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2023-03-18 Eric Dollard Live Call

This call covers lot of different topics – music, polyphase, the 2023 ESTC, golden ratio discharges and more. This call is 3 hours long!!

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non-Profit –

2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference info –

2023 ESTC Tickets –

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2023-02-25 Eric Dollard Live Call

This call covers Eric’s new book on Amazon, updates from Hakasays and Griffin Brock as well as from Dr. Adrian Marsh and Bruce Gavin. Eric discusses the recent hype about the sun and what his observations are and he also discusses his upcoming presentation at the 2023 ESTC.

Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 Non-Profit –

2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference info –

2023 ESTC Tickets –

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Tickets on Sale – 2023 Energy Science & Technology Conference

Tickets are now available for the 12th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference – Spokane, Washington USA – July 5-9, 2023 (Wednesday-Sunday). There are only 65 in person seats and only 100 streaming tickets available. Whey are streaming tickets limited? Over a certain number of people streaming in, the bandwidth cost goes up significantly to get to the next tier.

The in person tickets are flat rate and for streaming tickets, there is an early bird discount that expires the end of March.

PURCHASE TICKETS NOW (100% of the tickets sell out every year):

For the full ESTC website, still being updated, go here:

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Eric Dollard Feb 4, 2023 Live Call Recording

This call has a lot of content, discussion of an attempt at trans-Atlantic ground transmission and more.

Donate to EPD Laboratories to keep this work alive!

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The Higherside Chats with Aaron Murakami & Jeremiah Ferwerda

Jeremiah and I were interviewed by Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats a few weeks ago and we discussed some updates from the conference and went into depth into the Tesla Turbine project. The Higherside Chats is a very popular podcast where Greg has interviewed countless authors, presenters and so no who are involved in all kinds of taboo and other topics. You can listen to our interview for free and I’d encourage everyone to subscribe to his podcast and get a membership with The Higherside Chats.

Listen to our interview with the link below for Free! Thank you Greg!

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2022 ESTC New Release – Advanced Measurement Techniques for Tesla Coils by Dr. Adrian Marsh

Advanced Measurement Techniques For Tesla Coils by Adrian Marsh

In 2019 when Eric Dollard presented on the 20:1 scale model replica of the Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter, Dr. Adrian Marsh was there to help analyze the MWO, the Colorado Springs transformer and more. He was able to quickly figure out how to get the MWO pulse modulator to power the Colorado Springs transformer and several experiments were conducted on the fly.

This year, Dr. Marsh gave a comprehensive overview of using a Vector Network Analyzer to show more information about the resonant peaks, serial vs parallel mode and more. It is must easier to obtain this information with a VNA compared to using a current transformer and analog volt meter. It’s recommended that you do understand the old-school analog method because it is important to understand that but for ultra fine tuning, the VNA is the way to go.

You’ll see a lot of charts produced by the VNA output and Dr. Marsh shares the comparison between a very affordable VNA compared to his HP one that was a $100k unit when brand new. The results are extremely close.

In addition to the VNA presentation, you’ll also see a replication of Eric Dollard’s gold-ratio high voltage discharges! This is the first time this has been replicated by anyone other than Eric to our knowledge. This was done with equipment that Dr. Marsh brought over from the UK in a suitcase.

For the exact VNA used, this is the only one recommended: Vector Network Analyzer

Go here to watch the preview video or get a copy of the full presentation: Advanced Measurement Techniques for Tesla Coils

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ESTC 2022 New Release – Tesla’s Thermodynamic Transformer Part 3 by Jeremiah Ferwerda

Nikola Tesla's Thermodynamic Transformer by Jeremiah Ferwerda (2022)

Here is the third presentation by Jeremiah on Tesla’s favorite invention – the Tesla Turbine.

Last year, the hot tank was on the back of a trailer and it took a lot of space to setup everything up and it worked so-so.

This year, it out performed last year’s demonstration and it fit on a table top! Also, the vacuum box the turbine was inside of is gone and there was a much lower thermal differential. Last year’s cold tank was in an ice bath and this year, it was 85 degrees F!!

This is by far the most efficient Tesla Turbine demonstration for producing electricity based on a low thermal differential that anyone is showing – to our knowledge.

See the preview here or get a copy: Tesla’s Thermodynamic Transformer Part 3

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2022 ESTC New Release – Law of Electrostatic Induction by Aaron Murakami & Eric Dollard

The Law Of Electrostatic Induction As Applied To The John G Trump Electrostatic Machine by Eric Dollard and Aaron Murakami

Here’s the first of many new releases from the 2022 ESTC.

