This is a must have presentation because the Tesla Turbine is one of the “low hanging fruits” when it comes to a technology that is the closest to fulfilling a sustainable energy generator that can power your home or business. With relatively low temperatures, you can have a turbine spinning 10’s of thousands of RPM turning a generator that supplies electricity. There are many variations and applications of the Tesla Turbine technology and the particular one that Jeremiah Ferwerda is focusing on is the “cyrophorus” method.
That means there is a hot and cold side to the turbine – the warm water tank boils water at a low temperature because a vacuum is applied to it, that steam drives the drive stage of the turbine and the other side is a vacuum side that pulls a vacuum through the drive stage all the way to the water to keep it boiling at a low temperature.
Solar electricity is about 20% efficient if you’re lucky but what most people don’t understand is that using the sun to heat water is much more efficient. So, with not much effort to heat some water with the sun, you’ll have a solar battery that runs a turbine at high speed making electricity – literally, the concept is as simple as that and for this particular application of the Tesla Turbine, Jeremiah is further ahead that anyone else developing more and more efficient methods with the cyrophorus method. Imagine a solar electric system that winds up being 40, 60, 80 or even close to 100% efficient!
In 2020, Jeremiah presented other aspects of the Tesla Turbine system but that presentation was never released because we were not able to include a demonstration. We’re also releasing this presentation at the same time so you can get either the 2020 1.5 hour presentation or the 2021 1 hour presentation with demo or both at a further discount.
Get your copy here: https://emediapress.com/shop/nikola-teslas-thermodynamic-transformer/