Last night, I reread John Bedini’s RPX book and it is astounding how simple he keeps boiling this all down to. What is even more astounding is how 99% of all the devices sold online claiming to be Rife machines are all junk and do not work and have nothing to do with Rife at all.
It is important to always understand the lineage of where your information is coming from and John was intimately connected to Joseph Crane – Rife’s own assistant. Although Crane was a charlatan, he didn’t fool John and John figured out what was really going on with the help of a few other brilliant men who were involved with the project.
The history of all of this is laid out as well as technical details on HOW the machine works and once you understand it and what John’s innovation contributed to this understanding, you can see why the plasma tubes are NOT even necessary.
Having known John for almost 20 years and having spent countless hours at his various shops over those years, it was always amazing to watch how he keeps making any particular circuit simpler and simpler and simpler. That is exactly what he has done with his Sideband Generator circuit, which actually has its origins in his work on the Rife technology starting decades ago.
I personally have no background in radio frequency circuits, sidebands, etc… however, between John’s book and 3.6 hours of video that comes with the book, the operating principles and how it is built is easily understood.

Some people think it is all about audio frequencies that are common to countless “Rife Frequency” lists that are available everywhere you look. They also think they can just get some function generator and output those frequencies to electrodes and that is supposed to do something – big mistake. They also think you need some high power plasma tube to transmit the frequencies and although that works, it is completely unnecessary.
For the audio frequencies, it is important to understand what you have to do with them in order for them to be significant. And it is also important to understand their mathematical relationship with a fundamental frequency that is necessary to produce the REAL Rife frequencies. Without this knowledge, all those audio Rife Frequency lists are completely useless.
Another very important fact to understand is the method of DELIVERY of the frequencies. Once you understand Priore’s work, then you understand what John has simplified while making the plasma tubes obsolete and what used to fill up a 4 story building can now be held in the palm of your hand, literally.
John lays out some simple block diagrams in the Bedini RPX book as well as some very specific schematics that are COMPLETE that allow you to build an analog Sideband Generator that outputs the proper Rife Frequencies along with a low power delivery method that doesn’t require a tube. And the whole circuit can be made with common off-the-shelf components available at Mouser, Digikey, etc…
If you’re an electrical engineer and also have experience with audio circuits, it will be more than obvious how to make multiple variations of the same circuit that will accomplish the same thing.
This book shows what to look for on a scope as well as a frequency analyzer with a tracking option so you can see that all the Rife Frequencies ARE indeed being hit like a magic bullet. And with the proper sweeping input from an audio generator, it will hit ALL the frequencies further making it obsolete to program in any particular frequency.
Please understand this information is for experimental use only with no claims given, but it is THE most important disclosure of Rife’s technology that has ever been given to the public.
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Get your copy of John Bedini’s RPX book/dvd set here: Bedini RPX