This panel discussion has the following presenters in addition to Jeane Manning who is moderating it.
Griffin Brock
Eric Dollard
Aaron Murakami
Jeane Manning
Adrian Marsh, PHd

This panel discussion has the following presenters in addition to Jeane Manning who is moderating it.
This panel discussion has the following presenters in addition to Jeane Manning who is moderating it.
One of the most, if not the most, highly-anticipated books in the alternative energy scene is Hidden Energy, Telsa-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance by Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich.
Hidden Energy readies you for humankind’s next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the ultimate renewable. Making the leap is more about mindsets and a consciousness shift than technology.
Inspired by seeing their connection to nature and the cosmos, scientists and inventors are making breakthroughs. Help decide who benefits-amoral corporations or your family, communities and the environment….
Get your copy here: Hidden Energy
Hidden Energy is not only beautifully done, it is very well-written as expected and very easy to read so it is for everyone – no technical experience is required!
Although it educates the reader on quite a few sustainable energy technologies, many which are potentially disruptive and rightfully so, it has a strong emphasis on the human-interest element and is logically divided into five parts. These five sections walk you through the thought processes and paradigms to the technologies themselves and concludes with a section on getting these technologies out to the world.
I just received my copy from Amazon and am glad that I choose the Hardback edition because I plan to pass this around to everyone that comes over and it’s going to be a lot more rugged. You can also get the paperback version on Amazon if you choose.
It’s also worth mentioning that quite a few of the inventors and developers who have presented at the conference, contributed in the forums or who have worked with many well-known names are mentioned in the book. These include John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock, Jim Murray, Graham Gunderson, Dr. Gerald Pollack and many others including myself, which is a great honor!
Get your copy here: Hidden Energy
Christmas is just around the corner and this book will be a very beautiful, thoughtful, important and timely gift for every Tesla, Free Energy or other alternative science enthusiast that you know – including yourself! Many of you are activists at heart when it comes to these subjects and there is no easier way than to buy a book for a friend or refer them to one.
Jeane Manning, B.A. Soc., is co-authoring Hidden Energy and previously authored other books about breakthroughs, starting with The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery Publishing NY 1996). Her previous books are published in ten countries. For 30+ years she interviewed scientists and inventors on various continents. She has been a social worker, journalist and publicist for a gypsy-style theatre company. Jeane has a veggie garden in British Columbia, Canada.
Susan A. Manewich M.S. is the President of New Energy Movement. Susan is experienced in the field of leadership development, organizational development, resonant technology and consciousness. She has co-authored work in Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life (Psychology Press, NY 2006) and Applying Emotional Intelligence (Psychology Press, NY 2007). Susan enjoys nature and spending time learning about ancient cultures.
Get your copy here: Hidden Energy
Get your copy here: Hidden Energy
Joan Cerio welcomes author and longtime researcher Jeane Manning to discuss the upcoming impact of inventions that can replace polluting fuels. Jeane has interviewed scientists who say some of the inventions tap into a background sea of universal energy and that sea of energy also supports life. She discusses what an energy revolution means in times of Earth changes and especially how new science reveals the oneness of humankind and all life.
For Joan Cerio’s Earth Energy Forecast show, go here:
Doug Kenyon has made the Atlantis Rising Magazine available for over 24 years. It is one of the most remarkable magazines in the alternative science and archeology fields available at the newsstand and you can even get it by digital.
Please read his personal appeal here and consider purchasing a subscription for yourself or for someone who you think would enjoy such a captivating magazine:
This presentation starts with Jeane Manning who has the pulse of free energy technologies across the globe beyond most.
She will be sharing the basics of what the Aether is, the goal of cheap, clean energy available everywhere, why you don’t have to wait for exotic technologies and what path we are to take with this kind of abundance.
Some specific technologies are reviewed such as Tewari’s Homopolar Generator tested at 238%, an electric car that recharged itself in some tests in 2016, a water fuel technology that uses about 97% water and a small amount of fuel and it only requires about 170 milliamps at 24 volts, a few plasma technologies and the latest in LENR (cold fusion), and others.
Get your copy here:
Get 25% off for a limited with with this coupon code: DANCING25
There is an exciting mention of a new book Jeane is co-authoring with Susan Manewich called Hidden Energy, which will be released in the fall of 2018!
