This video is JAM-PACKED with a lot of information from not just Eric Dollard, but also from Dr. Adrian Marsh, Griffin Brock and Hakasays. There are updates regarding the massive grounding system at EPD Laboratories, which will be used for the Tesla Telluric transmission experiments, discussion regarding the golden-ratio discharges from the Tesla coils originally shown by Eric Dollard and replicated by Dr. Adrian Marsh, aspects of seismic research and more.
This was the first live video Zoom call we have hosted and there will be more, more frequently and with more presenters/experts on a variety of subjects.
Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non Profit to keep this work alive!
The advanced seismic warning system that was built by Eric Dollard in Landers, California was the most advanced earthquake forecasting system ever developed or probably even imagined.
It could predict earthquakes 6.0 and above 24-72 hours ahead of time, which is far beyond anything our own government or military has ever achieved (publicly that is.)
After it was closed, Eric has been working to rebuild the basic system, but this time on protected land where nobody can stop the progress.
He has been accomplishing this with a low budget based on donations and “glom”, which is free stuff found around the desert, junkyards or electrical surplus places. This has been ongoing for a few years now and the progress has been incredible including have an entire mine dedicated with three seismic transducers (seismographs) at the disposal of EPD Laboratories, Inc!
The signals are very low strength and it is an amazing challenge to amplify these – especially if the goal is to do it all with analog components. Of course being that Eric Dollard is the modern-day Tesla, he is doing it Tesla style.
This presentation walks you through the concepts of converting the seismograph signals into musical signals using a Tesla Converter. Most Tesla fans have never heard of or even know what a Tesla Convert is, but Eric teaches what it is and even shows one working. It amplifies signals with resonance instead of electrically. That along is beyond the scope of most Electrical Engineers and Eric Dollard is using this to have each Seismograph output tones that will eventually be tuned to the Pythagorean scale.
If you thought 432 Hz was the musical note of A that would be in resonance with the natural world, well, the truth is you’ve been misled. The truth is that the Pythaogrean scale is the one that is truly in harmony with natural ratios and you will learn all about that in this presentation.
Besides the Tesla Converter presentation and demo (with us in the actual mine!!!), you’re going to learn about some audio amplifier circuits that you have never seen and the design concept that Eric shares may very well be the highest fidelity audio amplifier ever conceived. This has never been publicly shared so you’ll be the first to see what he has been working on.
You’re going to learn quite a bit about multiplexing, which is like playing a chord on the piano, but it is more than that. On phone lines, being able to send multiple signals once and having them be split apart again at the end.
You’re going to see Eric on a piano keyboard showing a lot about chords and multiplexing. He has quite a bit of this in the presentation and is necessary to prove the point.
This is one jam-packed presentation and just so you know, the transmission lines for the Advanced Seismic Warning System will be complete in about a month!
Thank you for supporting EPD Laboratories, Inc. and Eric Dollard’s work.
Musical Seismograph – Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard
Stephen McGreevy is the most recognized expert on low frequency sounds created by the Earth. For many years, he has made thousands of WR3 receivers available to anyone that wants to tune in to hear what it sounds like.
His personal website is here and you can find a lot of recordings of these Earth sounds:
While heading down to Eric Dollard’s lab, I had to make an unexpected detour to Bishop, California since Eric was rushed to the hospital. He was released the next day thankfully so I drove him down to Lone Pine to pick up his car. Stephen McGreevy is just 15 minutes outside of Lone Pine so we had a chance to pay him a visit and here is the spontaneous unplanned interview below:
Here is an example of what some of these sounds are like:
Here is a short 5 minute documentary on Stephen McGreevy: Tuned In
Share this post with the buttons below – it’s a great way for kids to connect with the world around them. Get them their own WR3 at the link up above!
Stephen P. McGreevy of Auroral Chorus came over to EPD Laboratories early December to meet with us to see the latest on Dollard’s semismic lines and we had time to do an interview with him. Stephen presented at the last Energy Conference on Natural VLF Radio, which was his journey around the world capturing the natural sounds that nature produces, which are able to be heard on his specialized receivers. His presentation is here:
Here is an interview with Stephen at EPD Laboratories, Inc.
Support Stephen P. McGreevy’s work by getting your own Natural VLF Radio receiver at