MONDAY 25TH, 530PM PACIFIC TIME – FREE PRESENTATION & FREE BOOK DOWNLOAD COMING – Here’s the Zoom call link for this live call addressing how we are taking food security into our own hands. There is a concerted effort to contaminate and control our food and there is a growing push to force us to eat bugs to defeat “climate change”. The whole thing is beyond ludicrous.
As we see the erosion of our rights at the state level continuing as well as an invasion of our privacy, especially with the current pandemic situation, there is a need now more than ever for secure communications or at least as secure as practical considering what we have to work with. The US Postal Service still remains the most secure method of communication other than face to face but for digital/phone/instant, we do have several options.
For a few years, I’ve relied on the VSee private messenger because it is encrypted and is so good it is HIPPA compliant, which means it can be used to transmit medical/health information for telemedicine conferencing, etc. It’s so swamped right now that new members can’t install it, so myself and many of my friends, family and associates are all switching to SIGNAL right now and it might be a good idea to consider doing the same.
You can download it here: – it’s 100% FREE, relatively small and you can do group texts with an unlimited amount of people in the group.
Signal is a non-profit with open source encryption. It’s not just a private messenger app, but on Android and Apple, it can actually be set to be the default text messaging app for your phone, will import everything over and anything you text to others that have Signal installed will be encrypted. And you can make voice and video calls through the app as well and those will also be encrypted.
Keep in mind that if you communicate in this manner while away from wi-fi, it will tap into your data plan so it makes sense to use this only when you’re connected to wi-fi unless you have an unlimited data plan. More info here:
Share this far and wide with the share buttons and when you install it yourself, make sure to encourage your friends and family to do the same.
At the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Janja Glogovac came to the conference to introduce herself, show their original trailer and to interview some of the presenters such as Eric Dollard, Jim Murray and others. It also happened to be on July 10, which was Tesla’s 160th birthday.
Here are a few pics of Janja and company at the conference interviewing some of the presenters:
Janja Glogovac – Teslafy Me – at the 2016 ESTCEric Dollard and Janja GlogovacJanja Glogovac interviewing Jim Murray at the 2016 ESTCJanja Glogovac interviewing Paul Babcock at the 2016 ESTCJanja Glogovac interviewing Peter Lindemann at the 2016 ESTCJanja Glogovac interviewing Prof. Robert Haralick at the 2016 ESTC
We’ve been waiting eagerly for this documentary to come out and it has finally been released!
Check out the original trailer from 2016, which was shown at the 2016 ESTC here:
Here is a 2016 Wake Up trailer with Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray & Eric Dollard:
Check out the brand new trailer recently released:
Get the new DVD of Teslafy Me on Amazon here: Teslafy Me
Buy or Rent the HD version of Teslafy Me on Amazon streaming Prime here: Teslafy Me
Rent or Buy it streaming on Comcast/Xfinity: Teslafy Me
Ideomotor Effect, Uncovering the Mechanics of the Human Mind by Aaron Murakami
Years ago, I released A Course in Mind Power, which is a book on developing your intuition and perceptive powers as well as increasing synchronicities in your life. There are a lot more concepts that are shared from an experiential perspective but that is the basic gist. I share the most profound of all Qigong exercises out of thousands of styles that exist, Kundalini from the perspective of someone who has had about 10 very extreme spontaneous Kundalini risings and more.
Instead of simply being repackaged information that most “mind power gurus” are more than willing to offer you, this is based on my own personal experience. And unlike most books on mind power written by westerners, you will learn how to cultivate life force energy at a level that you have never imagined by increasing the capacitance of what your body can hold.
The Ideomotor Effect is but one part of A Course in Mind Power but is one of the most important that anyone can understand because once it is fully comprehended, it is easy to see that experiencing synchronicities has a biological basis for happening but nobody else is telling you this. It is also the underlying basis for downloading information directly from the collective – direct knowledge – and you will learn how to increase the accuracy of what you are perceiving from your “downloads.”
It goes much deeper than this and a lot of material is covered including the four primary areas of knowledge. Many people like to quote the idea that “we don’t know what we don’t know” but why do they never discuss the other three areas of knowledge?
Ingo Swann was the primary developer of Remove Viewing and a simple but profound statement of his was simply the fact that the first step to power was to expand one’s frame of reference. This is put into a context that will have you fully aware of what it means from many perspectives so that you know where you stand in relation to knowledge that you seek.
