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Geoffrey Miller to Present on World’s Largest Newman Motor

At the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Geoffrey Miller will be presenting on a massive Newman Motor that he recently built. He’ll also be disclosing a very * RARE * device invented by Joseph Newman that most Newman fans have never heard of. There will be a demo of this device and all details necessary to replicate it will given!

There are only 150 seats available for the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference and they’re going to be sold out months before the conference – register and get your tickets now: 2019 Energy Conference


Here are the details: NEWMAN’S 10,000 LBS MOTOR IN 2019 & DEMONSTRATION AND EXCLUSIVE FULL DISCLOSURE OF RARE NEWMAN DEVICE – The 2019 talk will be on the NEW 10,000 lbs Joseph Newman Motor built by Geoffrey S. Miller at Energybat Labs. In 2017, he gave a talk about the Newman Motor and a small demo of the motor. This year, Geoffrey Miller will go into a whole new level with the new 10,000 lbs motor. The talk outline is below.

1. History of Newman’s big motors.
2. Who maid the new 10,000 lb. motor
3. Why make a 10,000 lb. motor?
4. What it takes to make a motor this size.
5. What the motor will do.
6. All parts of the motor.
7. All motor data.
8. Power in & Power out.
9. Motor running parts of the lab.
10. Videos of the motor running.
11. Hand out data.
12. Q & A session.
13. A live demo will follow the talk about a Newman device.

It is recommended that you get a copy of Geoffrey Miller’s presentation from the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, which will lay the foundation for the upcoming talk: NEWMAN MOTOR DISCLOSURE

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Paul Babcock’s Motor Video Released

Here is a short video demonstrating Paul Babcock’s motor that runs with no Back EMF. That means the rotor and stator do not see each other so they do not cause magnetic drag on each other. It can only motor as there is no generator action like most motors that operate with Back EMF.

It is very important to read the slide at 7 seconds into the video because that is a highly profound and astounding statement that is 100% true and essentially is one of many nails in the coffin of conventional electromagnetics. What is proves is that magnets are a source of energy, period.

Magnetic Energy Secrets by Paul Babcock
Magnetic Energy Secrets by Paul Babcock

It is brief but enough to show that it does indeed run, since Paul recently repaired parts of the circuitry and power supply. It is also very important to understand that he has already shared the basic operating principles and theories in Magnetic Energy Secrets Parts 1, 2 & 3 here: