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Primeval Code

If you are not a fan of GMO food, then you’re going to love this!

Here’s an all-natural method to increase the size and quantity of fish and produce utilizing nothing more than high voltage – and the results beat anything that GMO engineering can accomplish.

Read this, “In laboratory experiments the researchers there Dr. Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch exposed cereal seeds and fish eggs to an “electrostatic field” – in other words, to a high voltage field, in which no current flows.

Unexpectedly primeval organisms grew out of these seeds and eggs: a fern that no botanist was able to identify; primeval corn with up to twelve ears per stalk; wheat that was ready to be harvested in just four to six weeks. And giant trout, extinct in Europe for 130 years, with so-called salmon hooks. It was as if these organisms accessed their own genetic memories on command in the electric field…

And guess what? It’s safe, effective and was proven out by a large Swiss pharmaceutical company, Ciba, that was eventually owned by what is now one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Novartis.

In the early 1990’s, this was actually patented and in 1992, all research stopped because it was highly disruptive as the process didn’t need fertilizers, pesticides, or any other chemicals, which was at odds with the goals of a chemical company, which is what pharmaceutical companies are.

Coincidentally, the two primary scientists who were working on this method both unexpectedly died in 1991.

Here are the patents – make sure to download these and keep them in a safe place:



The US patent is quite a bit shorter than the NZ one, which gives much more details.

When this was used on fertilized trout eggs, the results are astounding.

The hatching rate was increased by 100-300% – the fish were more agile with higher survival rates that lasted through their entire life cycle. With the same food available to the fish that were not treated with the high voltage, fish grew much faster (30-40% higher) and reached adulthood significantly earlier and were more resistant to disease. This vitality also transferred to their progeny.

Outside of the patents, results like these were reported for seeds that were treated.

The method is very simple… you take the high voltage positive and negative from your source and put them to two different plates that are coated in a dielectric material (insulating material). These plates are spaced according to the directions in the patent and the voltage is increased to x volts per cm. The electric field is touching the fertilized fish eggs or seeds, but no current will flow.

The entire method is disclosed in the patents linked to above and even if you don’t understand electronics or electricity, read the claims and benefits. Any electronic engineer can understand the patent as it is extremely simple.

I’m ready to use this method to experiment on seeds and hope others will do the same. Online, there are positive reports by others that are doing this for seeds.

Go to the official website here to read the overview in English:

They have a book available in German, which recently disappeared from Amazon and no English version is available.

Make sure to check out Rex Research’s page for more info:

UPDATE: 2016-11-19

I found that this was discussed on my forum six years ago – came across this searching in Google!

Jetijs did the experiment and the results are a big difference.

Untreated are on the left and treated are on the right – when he cut the plants and weighed them to see the difference, the ones on the right were 21% heavier!

Here is a website I found owned by the son of Ebner who offers a box to treat your seeds – a bit expensive, but it is available if you don’t want to make something yourself. The site is in German so you can read the original site:

Or you can use this Google Translate link to read it in English:

Here are three videos in German that discuss this project. I post these because they do have the audio. Many videos I’m finding have the video cut out. There is some redundant material in the videos, but is important to simply have it available. If someone could download these and add English subtitles, that would be awesome!

Please share this far and wide with the share buttons below!

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Electrostatic Chocolate

A physicist from Temple University, Rongia Tao, was tasked with a challenge, which was to get chocolate to flow through machinery without clogging it. Normally, it requires a certain amount of fat to get the chocolate to flow. This was funded by Mars, Inc. which is a large candy corporation that makes M & M’s and other popular candy.

Cocoa solids are like little balls and no matter how close you pack them, there is still all that space that surrounds the points that don’t touch. And this random scattering of these solids leads to a higher viscosity or thickness.

By producing an electric field and pouring chocolate through it, the cocoa solids aligned into longer, thinner chains that allowed them to be packed closer together and the viscosity reduces thereby requiring even less fat to be added. Because there is less fat, the cocoa solids stick out more and more of a chocolate taste.

Here is the published study:

Here are the two patents filed: and

What is important about this technology is that it is rooted in another method developed by the same physicist, which is to apply an electric or magnetic field to crude oil in order to reduce its viscosity while traveling through pipelines. This is used by the oil industry to save on pumping costs – up to 75% savings have been shown.

Many that are conventionally trained claim that a magnetic or electric field cannot have any influence on hydrocarbon molecules, paraffin in diesel, etc. since they’re not dipole molecules like water.

Well, here is a Temple University developed electrostatic and magnetic method for reducing the viscosity of oil, which these skeptics claim is impossible –

This direct link downloads a PDF of the above linked to paper:

Here is a whole compilation of articles about Dr. Tao’s work that goes back many years.

Here is our product line of magnets for water and fuel: and our book that describes the govt validated technology