn’t long before it became apparent that Crane was clueless. Bedini was a genius with electronics and had a lot of military background with radio frequency equipment. With Crane’s signal generators, the output was simply applied by electrodes. This is one of the first clues that Crane didn’t know what he was doing. Crane simply had no idea what Rife really did – he thought you could just divide the frequencies by 10, output that through a signal generator and somehow magically, you have a Rife Machine.

Signal Generator
To this day, many manufactures of “Rife Machines” are simply selling signal generators and are continuing the same scam as John Crane whether they know it or not. If you’ve searched around for information on Rife Machines, you may have come across something that looks like the signal generator in the picture to the left. It’s an excellent signal generator for producing the audio frequencies that need to be mixed with the 3.1 MHz carrier frequency, but that is the only function it has in a Rife system. Many companies have sold this kind of unit all by itself claiming it is a Rife machine because they’re pulling the same scam as John Crane because they don’t understand what Rife actually did. The unit in the picture to the left was originally included with the RPX system to serve the only purpose it should ever have and that is being a signal generator, period. Take note that the NEW Bedini RPX V3.0 has it’s own built in signal generator so it is not only the best Rife Machine available, it is now the most user friendly because it doesn’t require any extra attachments or peripherals. You can choose to use your own external signal generator if you wish but it isn’t necessary. Getting away from digital is always one of the best things you can possibly do. Keep in mind that we DO want a signal generator to produce the audio frequencies but the only way to actually have a real system that produces the Rife Frequencies with sidebands the way that Rife and Hoyland did, you need the RPX unit plain and simple! The NEW Bedini RPX V3.0 has it built into the same unit! The effectiveness was always proven with the SIDEBANDS because there is movement and a wobble to the radio frequencies being produced and that is what worked. With a steady simple frequency from a function generator, this vibration or wobble is non-existent. Also, keep in mind that many companies selling signal generators as Rife Machines have a model that revolves around punching in exact Rife Frequencies, but Rife and Hoyland didn’t do that. Sure, they can set the audio signal generator to a particular frequency to mix with the fundamental for whatever they are targeting, but the sweep method obsoletes the need to even know what any of the Rife Frequencies are. That makes it more versatile and more user friendly. Companies selling the idea that you have to punch in specific frequencies is simply evidence that they don’t understand what Rife and Hoyland actually developed with the Sweep Method. We used to offer this exact signal generator, which is a 20 MHz capable unit, which is way more than what you need. Also look at all the function buttons on this one, it is way more robust than what many others are selling but now it is completely obsolete!

Animation of Bedini RPX Pumpwave
The Bedini RPX 3.1 MHz Sideband Generator v3.0 is an electrode delivery device, but there is a huge difference that actually enables it to deliver the frequencies in a superior manner than any electrode delivery device available anywhere but it does more than that! An animated gif to the left with the blue waveform shows this. There is an additional circuit in the RPX that produces a low frequency carrier wave that the high frequency carrier 3.1 MHz and sidebands are super-imposed on and the low frequency carrier enables it to not only have superior deliverability but it literally acts like a pump to sequentially pump the Rife Rife frequencies to their destination in a way that nobody has ever accomplished. This low frequency carrier wave is modified by the sweeping audio frequencies, which enhances how the low frequency carrier operates and is delivered.
RPX Output
The RPX output can be through electrode delivery or the output can be applied to a single wire pancake spiral coil for electromagnetic delivery, which is a growing area of research. Both methods are commonly used but electrode delivery was believed to be superior by John Bedini.
Why No Plasma Tube?
It costs thousands of dollars and use a lot of power. Most of the energy is wasted in heat in creating the plasma itself and only a small percent of that energy is broadcast as radio waves to where they are desired to go. Since this is true, it is only necessary to have a small unit that directly transmits the Rife Frequencies by electrodes using the Pump Wave method, which essentially obsoletes the entire need to have plasma tubes and at a fraction of the energy cost. The plasma tubes look cool so have a real eye-candy aspect to them, but they’re completely unnecessary. If you watch the videos up above, you can see the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator is producing the EXACT waveforms and sidebands that his “MOPA” (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) unit is producing in the plasma bulb. Technically, it’s not a MOPA for it does act like on in a casual manner. Actually, the RPX unit produces a cleaner and higher quality carrier frequency of 3.1 MHz as well as sidebands since the oscillator that produces the fundamental frequency is EXACT to 5-6 decimals. That is virtually impossible to achieve with a tube type of oscillator. John Bedini does favor a wobble in the carrier, but with the sweep method, all the variability is already intrinsically built in.
What’s New About The RPX v3.0?
Since the original RPX had a single LED that shows when the Pumpwave is pulsing and there was no option to turn it off, but there was no separate power light. Now there is a switch to turn the Pumpwave on and off so when it is off, there is a separate power light to let you know the unit is still on. This has been an option since the Bedini RPX v2.0 and it remains in the Bedini RPX v3.0. The purpose of the switch is to let you have the Pumpwave when you want the output going through electrodes since that is the entire point of having the Pumpwave. However, many researchers want to study the Rife Frequencies in their pure form with the 3.1 MHz fundamental with the sidebands without the Pumpwave. Perhaps they want to send the output to a pancake coil, other coil, or they want it to modulate some low power plasma bulb or send it to some other light or sound source – in that case, the switch can be used to turn the Pumpwave off. It is much more versatile and since the upgrades didn’t increase our manufacturing costs too much, we were able to offer the v3.0 RPX for the SAME PRICE as the previous versions! That’s right – no price increase for a much more flexible unit. With the newest v3.0 – we’re doing everything we can to keep the cost as close to the same as possible. Obviously, it is a much more streamlined unit that cost a small fortune to develop over many months and here it is! At least for the introductory period, we’ll try to keep prices low but realize, that means you’re getting it for 1/2 to 1/3 or less than what is should be selling for.
Real Rife Machine Availability
There is only one other company that manufacturers a machine that produces sidebands like Rife and it costs over $1800 and is the RPXs closest competitor. Their sweep frequency is limited to 40 kHz so we already know that the 150 kHz sweep is superior in every aspect. John Bedini had collaborated with the developer of that machine over the years and unfortunately that machine has capabilities that only John Crane was speaking about so it can’t be trusted as original Rife technology.

