In the last few years, Prof. Haralick became interested in subtle energy research but many of the experimental results were not explainable by the common paradigm. Some of his work in this area was presented at the last couple Energy Science & Technology Conferences.
It became apparent to him that there should be a theory that can begin to explain some of this unusual phenomena.
His interest was primarily focus on whether or not Maxwell’s Equations could be generalized so that it could be used to explain some of this work specifically including the type of work Tesla was involved with in the early 1900’s regarding longitudinal waves.
Get your copy here: https://emediapress.com/shop/longitudinal-scalar-waves-biquaternion-generalization-maxwells-equations/
Prof. Haralick will walk you through a very specific sequence of segments that include:
James Clerk Maxwell – an interesting biographic sketch that quite likely, many mathematicians and engineers have not heard of.
The Maxwell Equations in Modern Form – a general review to set the stage for a comparison of the rest of the presentation.
Maxwell’s Original 20 Equations – this takes you back to the original 1865 paper that he had before he wrote his treatise. Prof. Haralick has a strong intent to figure out what was in those equations in the way that Maxwell wrote them because what many people have said is that what Maxwell had in his equations are not the same as what the Heaviside-Biggs Equations are that are currently used.
Quaternions – this goes into the quaternion algebra, which sounds complicated but if you have any background in the most basic high school algebrea, you’ll understand quite a bit of it.
Quaternion Generalized Maxwell Equations – you’ll then be walked through the derivation and this derivation admits to a longitudinal electric wave along with the scalar wave and this type of “scalar wave” will most likely shock you. So far this comprises a little less than half of the presentation.
Tesla, Galinas, Zimmerman, & Hively – the rest of the talk regarding the work of these men, what they built and what they wrote that is relevant to this kind of generalizaton as well as other related topics. Some of the material covered in this section may reveal to you some thing that you have not previously realized – especially regarding Tesla’s work.
Get a copy of this presentation so you can have an authoritative analysis of Maxwell’s Equations that reveals a very specific type of “scalar wave”, which not been openly discussed in any literature on the subject.
Get your copy here: https://emediapress.com/shop/longitudinal-scalar-waves-biquaternion-generalization-maxwells-equations/