The current set of experiments come about through the findings of Geesink and Meijer, some of which I talked about last year. (The life beneficial frequencies and the life detrimental frequencies.) And on the most recent findings of Geesink and Meijer, there is yet more to say. There is some linkage between magnetically treating water with frequencies to structure it and the resulting properties of the structured water. The change in the water due to the frequency treatment involves a quantum field effect that causes the water to have a memory of the frequency. And because of that it falls within the subtle energy world including the homeopathic world. In a certain way, the treatment alters the bonding angle between the hydrogen and the oxygen and it sets up vibrations within the water’s coherent domains where I hypothesize that the water molecules become entangled. They all vibrate together. I suspect the vibrations are not the electron bonding vibrations. They are the vibrations of the potential electric field and potential magnetic field, which are holding the memory.
Why is any of this important? Each of our organs, each of our chakras, have vibrations due to the structured water in their tissues. If we know that an organ or chakra is weak, and if we know what the structured water properties the organ or chakra needs, we can treat water with the corresponding frequencies and the person can drink the treated water to strengthen the organ or chakra. Or the treatment may be given directly to the organ or chakra. My experiments will yield the data of how different frequencies change the water properties and that information with the information about what properties the water needs to have for an organ or chakra will be relevant in the vibration medicine world. At this time, what I am doing is too far out from the vibration medicine world. So it has to be considered as basic research that is interesting for the Energy Science and Technology Conference just because of the Einstein Planck relation between energy and frequency.

Frequencies, Water And Experiments
The current set of experiments come about through the findings of Geesink and Meijer, some of which I talked about last year. (The life beneficial frequencies and the life detrimental frequencies.) And on the most recent findings of Geesink and Meijer, there is yet more to say. There is some linkage between magnetically treating water with frequencies to structure it and the resulting propertie…