The Bourke Engine not only destroys Carnot’s Law, it’s just plain amazing! Roger Richard is the world’s leading authority on the subject, has multiple, original motors built by Russell Bourke himself, and has even built one that has a thermal efficiency of about 85%.
This ORIGNIAL Bourke engine will be displayed at the 10th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho from July 7 to 11, 2021. Also, Sky Huddleston of the will be coming to the conference as well and he is bringing his original Bourke Engine as well! Two real Bourke Engines at the same conference? This probably has never happened!
Also, get your tickets to the 10th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference where we will be demonstrating this and more 🙂 – Learn more about the Energy Conference here:
Although it won’t be running, Roger is bringing a 30 Cubic Inch Bourke engine (see pics below) so everyone can see it up close. He may even disassemble it so you can see how the inside is put together. This is by far, the most important internal combustion engine ever created. Technically, it is a detonation engine with some interesting properties and it runs so cool, you can put your hand over he exhaust port while it is running. Roger has demonstrated that many times over the years.
This is a very rare opportunity to learn from the most knowledgeable expert on the subject, see two real Bourke Engines and pick Roger’s brain on just about anything you’d ever want to know about it.
This public domain image shows the operating principle but there is a lot more than meets the eye and Roger has taken it beyond what even Bourke himself could do.
The Bourke Engine Documentary is a book compiled by Lois Bourke to highlight her husband’s life work and you can get a copy of it here:
Subscribe to Roger’s YouTube Channel – Bourke Engine TV – and make sure to watch all his videos. You’ll have no doubt that he is the modern day master of the Bourke Engine.
Shell introduced a 107 MPG car but are they moving forward or backward?
Not that long ago, they developed this, which you can see in the following video:
Their focus is on how much emissions are reduced over the lifetime of the car or at least that is what they want the public to focus on. This is like Elon Musk’s solar panel roof tiles that gets a pay back over decades. If you want an extremely long-term return on investment, it seems like a good idea, but in the modern rush-rush world, it seems unlikely that the average person wants to wait that long or can afford to wait that long!
That isn’t the only issue with this new Shell concept car that gets 107 MPG. ROI is one thing, but MPG is another and is more immediate. 107 seems impressive although small diesel Volkswagens in Europe have been developed with MPG capability that is close but they never make it here to the states because of the excuse is that there is no demand for that kind of car in the American market. Really???
If you can look past Shell’s nonsense about how much emissions are reduced over the lifetime of the car, here is what Shell developed back in 1973 – an Opal that achieved 376 MPG!!
That is 3.5 times or 350% MORE MPG than the new 107 MPG concept car.
Here is a video shoot of the car intended for Dutch television:
Although this Opel had a very small carburetor and the engine bay was modified to contain all the heat as well as many other considerations, it proves the point that the bottom line is that 45 year ago, they achieved nearly 400 MPG!!
So, are we making progress? Are we there yet? 107 MPG in the last few years or let’s go back to 1973 where they already achieved 376 MPG – it’s up to you to figure out if we’re moving forward or we’re simply the butt of a joke.
“Shell is not intending to take this car into commercial production. Instead, we alongside our partners, see it as a conversation starter: a way to accelerate the dialogue about how we make road vehicles more energy efficient and less carbon-intensive. ” – SHELL
So not only is Shell willing to tease us with a 107 MPG car that gets a bit more than 1/4 the MPG than what they achieved in 1973 – nearly half a century ago, they have no intention of allowing you to have it since the only thing it is supposed to do is accelerate the dialogue. With that trend, in another 46 years, they’ll be convincing you that 25 MPG is a really big deal!
To be fair, Shell isn’t the only one playing games – years ago, Chevy had a commercial talking about the revolutionary 35 MPG breakthrough technology, which is years after many other cars far surpassed that level.
And look at Honda – in the early or mid 1990’s, they had a Honda Civic VX that could get 50-55 MPG – every model since then has achieved about 20 MPG LESS than what they were getting nearly 30 years ago!
In the late 70’s and early 80’s Volkswagon had the Golf and Rabbit diesels that were also getting 50-55 MPG and those went by the wayside as well.
Who knows what it will take to get forward progress rather than 2 steps forward and 3 steps back – but in any case, the oil and auto companies have proven themselves to be consistent in one thing and one thing only – and that is the fact that the technology has nothing to do with advancement because if it did, we’d all be driving cars getting hundreds of miles per gallon. It is obviously political and financial and whatever mile per gallon you achieve in your vehicle is made possible only because they dial in exactly what mileage they allow you to have rather than giving you what they are capable of providing.
Some may be skeptical in thinking that this is just some conspiracy theory but whether my reasoning is accurate or not is irrelevant – the historical facts speak for themselves so you must come to your own conclusion as to why it’s taken over 40 years for Shell to demonstrate a car that gets a bit more than 25% of the mileage they achieved back in the early 1970s. Mileage is increased then decreased and increased and decreased and this pattern has remained for many, many decades.
Please share this story with your friends and ask them to do the same. We deserve better than this and everyone deserves to know the truth. One thing is for sure, they invented a new definition for the term Shell Game!
The Meaning of Unity in Energy Conversion Systems by Jim Murray
Initially, it had been assumed that a simple ratio computed by dividing the output power by the input power would provide a reliable yardstick for motor power efficiency. The basic idea, was sound, for the closer the quotient came to unity, the nearer the motor efficiency would be to 100%. Hence began the so-called “Quest for Unity.”
However, early “electric engines” were very inefficient, probably delivering no more than 30% of the electrical input power to the output shaft. Therefore, it quickly became evident that not all of the applied power was being converted to a mechanical output. Clearly, inefficiencies were involved, and they would have to be accounted for. Until this was complete, the simplified approach to establishing a Factor of Unity could not be realized.
What is remarkable, in the history of motor development, is the curious degree of synergy that seems to have accompanied these early pioneering efforts. Between 1839 and 1850 the British Brew Master James Joule conducted an elegant series of experiments, in which he sought to unify electrical, chemical and thermal phenomena by demonstrating their inter-convertibility and their quantitative equivalence. The results of Joule’s work were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, with a very impressive title: “On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat.”
The contributions of Lord Kelvin must be considered next. His paper, “The Dynamical Equivalent of Heat,” published in 1851, contended that energy could be “lost to man irrecoverably; but not lost to the material world”. Thomson was thus the first person to understand that all energy changes involve energy dissipation, and losses.
During the second half of the nineteenth century Kelvin and other scientists, including Clausius, Rankine, Maxwell and, Boltzmann, continued to develop these ideas. Their combined efforts resulted in the establishment of the Science of Thermodynamics; with Conservation of Energy as its First Law and the Dissipation of Energy as its Second Law.
Accordingly, motor researchers were thus made aware of the extreme importance of classifying all known motor losses, and accounting for them with the same degree of accuracy as would be exhibited in the well established science of corporate book-keeping.
Ultimately, such practices would lead to the development of two principle kinds of Efficiency Measurements, both very valuable in all research pertaining to rotating components, but, particularly valuable for developing an understanding of over-unity as a scientific fact. Both efficiency concepts shall be fully explained in this presentation.
Just when you thought incandescent bulbs were going out, they’ve been “reinvented” to be even more efficient than LEDs!
Normally Incandescent bulbs are about 5-10% efficient as most of the energy is converted to wasted heat and this age-old problem has finally been solved.
We’re literally talking about recycling light in a two step process.
“The key is to create a two-stage process, the researchers report. The first stage involves a conventional heated metal filament, with all its attendant losses. But instead of allowing the waste heat to dissipate in the form of infrared radiation, secondary structures surrounding the filament capture this radiation and reflect it back to the filament to be re-absorbed and re-emitted as visible light. These structures, a form of photonic crystal, are made of Earth-abundant elements and can be made using conventional material-deposition technology.
That second step makes a dramatic difference in how efficiently the system converts electricity into light. One quantity that characterizes a lighting source is the so-called luminous efficiency, which takes into account the response of the human eye. Whereas the luminous efficiency of conventional incandescent lights is between 2 and 3 percent, that of fluorescents (including CFLs) is between 7 and 15 percent, and that of most commercial LEDs between 5 and 20 percent, the new two-stage incandescents could reach efficiencies as high as 40 percent, the team says.
The first proof-of-concept units made by the team do not yet reach that level, achieving about 6.6 percent efficiency. But even that preliminary result matches the efficiency of some of today’s CFLs and LEDs, they point out. And it is already a threefold improvement over the efficiency of today’s incandescents.
