Today, we’re releasing Dr. James DeMeo’s presentation, The Power of the Vacuum and The Wilhelm Reich Orgone Motor, which is available here: https://emediapress.com/shop/the-power-of-the-vacuum-and-the-wilhelm-reich-orgone-motor/
Dr. James DeMeo is the leading authority on the work of Wilhelm Reich who is known for his studies relating to the life force, etheric energy known as Orgone. His replications of Reich’s work and independent discoveries have contributed greatly to this growing field that acknowledges that the ether is valid and quantifiable in terms of its existence.
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At the last couple conferences, Dr. DeMeo presented Parts 1 and 2 of of Orgone Energy Experiments and also Cosmic Ether Exists, which are required study for an in-depth look at the real science that shows that ether exists, undeniably. Many “experts” claim that the ether has been disproved by the Michelson-Morley experiments in the late 1800’s but what they leave out is that Michelson himself actually had positive results and defended the ether till the end.
This presentation is a continuation of this train of thought along with other observations and experiments that will focus on three different approaches to the work of Reich and related.
- A replication of TT Browns electrogravitics. Dr. DeMeo made his own 90 KVDC system, novel gravitor that moves around on a pivot at about 2 MPH.
- Reich’s 12V KS 9154 Western Electric motor, a small 2-phase item working on eddy currents, he found that it works well at low power ~3 volts, very standard for this motor, with a take-apart pics.
- Orgone charged high vacuum, slight electrical charges from them. Charging of capacitors to yield sl. higher voltage. Orgone charged GM Tubes, yielding anomalously very high CPM, verified Reich’s finding at his lab.
All are works in progress, the only real amazing thing is the high counts, up to 3000 to 4000 CPM in the OR charged GM tubes, at the max of the last sunspot cycle. Today at minima, only 300-400 CPM, background only. Without OR charging, maybe 2 CPM, specialized neutron counter.
Get your copy here: https://emediapress.com/shop/the-power-of-the-vacuum-and-the-wilhelm-reich-orgone-motor/
It is highly recommended to get a copy of Dr. DeMeo’s past presentations – learn more here: Cosmic Ether Exists and Orgone Energy Experiments