This one is an electrostatic generator invented by John G. Trump, the same Trump who was called in to analyze Tesla’s work after Tesla died. John Trump was mentored by Van de Graaff while at MIT and due to Van de Graaff’s encouragement to study vacuum high voltage systems, this generator concept is the result.

The test unit shown was built by Chris Carson, a friend of Eric Dollard’s and over the last year, we have figured out the basic running method, Eric has analyzed the math, I’ve been doing the bench experiments and have seen enough to realize that the claims by Trump and Carson are true.

The demo unit is flea power, is not in a vacuum so is not ideal but the presentation gives enough information for anyone to develop it further if they wish. There is no back EMF since there are no magnets or coils so when placing a load on it, the prime mover will not know.

Watch the preview vid and get a copy of this presentation here: The Law of Electrostatic Induction as Applied to the John G. Trump Electrostatic Machine

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Thane Heins & ReGenX Removed from 2022 ESTC Presentation Schedule

Thane Heins

Over the last several weeks, I have attempted to get an agreement from Thane Heins to allow the proper testing of his ReGenX, motor-generator technology. At first he agreed but then when I got specific, my requests were met with non-response.

It’s very simple – Thane Heins claims that his motor-generator is free of any load and when he puts a load on the generator, the prime mover is partially unloaded so it speeds up. The reason for this is very simple and it has nothing to do with overunity or any other mysterious principle.

Rather than repeating myself, I simply copy and pasted some of a PUBLIC email to him. When he first contacted me, he carbon copied it to a whole lot of people so I simply replied to all when responding. Therefore, nothing below is confidential. You can read my requests to him, which are very reasonable. I also wrote out the explanation of why the prime mover is being unloaded when applying a load (or short), which is still a load.

It will be obvious when Thane is writing and when I’m writing.

Hello Thane,

I believe I have been more than generous by giving you plenty of opportunities to address my concerns about how your motor-generator technology is to be measured.

If you’re unwilling to allow the prime mover to be tested apart from the generator, then that is an obvious red flag.

I will take your silent, non-response to my last few emails as your refusal to allow proper testing of your motor-generator technology so I will remove you from the schedule for the 11th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference.

If, at some point in the future, you agree to finally allow the proper testing of your technology to prove the “no load” claim by measuring your prime mover by itself, then you will be welcome to present it at my conference.

Until then, it is indisputable that all your claims are illegitimate, especially the claim of “no load” because there is magnetic drag across the generator cores and my video linked to below shows the same effect of the prime mover speeding up under load or being shorted. I gave the correct explanation as to why that is. Your prime mover is pre-loaded – plain and simple – pre-loaded by the drag across the generator cores just as I explained.

If you want to debate this indisputable fact, let’s do it in a public forum where the reality of the ReGenX will be self-apparent to the entire world whether it pans out or not. I’m game if you are.
Aaron Murakami
On 4/28/2022 12:33 AM, Aaron Murakami wrote:

Hello Thane,

I have you scheduled for the Energy Science & Technology Conference, which is July 6 to 10 (Wed to Sun).

Your actual talk is on Sunday the 10th at this time: 9:45am~12:00pm THANE HEINS – REGENX MOTOR & GENERATOR – DEMONSTRATION INCLUDED (135 min)

We have time set aside on Wed so your machines can be measured. One item of interest is to measure the draw on your prime mover while completely detached from the generator and then to remeasure it attached to the generator with the cores of the generator removed and then to then measure it with the normal generator setup with no load attached to the generator. This will show whether or not your prime mover is “unloaded” or not. If in the first two situations the prime mover draws less, it is obviously not unloaded and the generator cores are causing drag on the prime mover meaning it is pre-loaded. Attaching a load or shorting generator coils on a constant current generator is supposed to unload the prime mover and speed it up because of simple Lenz’s Law – the generator coils will generate an opposing magnetic field that will neutralize some of the magnetic cogging effect and is completely expected and normal (for a constant current generator). The magnet can obviously slide by the generator coil easier.

I can demonstrate unloading a prime mover with the Kromrey Generator patented in the late 60’s at a relatively low speed – shorting the output lets the prime mover speed up for the exact reason I mentioned above:


Also, simple volt and amp readings don’t mean much with complex waveforms, but nevertheless, I’m comparing apples to apples in a relatively low speed system and the RPM meter shows the system speeding up when shorted out. When properly understanding these principles, all this can be done at much lower speeds.

I also understand using a coil as a capacitor where producing a load has no drag / no Lenz Law at certain speeds – Tesla patented that in his bifilar coil patent a century ago. We’ve all demonstrated this at various levels for many years so it’s fairly well-known.