The team refers to their approach as “light recycling,” says Ilic, since their material takes in the unwanted, useless wavelengths of energy and converts them into the visible light wavelengths that are desired. “It recycles the energy that would otherwise be wasted,” says Soljačić.”
The rest of the article available here: mentions that the crystal is created with readily available natural ingredients so cost will probably not be an issue if they actually get these out to the public.
A classic three-phase 7 horsepower motor can easily be over 100 pounds and is designed to run around 1800 rpm. This higher power density motor delivers this kind of horsepower at almost 5 times the speed. It has different applications and windows of operation so it isn’t an apples to apples comparison. However, the developers do appear to win the bragging rights for the most energy dense motor commercially available.
Launchpoint Technologies Halbach Array Motor
Launchpoint Technologies website says, “With a total weight of only 1.4 pounds, this motor produces 7 horsepower at 8400 rpm with 95 percent efficiency. At 5 horsepower per pound, this motor has a higher power density than any other motor on the market.”
There are countless applications for this kind of motor such as improvements in battery life in electric cars, electric bikes, electric-powered aircraft and the list goes on.
Halbach Array
What makes this advancement possible is the use of the Halbach Array, which is a clever organization of the polarity of multiple magnets to create a very strong field on one side while almost totally negating the field on the other. Here is an old discussion on the Halback Array on Energetic Forum with some references: Halbach Array
Here is an early demo of the Launchpoint Technologies Halbach Array motor:
A very interesting benefit of the Halbach Array is that it defeats Earnshaw’s Theorem which says, “states that a collection of point charges cannot be maintained in a stable stationary equilibrium configuration solely by the electrostatic interaction of the charges.”
For example, if you took a ring magnet and had another magnet on a shaft in side of that ring magnet, you wouldn’t be able to get it to stay right in the middle even if you spin it – if you were trying to create a magnetic bearing for example.
However, with the Halbach Array, you can. With the clever arrangement of the polarities of various permanent magnets, you can indeed get a magnet to spin inside of this field and maintain stability in the middle without it sticking to any particular spot.
A refrigerator uses a traditional heat pump. A compressor is powered usually by electricity and that circulates a “refrigerant” like freon or some synthetic version through some tubes that go through heat exchangers – the bottom line is that is pulls the heat out of the fridge to make it cold.
An AC is just another variation of this as is all other heat pump technologies such as heat pump hot water heaters. Some give you cold while expelling the heat and some give you heat while expelling the cold.
Heat pumps are a really great technology and are very reliable and have made our lives much easier. There are a few drawbacks such as the noise and occasional maintenance due to moving parts.
Phononic is a company, which has eliminated these problems by building a completely silent and solid state refrigerator using hundred year old Peltier junctions…they’re semiconductors basically that get hot on one side and cold on the other.
Peltier’s definitely work but their drawback is that they are very inefficient…it takes a lot of watt hours to produce any substantial heating or cooling, but Phononic has scaled them up and have made them more efficient than ever. Normally, they’re under 10% efficient, but now they’re over 30%!
Even at 30%, they can’t compete with heat pumps in terms of Coefficient of Performance (COP), but being that they are much smaller than normal compressor heat pumps and they’re silent, they do have their place.
While this advancement in Peltier technology isn’t going to get anyone off the grid, it is a very welcome improvement as a three times increase in efficiency in anything doesn’t happen every day.
To put that into perspective – the automobile engine was commonly under 20% efficient and the newest cars on the road today are lucky to achieve 30% efficiency – and that is over many, many decades of automotive advancements.
It’s no secret that on a large scale, wind energy is not a viable solution as the maintenance is too high amongst countless other problems. It’s actually so bad that it would fail if it weren’t for the government subsidies to keep it floating.
Wind energy on a small scale is much more sensible, but even so, it isn’t that efficient. There is something called the Betz Limit that states that no wind turbine can capture more than 59.3% of the kinetic energy of the wind, but so far wind turbines only capture 30-40% of the wind.
There is a new wind technology that is blowing everything else away and it is 2.3 TIMES more efficient than blade technology and at a 45% reduction in cost.
Welcome to the Saphonian – a bladeless wind generator that takes the energy from the wind and uses it to pump up hydraulic accumulators. Watch it in action – this video is in French but you can see the obvious mechanism: