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2016 Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts

2016 Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts

Stan Meyer’s REAL Original Water Fuel Method
John Bedini – You will be missed!
Wind Power in less than 1 MPH
Primeval Code
13 Year Old Harvests Electricity from Air
Tesla’s Self-Acting Engine?
Cold Incandescent Light Bulbs?
A Water Bottle that Fills Itself
MIT Reverses Alzheimer’s with 40Hz Blinking Lights?
Lossless Electric Current

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2015 Spokane Windstorm – How to Keep the Lights On

2016 Spokane Windstorm
2016 Spokane Windstorm

Here is a video showing a Plasma Ignition setup on a gasoline generator, which supplied power to a home during the day and charged up a big battery bank. Then at night when the loud noise wasn’t welcome, the generator was turned off and everything needed ran on a battery bank.

This is also the first time the Plasma Ignition setup on the gasoline generator was explained on video. If you want more info on the Plasma Ignition – visit

I did use small scale solar not shown in the video using both crystalline and thin film solar panels – get the Free book here:

The ultimate battery chargers and solar charge controllers are here: