The Electrical Properties of Interfacial Water by Kurt Kung PhD
At the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Dr. Gerald Pollack who is a professor at the University of Washington presented on the 4th Phase of Water. This is considered to be some of the most authoritative and advanced science in the world of subtle energy research dealing with water.
Dr. Kurt Kung attended the University of Washington and worked closesly with Dr. Pollack who was his advisor at the time and currently, they are partners in ongoing water research and technologies. So if you are looking for more authoritative information on methods to measure subtle energy changes in water, this is the presentation for you.
Dr. Kung starts with an overview of some of his work with EZ water, which is the 4th Phase of Water known as “Exclusion Zone” water, which you would be familiar with if you studied Dr. Pollack’s work. This is what Dr. Kung is referring to when he is discussing the properties of Interfacial Water and its net negative charge.
The charge separation that happens when this EZ water is produced is very important because there are two very different types of water that are in close proximity to each other and they do not mix. Therefore, there is a high and low potential or dipole that is formed directly in the water.
What that means is that you can literally create a battery using one source of water that is simply in contact with a hydrophilic surface, which in turn creates the EZ water separation – if you have two potential differences in that water, then you have a battery. That in fact is what Dr. Kung did – by stringing a bunch of those water cells in series, he was able to light an LED to prove the point. It is a ways off before this is something that can produce large amounts of power, but it is in its infancy and is a profound discovery.
A university project created a cooling system that creates about 600% more work than it takes to run the system using memory metal.
In this brief article, you’ll learn how something can easily produce way more work than it takes to run it and there are no violations of physics.
Electric heating element heaters are energy hogs for the heat they produce but regardless, they are 100% efficient already. And there is nothing magical or special about a 100% efficient heating system.
Why? Because nichrome or other heating element wire is thought to dissipate or waste all the electrical current that runs through it. That is not even close to being the reality, but that is what conventional science believes so we’ll just entertain that for the purposes of this article and to keep it simple. Normally, heat is considered waste in non-heat systems but if you power a heating element and it “wastes” all the electricity, then it is 100% efficient since the desired work is the heat.
Efficiency is a funny subject because as absolute as it sounds, it is really an objective measurement because efficiency changes depending on your perspective of what kind of work you want.
An incandescent bulb is considered 10% efficient since the desired work is light while 90% of the energy is “wasted” in heat. However, if we want to use those bulbs as heaters, then magically, they would be considered 90% efficient, with 10% wasted as light. But if you want some heat AND light, then the bulb is also magically considered 100% efficient since 100% of what you are using to power the bulb is creating both power and light.
Heat pumps create hundreds of percent more heat/cooling than the electricity required to run them – geothermal, refrigerators, air conditioners, air source heat pump dryers and water heaters, etc. yet, they are less efficient than heating element heaters.
Efficiency is a ratio of TOTAL input to TOTAL output. The heating element produces as much heat as the wattage is provided. It is 100% efficient.
But there is another measurement, COP or Coefficient of Performance, which is the ratio of ONLY WHAT WE PROVIDE on the input compared to the TOTAL output. With a heating element, we provide all the input so total output divided by our input will equal 1.0 or COP of 1.0.
With heat pumps, the story is very different. If it takes 200 watts of electricity to run a compressor to circulate a refrigerant through compressions and expansions cycles (that creates high and low potentials in the system), heat moves for free towards a colder area so the total amount of heat moved in a heat pump can easily be 300, 400, 500, or 600 watts worth of work in an electrical equivalent – for only paying 200 at the wall.
If you put in 200 but you get 600 watts of heat movement, the total desired work is 600 watts worth divided by only your input (not counting free environmental contribution) of 200 watts = 3.0 or COP of 3.0. That is a 300% NET GAIN in total energy (work) produced compared to what you have to pay for. But if you look at all input including environmental input, it will be under 100% since there are losses. That is how you can have a system that produced hundreds of percent more work compared to what you pay for although it will still be 100% efficient of less.
