Ernst is a member of Energetic Forum who has shared quite a bit of his work with his version of a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter.

Although A & P does not necessarily endorse his viewpoint on the matter, he has openly shared it and we’re passing this on to you.
In this discussion thread at Energetic Forum, you can find Ernst’s claims regarding his speculation that the TMT is not just an analogy of Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine but works on the same principles:
Right now, the discussion thread is not very long so you can read the whole thing in a few minutes.
Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine works by simply creating a “perpetual” cold sink where heat can constantly move towards it, while producing mechanical work. Tesla has been quoted as saying it is his most important engineering accomplishment. This is over-simplified but is the basic idea in a nutshell.
You can watch the introductory video, which presents his ideas here:
Here is a link to a Google Drive document, which is a 66 page analysis by Ernst explaining the technical details:
We hope that if you gain something useful from Ernst’s work and want to do something with it that you will at least give him credit and you can contact him directly at Energetic Forum if you have any questions. His username on the forum is: Ernst
Eric Dollard has built and demonstrated a working Tesla Magnifying Transmitter as far back as the 1970’s and years ago, Peter Lindemann and Tom Brown saw one version. While they were packing up, Peter picked up a 300 watt light bulb and it lit to full brightness without any heat, electrical sensations in his body or any other phenomena that could be detected. In simple terms, the TMT works by exploiting the fluctuations of the dielectric field.
For further research into this subject, Peter Lindemann has a lot of references on Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine. This is not to take away from Ernst’s tireless work and dedication to the project, but rather to present a broader picture of the subject.
Here is an article on Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine from Borderland –
Peter has two presentations that go into a lot of detail on utilizing ambient heat as an energy source, which are called Perpetual Motion Reality & Open System Thermodynamics.
Here are other ambient heat references on Peter’s website:
Walter Lovell created the twist off beer bottle cap – he also created a thermal junction that creates electricity from heat and it does NOT require a cold side so it does not operate on a temperature differential but just plain temperature:
Tesla’s Radiant Energy presentation and PowerPoint by Peter Lindemann is a must have for anyone studying the subject of the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter, which is available here: