Last year in 2020, at the 19th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference, Eric Dollard presented: Electromagnetic Induction and its Propagation: A Sequel to the Work of Oliver Heaviside of the Same Title.
The presentation is available here: (PAPERBACK LINK IS BELOW THIS)
This presentation is being put into paperback form and will be several parts – most likely 3. Part 1 has now been released on Amazon as a paperback and in Kindle – that is available here: Electromagnetic Induction and its Propagation
This Part 1 will also be available in E-book form here on emediapress.com and we’ll announce this as soon as it’s available.
This coming Sunday the 26th at NOON PACIFIC TIME, we’re having a live call to specifically discuss this new paperback release.
Call into this number and enter this access code:
Conference Call Dial-in: 1-857-232-0155
Conference Code: 582590
Please MUTE your own phone when you get on the call. If you want to ask a question when we open up for questions, press 5* and you will be unmuted so you can ask your question. The call will be recorded and put online at a later time. Please keep your questions relevant to the topic.
It is recommended to at least watch this preview video of the presentation to get a feel for the content that is to be discussed.