The most legitimate electrode delivery Rife Machine in the world continues to be the Bedini RPX 3.1 MHz Sideband Generator. We’re thrilled to be able to offer the v3.0 after all these years. There is no other electrode based Rife Machine that offers the features of this machine and it only costs a fraction of not only the tube machines but also the digital electrode machines! It also cost less than most simple signal generators that are sold as Rife Machines as well so not only are you getting the best technology, you’re getting it for the best price. The closest competitor’s product retails for over $1800 – the RPX is stronger, more streamlined, doesn’t have the digital electronics that could fail, sweeps to 150 kHz to make stronger sidebands that correlate to Rife’s Frequencies and it has John Bedini’s ultra genius Pumpwave exclusive to the RPX. The suggested retail price for the RPX 3.0 should be $2000 to $2500 but we will post a retail of $1495 and it is worth way more and this current phase of the introductory special is $795, which will expire at any time unannounced.
Although we have a NO REFUND policy for these units, we do offer a 1 year guarantee! If at anytime the RPX unit malfunctions within 1 year from the purchase date, contact us for return authorization before sending anything back to us. We will attempt to repair any malfunction and if it is repairable, we will replace said item with a new unit. Any attempt to open any of these devices to repair it yourself without our authorization automatically voids your warranty. Less than 0.5% of the previous edition RPX combos ever had any problems and almost all the problems were with the Chinese signal generators and not with the RPX itself.
Our new RPX™ Sideband Generators are professionally manufactured right here in Spokane, Washington, USA. The circuit boards are assembled at a local PCB assembly company and will be assembled at our own shop where we manufacture/assemble our Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillators. The quality and workmanship is guaranteed. We choose to employ people in our own hometown and we hope you can appreciate that.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s included in the box?
With each RPX order, you will receive 1 x RPX unit, 1 x battery charger, 1 x output cable and 1 x instruction sheet.
What kind of electrodes can I get and/or where can I get them?
We just use cheap copper tubing from the hardware store. About 2 pieces that are around 1/2″ diameter and about 3-4 inches long. Just clip the leads to it. Shine them up with a souring pad when they get oxidized. The electrode type is not critical – just needs to be something conductive.
Should we use conductive gel with the electrodes?
Yes, use one that is free of parabens such as this: Conductive Gel
How long should the RPX be used?
15 minutes on the low end and up to 60 minutes at the top end.
How long will the battery last?
When fully charged, you will get many hours of use out of it but it is recommended to charge the battery up after every couple hours of use.
Can the RPX power a plasma tube?
That is a regression in the technology because electrodes with the Bedini Pumpwave obsoletes electromagnetic or plasma output. The RPX does not have enough power to drive a tube.
Can the RPX output be put to a electromagnetic coil?
Yes, it is not as good as electrodes with the Bedini Pumpwave but you can take some insulated wire around 20 AWG and about 40 feet long and wind a spiral that you glue to a piece of plastic or wood. Take the 2 output leads and connect them to the inner and outer leads of the pancake/spiral coil. Silver wire with cotton insulation would be recommended but we cannot assist you in finding any.
Can this be used radionically?
Make a pancake coil as described above and put your witness, etc. on the coil. There are no guarantees as this is all for research and testing.
Can I enter frequencies into the RPX?
Not directly and that would defeat the purpose of having an authentic Rife frequency generator. The audio frequencies sweep from low to high while mixing with a carrier to produce sidebands that are harmonics of the “Rife Frequencies” – that is how Rife and his assistant Hoyland did it and that is how you should create the frequencies too. You can use an external signal generator to input any low frequency you want so that when it mixes with the 3.1MHz carrier, you will create sidebands that are harmonics of your own desired frequency.
How can I calculate what audio frequency to input to create sidebands that are harmonics of my desired frequency?
Use the calculator on this page. Leave 3100000 in the carrier frequency field. Enter your desired frequency in that field such as 432. Press Enter. You will see that you need to use an audio frequency of 32 Hz that mixes with the 3.1 MHz carrier to produce sidebands that are harmonics of 432 Hz. Watch the video on this website that teaches you how to calculate them if you want to learn how to do it without a calculator.
How long is shipping?
If RPX units are in stock, they ship within 24-72 hours and if you’re in the USA, you’ll receive it in about 3 business days. If in Canada or overseas, it will take about 10 business days.
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