At the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Janja Glogovac came to the conference to introduce herself, show their original trailer and to interview some of the presenters such as Eric Dollard, Jim Murray and others. It also happened to be on July 10, which was Tesla’s 160th birthday.
Here are a few pics of Janja and company at the conference interviewing some of the presenters:
Janja Glogovac – Teslafy Me – at the 2016 ESTCEric Dollard and Janja GlogovacJanja Glogovac interviewing Jim Murray at the 2016 ESTCJanja Glogovac interviewing Paul Babcock at the 2016 ESTCJanja Glogovac interviewing Peter Lindemann at the 2016 ESTCJanja Glogovac interviewing Prof. Robert Haralick at the 2016 ESTC
We’ve been waiting eagerly for this documentary to come out and it has finally been released!
Check out the original trailer from 2016, which was shown at the 2016 ESTC here:
Here is a 2016 Wake Up trailer with Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray & Eric Dollard:
Check out the brand new trailer recently released:
Get the new DVD of Teslafy Me on Amazon here: Teslafy Me
Buy or Rent the HD version of Teslafy Me on Amazon streaming Prime here: Teslafy Me
Rent or Buy it streaming on Comcast/Xfinity: Teslafy Me
Last weekend I watched The Current War, which is about the battle between Edison’s desire to maintain and grow his DC power plant system and Tesla’s desire to give the world AC power at about 1/3 the cost.
I first heard of this movie last year and have been eagerly awaiting its release.
The movie was well done as far as the quality of production is concerned, the acting was good but they didn’t quite develop the story well enough to build up the excitement enough with Tesla’s triumph of lighting the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago.
Nevertheless, it is a story that changed the world and is worth watching just for the history lesson. The story is also not ultra technical so even youngster’s can understand the gist of the story. It doesn’t get into Tesla’s more mysterious technologies, but Tesla’s character does mention briefly the transmission of electricity without wires and it was left at that.
Here’s the trailer:
Learn more about The Current War and where you can watch it: The Current War
One thing about the movie is that it doesn’t give a lot of context of where Tesla came from and more of his back story but there is a movie that is old enough that it’s free online that does a great job of giving you the larger story. It even has Orson Wells as JP Morgan – The Secret of Nikola Tesla. I’d recommend watching this old movie first and then The Current War second because you’ll have more of a frame of reference about everything referenced.
It’s got a bit of a dated, strange feel to it, but it’s definitely a must see. This version has subtitles, but at least its free. There is another version on YouTube that is a full version that doesn’t have subtitles but the audio and video aren’t perfectly in sync so this one seems to be the best edition.
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One of the most, if not the most, highly-anticipated books in the alternative energy scene is Hidden Energy, Telsa-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance by Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich.
Hidden Energy readies you for humankind’s next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the ultimate renewable. Making the leap is more about mindsets and a consciousness shift than technology.
Inspired by seeing their connection to nature and the cosmos, scientists and inventors are making breakthroughs. Help decide who benefits-amoral corporations or your family, communities and the environment….
Hidden Energy is not only beautifully done, it is very well-written as expected and very easy to read so it is for everyone – no technical experience is required!
Although it educates the reader on quite a few sustainable energy technologies, many which are potentially disruptive and rightfully so, it has a strong emphasis on the human-interest element and is logically divided into five parts. These five sections walk you through the thought processes and paradigms to the technologies themselves and concludes with a section on getting these technologies out to the world.
I just received my copy from Amazon and am glad that I choose the Hardback edition because I plan to pass this around to everyone that comes over and it’s going to be a lot more rugged. You can also get the paperback version on Amazon if you choose.
It’s also worth mentioning that quite a few of the inventors and developers who have presented at the conference, contributed in the forums or who have worked with many well-known names are mentioned in the book. These include John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray, Graham Gunderson, Dr. Gerald Pollack and many others including myself, which is a great honor!
Christmas is just around the corner and this book will be a very beautiful, thoughtful, important and timely gift for every Tesla, Free Energy or other alternative science enthusiast that you know – including yourself! Many of you are activists at heart when it comes to these subjects and there is no easier way than to buy a book for a friend or refer them to one.
Jeane Manning, B.A. Soc., is co-authoring Hidden Energy and previously authored other books about breakthroughs, starting with The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery Publishing NY 1996). Her previous books are published in ten countries. For 30+ years she interviewed scientists and inventors on various continents. She has been a social worker, journalist and publicist for a gypsy-style theatre company. Jeane has a veggie garden in British Columbia, Canada.
Susan A. Manewich M.S. is the President of New Energy Movement. Susan is experienced in the field of leadership development, organizational development, resonant technology and consciousness. She has co-authored work in Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life (Psychology Press, NY 2006) and Applying Emotional Intelligence (Psychology Press, NY 2007). Susan enjoys nature and spending time learning about ancient cultures.
Everything is made of the same stuff…so is there an exchange at every level? If everything is a field of information, then how does it inform? If everything vibrates then through what? What ethereal medium do most glance over? What is the primordial soup of creation? What is the foundation, and the entanglement – macro to macro.
How did Tesla come up with the wireless network? Where do those aha moments and ideas come from? Which greats were electrified? Water is one of the key elements and like all is it fundaMENTAL and eleMENTAL. This presentation is EXTREME on visuals.
In this presentation Karen Elkins takes you on a visual journey though a myriad of disciplines and shows you the interconnectedness within the universe – micro to macro – man, machine and the matrix.
Because she is the editor, researching and designer of Science to Sage E-Magazine, and has produced over 53 issue hosting the best in the world, she has images most have never seen. Her presentation shows riveting images of water most in the world have NEVER seen.
Karen Elkins is the create of Science to Sage – a uniquely visual magazine covering topics such as energy, consciousness, futurism and other related topics that fit right at home with Energy Times. She is a brilliant designer and has interviewed some of the biggest names in every one of these categories.
Check out the July 2017 issue here – you can click the square in the middle to open it up to full screen.