Special thanks to Simon Davies aka dR-Green (on Energetic Forum) for creating a simple, user-friendly calculator on the new RPX website. Everyone can instantly see what audio frequency needs to be mixed with the 3.1 MHz carrier in order to create sidebands that are rich in harmonics for ANY frequency they want.
Simon has been replicating much of Tesla and Dollard’s work over the years and his calculators are accurate so if you want to know how to calculate windings and other parameters for your experiments, he has both free and paid calculators available at: Tesla Scientific
Here’s an example of how you can use this calculator and the RPX as a 432 Hz harmonic generator, which nobody else is doing.
You take the carrier of 3.1 Mhz and divide it by 432 = 7175.93
Round up or down to the nearest whole number = 7176
Multiply your desired frequency of 432 x 7176 the multiplier = 3.100032 Mhz sideband that will be created
The difference between the sideband and carrier is 32 Hz
Therefore, if you use an external signal generator with the RPX and you input a sinewave limited to 2 volts with a frequency of 32 Hz, it will create a sideband of 3.100032 MHz, which is a multiple of 432 Hz and it will have a whole lot of harmonics of that frequency.
This can obviously be done with any desired frequency – why not use Rife’s brilliant method to create frequencies for your frequency needs? Everyone else is just focusing on the fundamental frequency but are completely ignoring the fact that the real power comes from all the harmonics.
Go to the calculator here, enter the desired frequency and hit return. You’ll instantly get the audio frequency needed to be input into the RPX to do the above: https://emediapress.com/rpx3#resources
Here is a video showing the new signal generator that will be included in the Bedini RPX Combo.
If you have a signal generator similar to this, the ONLY way you can have it replicate what Rife was doing is by connecting it to a Bedini RPX – there is no other way around it.
If you already have one of these signal generators, you can purchase the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator all by itself.
We’re also going to be coming out with some other devices that can be plugged into the SAME battery and signal generator so you don’t have to repurchase them. We’ll give details soon!
Go here to order the Bedini RPX Sideband Generator Combo. Sideband Generator
Here are 2 video tributes to John Bedini where he discusses Rife’s technology on the Jeff Rense show. Thanks to Davy Oneness for creating this video tribute!
The latest update on John Bedini’s knowledge regarding this technology is available at http://bedinirpxbook.com
We want to share the top 3 picks out of all the entries so you can see the wide range of creativity and talent that went into them.
The winner of the contest is Simon D. (dR_Green) of Wales – here is his entry:
The next runner ups are Mike K. (Washington state) below:
and Andy S. ( Macau) below:
Simon will receive a free Bedini RPX 3.1MHz Sideband Generator unit and Mike and Andy will each receive any two digital download packages of their choice.
Here is what it looks like right now:
Bedini RPX Sideband Generator
We are going to have the label printed right onto the black PVC case instead of using a sticker. We are leaning towards a black background, but we want your ideas!
Here are the graphics guidelines:
Printing: Offers full-color printing on most surfaces. In the unlikely event a surface is not eligible for full-color printing, they can pad print. Vector based artwork is required for printing. This includes, but is not limited to, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and .pdf or .eps files.
Ink Colors: Colors will be printed per your electronic artwork file. Artwork should be designed for the CMYK color space. If a PMS color value is requested, the CMYK equivalent will be printed. There may be a color shift in the process depending on the specific spot color. Black, red, and white ink is available for keypad printing.
The dimensions for the image that you submit must be 3.875 inches wide and 2 inches tall. It must be 1200 DPI. Of course if it is vectorized, we can adjust the dimensions slightly if needed. EPS is our primary choice for the format.
The primary text we want on the label is: RPX
Secondarily, it can also have: 3.1 Mhz Sideband Generator
You can decide if the electrode and pumpwave, battery input and audio input text is necessary – or if there is a way for you to make it look good.
We are accepting submissions in 1, 2 or 3 colors or even full color. If you can submit your design idea in all 4 of those, that is the most helpful.
If you use some kind of “frequency” or other background image from i-stock photo for example and your submission wins, we will go purchase the license fee for the graphic – just keep the link of what background image you used.
You can look at this video to get an idea of what the waveform looks like with the sidebands in case you want to design your own waveform based on the real waveform:
If your submissions wins, the copyright will be owned by A & P Electronic Media as this is to be considered a “work for hire” and will be free of any royalties.
If the graphic is larger than 10mb, please upload it to Dropbox and send us the link – or email it directly if it is small enough to: info@ (put the domain name for this website).
The deadline for submissions is February 7th, this coming Tuesday. This is only a few days because we hope to have the new label on the next production run of units.
