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2020-06-27 Live Call with Eric Dollard Released

Eric Dollard Longitudinal Waves

Here is the second of two live calls from last year that were never released. There are two new ones but they will be posted in sequential order – soon.

This call covers a lot of topics so watch it here below – it’s 1 hour 41 minutes long.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and give the video a like!

Make sure to help support EPD Laboratories, Inc. – donation info is available in the right column of

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Introducing Griffin Brock

Griffin G. Brock

Griffin Brock is a 16 year old enthusiast in the electrical sciences and he is an avid experimenter who has replicated some of Eric Dollard’s work. He was also a presenter at the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference. He delivered two presentations. One was on his variation of an electrodynamic seismic forecasting system and another was addressing issues with 3 Phase power systems.

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