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2024-06-28 Dollard-Lindemann History, Stories and Science Part 1

This is the first of a few videos where Eric Dollard and Peter Lindemann are discussing their past history of when they met, who they knew and what they were working on.

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5 thoughts on “2024-06-28 Dollard-Lindemann History, Stories and Science Part 1

  1. Good evening Aaron, Eric, Peter, watching this call was a treat. Since questions were asked to be posted here I have a few concerning Caduceus Coils.

    I’ve recently gotten into contact with someone using a device I hope to make a post about on the forum sometime soon, a large part of it is essentially a flat caduceus coil with Phi ratios and it shows some incredibly potent results, including very strong radiant energy output that can damage the electrical systems in the house, I’m looking for information on what these kinds of coils do and why they do it.

    So far I’ve tracked down the following claimed phenomena associated with them from old posts on the energetic forum, they:

    Are cold
    Produce radiant energy with a significant magnification factor
    Have little to no impedance
    Emit comparatively little radiation to conventional coils

    There were also posts on the forum on using a caduceus coil as the primary or secondary of a tesla coil type circuit to blind the input from the output, preventing the loads from influencing the source. I suspect that the geometry creates constructive interference with standing waves in an extremely short time interval to produce considerable radiant energy bursts, this is supported with scope measurements of the peaks coinciding with 7 nanosecond changes in the waveform.

    I would very much like to know more about the underlining principles of their operation and would be very interested in learning more about these coils.
    Kind Regards -R

  2. Question to Eric for possible next video:
    Can you please point me out to resources that new people to this field of electricity and without any knowledge about it (also without brain like yours) could start with?
    I mean – if u say that all common knowledge about electricity is let’s say “wrong” someone like me who does not posses this knowledge can start fresh with open mind.
    We just need some pointers and easy start bcs this topic is very complicated.

    In my case I’m interested in Lakhowsky, Reich, Russel and use of magnets and copper antennas, spirals, coils, etc for plants growth and possible healing effects on humans.
    It was all suppressed years ago and those devices are not being used anymore.

    I think it can help that I live in Poland so I’m not harmed by USA teachings/institutions 😉
    I started to post videos on my YT channel: MartinMaxKing but right now I’m familiarizing myself with those topics and want to create easily to replicate experiments.

    Thank you for your work,
    Best Regards

  3. Question for Eric:

    At 01:22:19 he talkes about the RCA Station being positioned on one of the most important places on planet Earth, the amerindians calling it the “Hole in The Sky”, that they wouldn’t stay there for more than 12 h, because they got radiated. Radiated with what? Is this about LeyLines? Is there any method to measure this type of radiation that is emited in this places? What type of radiation is it?

    Thank You !

  4. At 00:42:17 he talkes about “something” being formed in the bulb, that left the bulb and exploded at the individual who was responsible of moving the equipment from/to the Integratron and the individual disappeared. What does he mean by that? Was the person carbonized? or did he simply vanished? Can he expand on the subject?

  5. Question for Peter:
    A while ago Peter said in a discussion that he saw a device that used under 1 watt of power and was radiating microwave frequencies into a metal rod and because it was somehow resonating with the internal structure of the metal, it melted the thing. Can he give more specifics of the assembly, what metal was it, dimensions, what was the exact frequency, etc.?

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