Your claim is that at the critical speed, it requires to work for the prime mover to operate it. That means that with the prime mover unattached to the generator, it should draw the same as the system loaded at the critical speed.

If you can be there on the 5th when we setup, that will be ideal so we can set everything up to do the testing Wednesday morning.

How many guest passes do you need? All in person seating is already sold out but we are offering live streaming tickets. Besides yourself 1-2 guest passes would be no problem. Please let me know and I’ll send you a private link.

For reference:

Q2 – Presentation with demonstrations have priority – will you be demonstrating both your ReGen-X Motor AND Generator?


Q3 – Are you able to cover your own travel/lodging meals (meals that are not provided at the conference) to bring what you need to the conference and set it up? (If you present, we’d provide 2-3 tickets so that you and a couple associates can come for the whole conference. There are 4 lunches and 1 dinner provided at the conference location and that would be covered with the tickets.


Q4 – Presenters typically promote the conference that they are presenting at to their newsletter lists, social media networks, etc. Are you willing to help spread the word about the conference?


Q5 – Presentations are typically in Powerpoint format and projected on the big screen. The presentations are recorded and sold as digital downloads and presenters are encouraged to become an affiliate with our affiliate program to earn almost 50% of all referred sales. Is this something you’re interested in? It’s certainly not required.


Q6 – We sometimes hold live conference calls with presenters to introduce what they’re going to present at the conference and to open up for Q & A with the callers. Are you open to participating in these kind of calls if we have time to schedule them?



ReGenX Replications

Q7 – In your email below, there is the subject line, “CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY IMMEDIATE REQUEST FOR (2ND) PERFORMANCE VALIDATION” – Will you allow your motor and generator technology to be independently measured/vetted at the conference by experts chosen by me? 



HILLCREST PETROLEUM AND DESIGN 1ST ReGenX Generator E Core Prototype Hillcrest Petroleum & Design 1st ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Quantum Motor Demonstration
HILLCREST PETROLEUM AND DESIGN 1ST ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Quant… HILLCREST PETROLEUM AND DESIGN 1ST ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Quantum Motor Test and Performance Protocol V2 1. ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Quantum Motor Test and Performance Protocol 02/21/2021 Prepared by: Thane C. Heins President and CEO, Potential Difference Inc. Preface: Potential Difference has developed the ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Quantum Motor which both operate with a US …

2018 INFINITE EFFICIENCY ReGenX Generator, Bi-Toroid Transformer Tests Report for SIEMENS:

2018 INFINITE EFFICIENCY ReGenX Generator, Bi-Toroid Transformer Test… – SlideShare 2018 infinite efficiency regenx generator, bi-toroid transformer tests report for siemens 1. 03/10/2018 test data and black box system efficiencies generator armature reaction reversal & electric vehicle regenerative braking reversal technology innovations potential +/- difference inc.

This can happen on Wed/Thur before, during or after the presentations. For something like what you want to present, Fri, Sat or Sun before the panel discussions would be best.


HILLCREST PETROLEUM AND DESIGN 1ST SIEMENS 1 Report Signed Data Sheet… Hillcrest Petroleum & Design 1st ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Quantum Motor Demonstration:

Q8 – The conference is July 6 – 10 – Wed to Sun. Would you able to be there with a demo setup by Wed night and stay for the panel discussion on Sunday?


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11th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference – Location Change & Price Drop!

2021 Energy Science & Technology Conference

Due to the ridiculous increases in lodging in the Coeur d’Alene and Hayden, Idaho area, too many attendees cannot afford it. Therefore, we’re moving the conference into the Spokane area where conventional lodging is less expensive, but there are also a LOT of AirBNB spots available at low cost that are close to the conference.

The NEW location for the conference is in the most unlikely venue – it will be right in our own shop since there is space! That saves on a lot of costs and as rare as it is, we are passing the savings on to you by lowering the conference ticket prices.

Normally, we limit seating to 150 but this year, since it is at our shop, we’re limiting it to ONLY 50 SEATS and these are going to go very fast.

We’re also going to offer live-streaming but it’s a challenge to get a human being to respond from any company that offers live streaming options. IF you want a live streaming ticket, please do not purchase a general admission in-person ticket because we will not give a partial refund in order to downgrade the ticket to a streaming ticket. There is a chance live-streaming won’t be an option and if not, you take the risk of missing out altogether and will have to wait until the presentations are available as paid digital downloads.

The ticket prices have been slashed drastically and you can get one here:

The new location (in Spokane, Washington rather than Hayden, Idaho) is listed on the website along with other details:

The updated schedule is here:

For lodging, etc. details, go here: