Georges Lakhovsky is the inventor of the Multiwave Oscillator or MWO for short. It is a high frequency, high voltage device that causes a rapidly alternating displacement current between the antenna coils. When your body is sitting between the coils and receives these Tesla type longitudinal impulses, all the cells are invigorated with Life Force energy straight from the Aether.
This was the subject of Paul Babcock’s recent presentation called The Universal Medium and when you hear his presentation, you are going to make it a priority to build one yourself – the proper way – or purchase one that is built right.
Here is a link to download Georges Lakhovsky’s book called The Secret of Life: http://www.fundebien.org.mx/pdf/THE_SECRET_LAKHOVSKY.pdf
Learn more about Paul Babcock’s presenation: http://emediapress.com/2017/08/11/the-universal-medium-by-paul-babcock/