The Real History Of The Ed Gray Motor Part 1
If you’re like me, you probably learned about Ed Gray and his EMA Motor from Dr. Peter Lindemann’s book The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity. The story of the motor’s development was covered extensively in newspaper and magazine articles written in the 1970’s and didn’t seem to be part of the mystery.
After all, the apparent “unknowns” concerned “how the technology worked” and not “where the technology came from”. That is, until I started looking deeper into the situation.
Over time, Dr. Lindemann’s book brought a lot of people out of the woodwork. Remarkably, they each had a story to tell that didn’t support the “official reports” from the 1970’s. This intrigued me and I eventually decided to follow up on some of these rumors.
At first, nobody wanted to talk to me, especially members of Gray’s family. But eventually, I gained their trust. Ed had kept so many secrets that nobody saw the whole picture. Everybody had their own little piece of the story. Once these interviews started, however, I was hooked.
I recorded and transcribed more than 30 interviews, with over 300 hours of material, including hundreds of new photographs. I personally interviewed every member of Gray’s family who was willing to talk, as well as every business partner, investor, observer, and employee who was still alive. This took a lot longer than I thought it would.
Over a 6 year period, a time-line of events emerged that was revised dozens of times as new information came in. In the end, I distilled this complex story down to its essential events, to give you The REAL History of the Ed Gray Motor.
(Description by Mark McKay)
Part of the 2012 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (65 mins downloadable video).
The Real History Of The Ed Gray Motor Part 2
In February of 2014, I received a call from one of the primary, early supporters and personal friend of Ed Gray. He told me that he had found some recently uncovered audio tapes from his attic, where he was interviewing Gray’s Chief Engineer, Richard Hackenberger, about the technology’s secret power supply method. He sent me a transcript of these recordings and they revealed a lot of new information that has never been released before!
It took me a couple of months to go through it and organize it into a reasonable summary, which I gave at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
This is the REAL background and history of WHERE this technology came from. And I can tell you one outrageous detail… ED GRAY is NOT the inventor!
My lectures review the entire 32 year saga of this amazing “self-powered” engine. This includes its conception, early development, advanced prototypes, financial support, governmental interference, and final demise, as revealed by the testimony of the people who were actually there.
I explain, step by step, how this world changing technology was discovered, developed, and then lost again. You will learn how inspiration, experimentation, cooperation, and hard work were finally defeated by character flaws, greed, entrenched interests, blind law enforcement, and ignorance.
Told for the first time in public, this is the REAL story of Ed Gray and his fantastic self-running machine.
(Description by Mark McKay)
Part of the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference series (55 mins downloadable video).
Save $17 when you buy both presentations together!
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