The cooling system methodology created by a team led by Professors Stefan Seelecke and Andreas Schütze at Saarland University is technically not new in concept, but it is the best example of taking advantage of an interesting memory metal called Nitinol and it’s known effects of soaking up heat while it gets bent and releasing the heat when it straightens out.
The cooling system is made of a cylindrical chamber with a rotor that has nitinol metal strings running along the length. There is a cam system that flexes the wire as it rotates for 1/2 the revolution. During this 1/2, the wires soak up heat in that compartment, which cools the compartment down. When the wires goes into the other side of the chamber, they are allowed to straighten up and they release a lot of heat, which heats up that compartment.
There is air moving through the devices to move both the hot and cold air. The claims from the university is that it is about twice as efficient as a heat pump. As you know from the examples above that a heat pump could have a COP of 2.0 or 3.0 easily. That means that this new Nitinol cooling device would have a COP of 4.0-6.0 or 400-600% more work done than the motor takes to rotate the cylinder!
To learn how open systems are permissible by the laws of physics and that systems CAN and DO produce more work than it requires from the operator by getting these two presentations:
The U.S. Military patented a very expensive form of transparent aluminum back in 1980. In 1986 in Star Trek IV The Voyage Home, Scotty the ship’s Engineer shared a method of creating Transparent Aluminum with a company dealing with polymers. Here is that video clip:
Since then, there have been several varieties of a Transparent Aluminum and this is one of the most popular demonstrations that circulated the Internet:
Transparent Aluminum
A research team at the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Industrial Science has created a totally transparent glass, which is as strong as steel! It is much more advanced than what you see in the picture above.
Aluminum is already added to some glass to increase the strength, but the more they add, the more crystallized the glass looks. The breakthrough is that up to 50% aluminum can now be added and the glass is perfectly clear – and is as strong as steel and iron.
An interesting new development allows light to be directed in a unique way.
Using a gold-plated silicon array, light can be made to move at 90 degrees from where it came from and the strange thing is that the light moves in a STRAIGHT LINE instead of in a sinusoidal pattern. That prevents interference between two different phases of light.
This is not a claim that the light is transmitting in some sort of longitudinal way, but it sure sounds like it – especially when it was reported that there was no time delay between the transmission of light from one point to the other. Longitudinal transmission would mean that energy is not lost at 90 degrees from the direction that the light is moving as opposed to a transverse “sinusoidal pattern”.
Another interesting thing is that the original article posted by PBS did state that the light was transmitted instantaneously to the other side instantaneously. Shortly thereafter, they were asked to correct the article so that the laws of physics were not violated.
“A previous version of this article mistakenly reported that light hitting the chip was transmitted to the other side instantaneously. That would violate the laws of physics, of course. We regret the error.”
20 years ago, the Navy created a magnetoelastic material that produced efficient electricity. When this material, Galfenol, is physically impacted, it produces a magnetic fields.
Galfenol can produce up to 80 megawatts of power per cubic meter under strong impacts! Not only does this material produce a magnetic field when hit, a magnetic field applied to the material will cause it to change shape – so it works both ways – and at a 70% conversion efficiency.
One of the first things that comes to mind is to possibly use the Galfenol in conjunction with Nitinol – the metal that changes shape with heat. Our Energy Times newsletter has an entire article on Nitinol with some recommended links.
Maybe we have the materials necessary for a perpetual motion machine? Perhaps Galfenol can create electricity that heats a resistor that causes the Nitinol to bend. That bending could in turn impact the Galfenol to create the magnetic field. At that point, the Nitinol cools and goes back to the original shape. The magnetic field can cause electricity to produce heat to warm the Nitinol causing it to bend and repeat the process.
This is obviously not a completely serious suggestion but is food for thought since it seems all the necessary attributes to do something like this is sitting right there in these materials.