Last weekend I watched The Current War, which is about the battle between Edison’s desire to maintain and grow his DC power plant system and Tesla’s desire to give the world AC power at about 1/3 the cost.
I first heard of this movie last year and have been eagerly awaiting its release.
The movie was well done as far as the quality of production is concerned, the acting was good but they didn’t quite develop the story well enough to build up the excitement enough with Tesla’s triumph of lighting the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago.
Nevertheless, it is a story that changed the world and is worth watching just for the history lesson. The story is also not ultra technical so even youngster’s can understand the gist of the story. It doesn’t get into Tesla’s more mysterious technologies, but Tesla’s character does mention briefly the transmission of electricity without wires and it was left at that.
Here’s the trailer:
Learn more about The Current War and where you can watch it: The Current War
One thing about the movie is that it doesn’t give a lot of context of where Tesla came from and more of his back story but there is a movie that is old enough that it’s free online that does a great job of giving you the larger story. It even has Orson Wells as JP Morgan – The Secret of Nikola Tesla. I’d recommend watching this old movie first and then The Current War second because you’ll have more of a frame of reference about everything referenced.
It’s got a bit of a dated, strange feel to it, but it’s definitely a must see. This version has subtitles, but at least its free. There is another version on YouTube that is a full version that doesn’t have subtitles but the audio and video aren’t perfectly in sync so this one seems to be the best edition.
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Here is a short video demonstrating Paul Babcock’s motor that runs with no Back EMF. That means the rotor and stator do not see each other so they do not cause magnetic drag on each other. It can only motor as there is no generator action like most motors that operate with Back EMF.
It is very important to read the slide at 7 seconds into the video because that is a highly profound and astounding statement that is 100% true and essentially is one of many nails in the coffin of conventional electromagnetics. What is proves is that magnets are a source of energy, period.
Magnetic Energy Secrets by Paul Babcock
It is brief but enough to show that it does indeed run, since Paul recently repaired parts of the circuitry and power supply. It is also very important to understand that he has already shared the basic operating principles and theories in Magnetic Energy Secrets Parts 1, 2 & 3 here:
Here is Max Loughan – a 13 year old who made an energy harvester to take radio waves and other energies from the air and turned it into electricity to power LEDs.
It is similar to crystal radio technology and harvesters are not new, but seeing that a very bright 13 year old is passionate about invention and what it could do for the world is worthy of praise!
We need to encourage more children to move in this direction. Awesome job Max and thumbs up to your Tesla T-shirt too!
The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity by Eric Dollard
The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity is the most recent presentation by Eric Dollard, which was given at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
This is yet another groundbreaking presentation by Eric Dollard, which happens to include one of the most important explanations of J.J. Thomson’s work in regards to real aether physics.
It opens the doors to being able to directly engineer the aether but has evaded everyone since Thomson’s work was fairly convoluted and there was no continuity to his math. Eric straightened that out as much as possible and gave much needed clarity to the subject.
Here is a recent live interview with some callers who were either at the conference or purchased a copy of the presentation.
It is known by those who are skilled in the art of some overunity electrical devices that there is more going on with the electrical current than the typical electron flow theory can account for.
For years, John Bedini has said that current meters that measure electron current only measure what is wasted. Eric Dollard has said that energy is the rate that electricity is being destroyed, which is the same thing since that current multiplied by voltage over time is energy, the destruction of organized potential, and that is what the meters are measuring.
In Jim Murray’s SERPS device, which has demonstrated almost 50 times more work being done than the net draw from the power supply, Jim has said that there is extra energy in the current. However, most conventionally trained engineers simply cannot comprehend how this can be.
For example, if we have an incandescent light bulb in an electrical circuit and we supply electricity to this load, the bulb will light up. However, a common idea is that the bulb is “burning up” all the electricity that passes through it, but nothing could be further from the truth.
In the SERPS for example, electricity is passed through a resistive load and then a capacitor is charged on the other side of the load. Then, at the right time, the capacitor is discharged backwards through the load back to the source (generator) turning it into a motor for that moment. So, if the generator is only a generator for 1/2 the time and is a motor 1/2 the time, the motor or prime mover moving the generator to begin with sees virtually no net load.
That demonstration alone is proof that there are some other properties to electrical current than what can be accounted for by simple electron current theory alone. There is something extra and the so-called electron current, which is measurable by common current meters cannot explain or account for it all – just as Bedini and Dollard has hinted.
A couple years ago, a very important announcement was made during research into “cuprate superconductors”, which contain copper, which revealed that, “electrons are not enough to carry the current. ” Discussion on this “violation” appears to go back to the 1990’s when searching online references.
Although these discussions focus on a very specific sets of conditions required to elicit such violations of common electron current theory, the implications are staggering when reading between the lines.
Whether superconductors are used or not, the fact is that there is more current being carried than can be accounted for by the electrons. So, what else is carrying the current? And does this actually give more credibility to some overunity claims where the end results are more than what can be accounted by measuring the output electrically?
For example, in the Bedini SG, if one were to measure the electrical output of a the machine, it is always less than what actually winds up in the battery. Stating it another way, there is more that winds up in the battery than can be measured leaving the circuit charging it. There are some interesting things that are happening in the battery, which allow the battery to start receiving free source potential from it’s environment, which doesn’t come from the electrical circuit – it’s related but not directly proportional.
Now, this understanding that shows that there is more to the current than the electrons can account for suggest other means for transferring potential to the battery, which probably can’t be measured by the meters. It is understood that there absolutely is more that winds up in the battery than can be measured leaving the circuit, which is indisputable and anything like this that can contribute to a clearer understanding of these kinds of observations is more than welcome.
In the article from a few years ago, Electrons are not enough: Cuprate superconductors defy convention, The below diagram shows that there is more electrical charge than can be accounted for by electrons alone.
“Luttinger’s theorem states that the number of electrons in a material is the same as the number of electrons in all of its atoms added together.”
“The researchers developed a model outlining the breakdown of Luttinger’s theorem that is applicable to cuprate superconductors, since the hypotheses that the theorem is built on are violated at certain energies in these materials. The group tested it and indeed found discrepancies between the measured charge and the number of mobile electrons in cuprate superconductors, defying Luttinger.”
“…Something other than electrons carries the current.”
“Electrons are charged. Therefore, if an electron does not contribute to the charge count, then there is a lot of explaining to do.”
They even state, “Now the researchers are exploring possible candidates for current-carriers, particularly a novel kind of excitation called unparticles.”
Although the defiance of Luttinger’s Theorem is is not at astronomical proportions in this example, a deviation from the predicted amount is still a deviation. Something either follows the “rules” or it doesn’t.
The admission that there might be something other that carries the current is actually quite bold and could potentially rattle the cages of the classical electron flow theory. This isn’t a surprise for those involved in research into overunity systems, but it is a surprise to see conventional references admitting such a thing.