Electrocuture if over 270 years old and is the science of using high voltage to influence the growth of plants. Plants grow faster, stronger, need less nutrients, pesticides and other additives. Many of these methods are to simulate the Earth’s natural dielectric field that exists between the ground and the ionosphere.
Throughout almost three-hundred years of experiments, field trials, stringent academic research, etc. it has become indisputable that simply using electrostatic potential can drastically alter how plants grow.
Another benefit is that if only high voltage potential is used, current is not flowing so it does energy is not expended on the plant. The only energy loss is in the transformer’s magnetizing losses in order to create the high voltage field. It is a true free-energy technology because the increase in growth in the plants is way more than the energy expended to treat them.
In the last 1980’s and early 1990’s, a large pharmaceutical giant had some scientists on their team that were experimenting with high voltage fields on cells and no matter how the cells were deprived of light, oxygen, nutrients, etc. they continued to thrive as long as they were exposed to high voltage fields.
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That was the inspiration to move into other experiments where germinating seeds and fertilized fish eggs were treated and something very unexpected happened. Growth not only increased, but the gene expression changed!
When corn seeds were treated, they went on to grow corn that had 5-12 ears of corn per plant!
When fern spores were treated, they grew into a fern that had been extinct for over 1 MILLION YEARS! Top image is the normal fern you seen today. The one below that is what grew after the treatment and fossil evidence shows that the non-micro serrated fern leaves have not been in existence for over 1 Million years!
When wheat was treated, it grew “SUPERWHEAT” that was ready to harvests in 4 weeks rather than 6-7 months!!! The ears were smaller, but there were more per plant. That is about 650% FASTER than normal wheat and it is stronger, more nutrient rich, more disease and pest resistant, etc.
When trout eggs were treated, trout hatched that had “Salmon Hooks”, which had not been seen on this trout for over 150 years since they had been extinct! The one on the left is the normal trout of today. The one on the right is what hatched after eggs from the type on the left were treated. They grew “Salmon Hooks”, grew about 30% bigger, 30% faster, were more disease resistant, were stronger and more aggressive swimmers, etc.
The video excerpt below does not go into this amazing and unusual but highly beneficial effect, but is but a small sample of what is discussed in this presentation.
GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) promises to feed the world, have more disease and pest resistant plants, more abundant harvests, etc. but the empirical evidence is that it is Pandora’s box where none of these benefits are realized long term and they are causing environmental and financial catastrophes all over the world. This is why so many countries are banning GMO seed crops because it isn’t speculation, it is fact that GMO plants are dangerous, cause cancer, among countless other negative effects.
High Voltage seed treatment simply supplies the potential for germinating seeds (or eggs) to access the dormant genetics that are ALREADY inside the DNA. Therefore, no genes are changed, the potential is there to simply access the genetic programming that nature itself has built into the plants.
The potential is for larger and faster harvests with higher quality food, less fertilizers and little to no herbicides or pesticides. And, for the fact that it takes almost no energy to accomplish these amazing benefits, we could very well be on our way to abundant food production for the entire world without crossing the danger zone that GMOs are known for.
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