Susan continues the presentation with another approach on the Aether that is a bit different from Jeane’s and it quite a match. Something very interesting and powerful is the data she shares from a relatively new study that has been ongoing for some time relating to the “Science of Consciousness and Contact.”
If you’ve ever wondered if spirit can influence inventors, you’re in for a surprise that is backed by multiple, highly-credentialed PhDs. You’ll also learn how the balance of Yin & Yang are crucial to breakthroughs and a serious update on the grassroots movement to support these technologies.
Some of these topics are highly controversial, but the data is insurmountable and is presented in a way that is balanced and objective. Susan worked with the late Dr. John Mack and she shares some of her experiences working in this most interesting field.
What does a member of The Monroe Institute, a former head of the US Psychotronics Association, a former Harvard Professor of Astrophysics and editor of the Journal of Cosmology and the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell have in common? Susan Manewich was intimately involved in organizing the data that they all collected based on surveys taken by thousands of people. By analyzing the data, a very revealing picture comes into view and it appears there is non-human intelligence that has been influencing developers of breakthrough technologies.
Susan also shares a never-before-seen interview with the late Guy Obolensky relating to the power of the mind. She was fortunate to have spent some time with him in his final days.
Towards the end of the presentation, Susan covers a very important topic on moral responsibility with free energy technologies as they are sacred and should be treated as such. A business model is shared that anyone can use and takes the above concept into consideration.
There are a fair amount of questions at the end that bring up many important points discussed throughout this presentation.
Get your copy here:
Get 25% off for a limited with with this coupon code: DANCING25
2018 ESTC Panel Discussion #1 with Anupam Tewari, Jeane Manning, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Aaron Murakami, Prof. Robert Haralick, Karen Elkins, Paul Babcock.
If you’re wondering if you should come to the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference, listen to what others have to say – this is why you need to be there!
Here are a few of the presenters for the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference:
Out of 150 seats, only 64 are available so register and get your tickets while you can –
Jeane Manning, B.A., authors public-friendly books about new energy, starting with The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery, NY, 1996) and more recently Breakthrough Power (2008). Her solo and co-authored books have been published in ten countries. For 30 years, she’s traveled widely to interview scientists and inventors, and attended dozens of energy conferences, some in Europe as guest speaker. Jeane writes for magazines including Atlantis Rising and Infinite Energy, and has worked in radio, daily newspapers and on staff of a regional magazine. She’s been publicist for groups including a theater company that traveled in gypsy wagons pulled by Clydesdales.
Susan A. Manewich, M.S., is president of the New Energy Movement. Some of her professional accomplishments are in conscious leadership development and Emotional Intelligence, where her work is praised by clients including Harvard Business School, Yale University, U. of Chicago GSB, London Business School, Singapore Medical School and corporate and non-profit clients. She’s led major communication strategies. While on the Resonance Academy faculty team and a director with the Resonance Project Foundation, Susan was involved in key organizational strategic initiatives. She is now co-authoring Hidden Energy with Jeane Manning. Susan is employed in Massachusetts, although she’d rather be surfing in Hawaii.
THINK STRATEGICALLY & SPREAD YOUR MESSAGE – Do you have questions such as “What are the best ways to tell the world about this invention?” or “How can I spread the word about game-changing energy science?” Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich offer tips that can help, whether you work alone in your garage or in industry with access to a communications department.
Learn more about Jeane Manning & Susan Manewich at their websites:
New Energy Movement –
Here is the second Panel Discussion from the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference. But first, here is a link to the first one in case you missed it.
For reference, the first Panel Discussion is here:
It includes the following presenters: Al Francoeur, Yaro Stanchak, Aaron Murakami, James Robitaille, Geoffrey Miller, and Jeff Moe.
For this second one, it includes Susan Manewich, Jeane Manning, Walt Jenkins, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Aaron Murakami, Prof. Robert Haralick and Paul Babcock.
This discussion concluded the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference and included topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Synchronicity, Remote Viewing, Creativity, the Subconscious Mind, the Collective Unconscious, and of course some discussion on Energy technologies. MUST SEE!