I have had the pleasure of communicating with Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh over the last few years and feel that he has much to add to our electric community.
Born in the Netherlands and now based in Thailand, Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh resumes the electrical physics research of Nikola Tesla. Ernst has focused his attention on Nikola Tesla’s work since 2005, and is now ready to share some of his insights to the world. Ernst’s background in IT & physics enabled him to recover unreported truths that would have been otherwise lost forever.
Ernst Willem van den Bergh has been a long time contributor to Energetic Forum and much of his research has been related to Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter. Eric Dollard and others have corresponded with Ernst for quite some time now as he is a wealth of knowledge regarding Tesla’s history, etc.
There is a new interview of Ernst by Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats, which is an online podcast with a lot of very interesting, alternative science topics. Greg’s home page is https://www.thehighersidechats.com/
Listen here for Ernst’s interview:
Below are links with information about Ernst’s 4 books:
The Science of Tesla’s Magic by Ernst Willem van den Bergh
Here is the fourth new book by Ernst Willem van den Bergh – The Science of Tesla’s Magic.
It’s a beautiful book inside and out with a lot of full color illustrations inside. And having started White Dragon Press years ago, the cover couldn’t be any more incredible!! 🙂
The description of the book on Amazon is as follows: “When Tesla passed away in 1943, the world lost a wealth of knowledge and experience. Many experiments that Tesla showed us have never been replicated since. Is all this knowledge lost forever, or can it be recovered from the many texts that he left us? That was one of the goals of my project and in this book, I present the results.These results are not just based on Tesla’s work as I want to present a much more complete picture. How is matter formed? What is it formed from? Why do we see repeating patterns all around us? These questions form the base and from there we extend into electricity. What is it? What can we do with it? And most importantly how can we get access to a clean, renewable source of energy?”
One of the primary goals of this book is to recovery Tesla’s theories and possibly hidden knowledge from what he left behind.
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy – The Tesla Code by Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh
In a few of the previous blog posts, we shared with you two books by Ernst Willem van den Bergh who has been a long time researcher of Tesla’s technologies and is a member of Energetic Forum.
Learn about them at these two links, which give a basic overview of his two previously released books, which are here:
A newer 3rd book (and there is a 4th to be discussed in the near future), is available and Ernst was kind enough to provide some copies to us, which we made available at the 2019 ESTC in July.
Here is the description of the book: “This book explains what I have called “the Tesla Code”; the way Nikola Tesla communicates his theories and greatest invention with the future. Tesla’s most important and famous article “the Problem of Increasing Human Energy” seems at first a vague and philosophical text. Not at all what you’d want to see from the foremost expert on electricity in his days. But this article contains a message that has been long overlooked by everyone searching for his secrets. Nikola Tesla hid his secrets in plain sight. Please also have a look at my other books “Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter – recreating Tesla’s dream” which deals with the construction and operation details of the Magnifying Transmitter, and “The Battle for Wardenclyffe” which shows the story of the Wardenclyffe project using the letters Tesla wrote during that time. The price of this book includes a small donation for my research and hopefully one day, we will build the power plant that Tesla envisioned.”
In Energetic Forum, which has been a leader in open source Free Energy and related topics, various members pitched in to transcribe a series of letters revealing the real Morgan-Tesla story that are now finally compiled in one single book by Ernst Willem van den Bergh.
Many know the story of Nikola Tesla. How he wanted to provide energy to the whole world, how he contacted the worlds most powerful financier J. P. Morgan, how he build a huge tower and…. well, that is where it ended.
Many speculate on what exactly transpired, but what was it that really happened? This book does not tell a story, instead it provides the letters exchanged between N. Tesla and J.P. Morgan and a few others.
These letters, that up until now were only available to a select few, they tell the true story. They were saved on microfilm and through a community effort they have been restored so that now you can read them.
The author/composer of this book has been working relentlessly on recovering Tesla’s theories for over a decade, researching his work and recreating his experiments. One day, perhaps, we will have the unlimited and clean energy source that Tesla wanted to give us. Many fascinating discoveries have already been made and with the purchase of this book you are supporting this work.
In this call, Ernst’s shares about the relevance of Stan Meyer’s waveform in generating more current, how his experiment indicates receiving a signal from the inner Earth, a “flywheel” type effect where the power of the Tesla Transmitter gets stronger over time and it takes a while for it to die down, some of Tesla’s quotes, and distinctions between the aether and a gaseous medium.
Eric Dollard also called in to share his feedback on Ernst’s experiments. Both agree that Tesla definitely changed his tune after Colorado Springs.
There is a LOT of information inside this video – Ernst helped to edit it by adding a lot of info relevant to the call, which relates directly to Tesla and his own work.
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Ernst Willem van den Bergh is a member at Energetic Forum who has shared some of his work in the Tesla sciences. Here is the thread that prompted me to get a copy for Eric Dollard and myself: Tesla’s Rays
When recently talking to Eric about this book, he indicated that Ernst has shown two very specific things that he believes nobody else has shown. Eric may discuss these two items on his next live call coming up on March 17th.
Here is a description of this book that any Tesla fan should get in their hands:
“This book is the result of more than a decade of theoretical and experimental research. It sets out to answer questions about Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter. What is it? What does it do? How does it do so? Does it really provide free energy? These questions and more you will find answered in this comprehensive book. Every fact you will see backed by Tesla’s own words. Quotes of all relevant articles, lectures and patents have been included. More than that you will read about my own experiments, copies of Tesla’s and their results. This book is divided into 3 parts and every part concludes with a summary in layman’s terms so that everyone can understand what it is that Tesla wanted to give the world and how it was intended to work. Needless to say that this book is a must-read for every Tesla enthusiast and everyone who wants to understand the work of Nikola Tesla, a genius far ahead of his time. With the purchase of this book you are supporting my work to bring back Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter, and for that I thank you!” – Ernst
“Born 1964 in Amsterdam. I always wanted to figure out how things work. I was repairing all things electronic in my teens, taught myself digital electronics and designed and built my first computer when I was 18. I went to University to study computer science and physics and worked in IT until 2005. Then I moved to Thailand and while looking for a new hobby I came across Tesla. I have collected all his works (as much as available) and started replicating his experiments so I would see what he must have seen.
In 2014 the voltages became too high for living room experiments and together with an ex-colleague we started Ethergy Co. Ltd. to attract funds for a lab and equipment.
We have since proven, among many smaller things, the 11.77 Hz Earth resonance frequency and that Tesla’s Magnifier generated extra current. So far we have not been able to produce excess energy, but I think that is just a matter of time.“
Please use the share buttons below to help share this with your friends. Ernst deserves to have his work recognized and we are fortunate that he is willing to share it with us!