Here is a video where I walk you through the way to measure the sideband frequencies that are created when using the Bedini RPX. A machine must produce these frequencies in order to hit all the real Rife frequencies or it is not a real Rife machine.
It is possible to input a single frequency that will alter the fundamental frequency in order to hit a specific Rife frequency, but by having a function generator sweep through a broad range, you hit them all automatically without knowing what the exact frequencies are. That means it also will hit frequencies that Rife did not yet know the function of.
This is an experimental test device with no claims given.
Last night, I reread John Bedini’s RPX book and it is astounding how simple he keeps boiling this all down to. What is even more astounding is how 99% of all the devices sold online claiming to be Rife machines are all junk and do not work and have nothing to do with Rife at all.
It is important to always understand the lineage of where your information is coming from and John was intimately connected to Joseph Crane – Rife’s own assistant. Although Crane was a charlatan, he didn’t fool John and John figured out what was really going on with the help of a few other brilliant men who were involved with the project.
The history of all of this is laid out as well as technical details on HOW the machine works and once you understand it and what John’s innovation contributed to this understanding, you can see why the plasma tubes are NOT even necessary.
Having known John for almost 20 years and having spent countless hours at his various shops over those years, it was always amazing to watch how he keeps making any particular circuit simpler and simpler and simpler. That is exactly what he has done with his Sideband Generator circuit, which actually has its origins in his work on the Rife technology starting decades ago.
I personally have no background in radio frequency circuits, sidebands, etc… however, between John’s book and 3.6 hours of video that comes with the book, the operating principles and how it is built is easily understood.
John Bedini Explains the REAL Rife Technology
Some people think it is all about audio frequencies that are common to countless “Rife Frequency” lists that are available everywhere you look. They also think they can just get some function generator and output those frequencies to electrodes and that is supposed to do something – big mistake. They also think you need some high power plasma tube to transmit the frequencies and although that works, it is completely unnecessary.
For the audio frequencies, it is important to understand what you have to do with them in order for them to be significant. And it is also important to understand their mathematical relationship with a fundamental frequency that is necessary to produce the REAL Rife frequencies. Without this knowledge, all those audio Rife Frequency lists are completely useless.
Another very important fact to understand is the method of DELIVERY of the frequencies. Once you understand Priore’s work, then you understand what John has simplified while making the plasma tubes obsolete and what used to fill up a 4 story building can now be held in the palm of your hand, literally.
John lays out some simple block diagrams in the Bedini RPX book as well as some very specific schematics that are COMPLETE that allow you to build an analog Sideband Generator that outputs the proper Rife Frequencies along with a low power delivery method that doesn’t require a tube. And the whole circuit can be made with common off-the-shelf components available at Mouser, Digikey, etc…
If you’re an electrical engineer and also have experience with audio circuits, it will be more than obvious how to make multiple variations of the same circuit that will accomplish the same thing.
This book shows what to look for on a scope as well as a frequency analyzer with a tracking option so you can see that all the Rife Frequencies ARE indeed being hit like a magic bullet. And with the proper sweeping input from an audio generator, it will hit ALL the frequencies further making it obsolete to program in any particular frequency.
Please understand this information is for experimental use only with no claims given, but it is THE most important disclosure of Rife’s technology that has ever been given to the public.
We’re giving you a free digital book or video from A & P Electronic Media with each and every purchase so make sure to let us know which one you want.
Get your copy of John Bedini’s RPX book/dvd set here: Bedini RPX
Royal Raymond Rife is well known for his “Rife Machine” that uses the “Rife Frequencies”, which he discovered by using his Rife Microscope.
What is of significance about this microscope is that it is able to see things that are so small that it’s considered impossible according to the science of conventional optics. Rife actually succeeded in doing this by using some very innovative prismatic and other methods. This is what his miracle microscope looked like:
Rife Microscope
Having this kind of technology opens up a whole new world of possibilities in many different areas of science.
Although the Rife Microscope is long gone, there is a new, relatively simple and in expensive method that has been devised that apparently will give all the same benefits!
Conventional microscopes can only see things that are larger than the half wavelength of the light that is being used, which limits the objects being seen to about 200nm (nano-meters) or larger.
Although there have been breakthroughs in microscope technology for a while now, it wasn’t until recently that this became possible using visible light. That means you would be able to see into the world that has remained invisible since the days of the Rife Microscope.
By using millions of 15nm wide titanium dioxide spheres that is applied to the object you want to examine, you’ll be able to see object as small as 45nm.
Keep in mind that this is with full visibility of the objects in life time as if you are looking at a live specimen under a regular microscope. And, if you use this in conjunction with any normal microscope, just by applying this new lens, it will increase its optical magnification power by five times.