You will learn a very special application of neuro-physiology and how to get rid of subconscious noise so that the signal to noise ratio increases. Every single method used to predict things in the future including remote viewing has its basis in the Ideomotor Effect and A Course in Mind Power and this presentation are about the only places where you will ever learn this. The Ideomotor Effect is taught in some remote viewing methods, but it usually ends there. It will be obvious to you that it is behind everything – synchronicities, I-Ching, dowsing, etc.
I’ll show you some examples of my old practice remote viewing sessions and I think you’ll have to agree that they are profoundly accurate. Considering all the known possibilities of what an unknown target could be, the odds are absolutely astronomical that I could come this close to the target but it can be done over and over and over.
This is a science but is also an art and thankfully, it is repeatable and fairly predictable and anyone can learn it no matter how naturally intuitive they are.
I’ll include a copy of Rene Warcollier’s book Experimental Telepathy, which is the thesis that serves as the foundation for remote viewing, which was developed at Stanford Research Institute for the purposes of training special agents and military members how to be psychic spies since we learned that the Russians were using psychic spies against us.
You’ll also receive a copy of the full manual developed at Stanford Research Institute, which was originally called Coordinate Remove Viewing (CRV) – that was the protocols that were taught to members in the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Army, etc.
A six page document from the CIA discussion CRV is very interesting and you will see where the movie The Matrix got the term matrix from. It is a direct reference to the collective where all information in the past, present and future lies.
In case you want to further your study on these topics, a 50% off coupon code is included in a PDF for A Course in Mind Power, Lessons in Advanced Perception and Hacking the Aether. The last one isn’t about mind power, but is related to our relationship with time and space and I believe is so important that most people need to study it.
I think you will find this presentation unique and interesting but also very helpful and practical and it is certainly a must have for any mind power enthusiast who wants to increase their intuitive powers and gain most mastery over their mind and body.
New Energy: The Linchpin to Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Era by John Petersen
John Petersen forecasts that in the next 10 years, that we’ll have 80 times more advancements than we did in the past 100 years!
Each “quantum leap” throughout history is followed by another acceleration in knowledge and understanding that happens in one-tenth the time of the previous one.
If an equal amount of breakthroughs happen in a shorter period of time, that is a power increase. However, things are not only happening faster, there are more of them happening and simultaneously at a faster rate, so both POWER and ENERGY are increasing. This combination points to the fact that we are absolutely moving into times that are completely unprecedented!
Natural rhythms and solar cycles are covered in detail as are the two primary things that drive these natural cycles, which are revealed in the presentation. There are sources of energetic changes that we see in our world and in our lives and some of these arise from the influence of the center of our own galaxy, changes the Sun is experiencing, planetary positions and more.
We have been moving through an area of space within our galaxy that is influencing climate and other Earth changes, DNA and other possible areas. This is even backed by studies from the Russian Natural Academy of Sciences.
The Sun’s magnetic field is slowly weakening and has been for the last eighteen years and this trend is going to continue far past our lifetimes. As this field weakens as it is right now, more solar and cosmic energy is able to penetrate our atmosphere and influence life on Earth. Right now, the amount of cosmic rays that are penetrating our magnetosphere, the magnetic field that shields us from solar radiation, is at an all time high. What kind of influence do these cosmic rays have on life as we know it?
NASA and other organizations are starting to more openly admit that these cosmic and solar relationships with the Earth has more of an effect on our climate than was previously admitted.
It is interesting to note that the weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field can lead to a pole reversal and recently, it has been discovered and reported in mainstream news that the Earth’s magnetic field can flip within the single lifetime of a person – less than 100 years! That is much faster than was previously believed to be possible.
John Petersen also points out 5-6 specific individuals who are or were high ranking in their own respective fields or industries who have come forward to admit that UAP’s (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are real and that we have to do something about it. He also covers a bit about the Secret Space Program. This is not a new concept, but when you have someone with John’s background acknowledging this, it’s worth a second look. Reread his bio up above and you’ll have enough reason to give serious consideration to such a discussion.
Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted something that is possibly worse than nuclear weapons and John points this out. It was in the news, but hardly anyone noticed. And in the full context of where everything is going, it is remotely related to a new type of human being that is emerging.
You’re in for a real surprise when you see this presentation. Some things you will have heard of but quite a bit has not been pieced together so eloquently. John Petersen, the founder of the Arlington Institute, has a much wider frame of reference that most due to his extensive background and what he was able to share with us at the 2018 ESTC was a real gift. If you want to see a path that we are all walking whether we know it or not or whether we want to or not, it is happening and it is happening now.