Marty Luckoski will discuss the ways in which we have been lead to believe that some things are impossible in the fields of science and wellness and how belief and open-mindedness are the foundations of true innovation. He will also speak about AquaCure and Brown’s Gas (HHO) therapy and its benefits.
Marty Luckoski is George Wiseman’s business partner who is heading up the development and manufacturing of their product line. George Wiseman is the leading authority on HHO or Brown’s Gas generators.
HHO is commonly ducted water gas that has many amazing properties – some bordering on the supernatural. It is known that water has a memory effect and when producing HHO from water and allowing the gas to recombine into water, it appears that the water’s memory has been reset. There are many applications for this gas and the AquaCure machine literally “cures” the water itself!
Download this FREE video here – read the entire webpage carefully for a special deal: https://emediapress.com/shop/hho-transcending-the-limits-of-science-and-wellness/