Marty Luckoski will discuss the ways in which we have been lead to believe that some things are impossible in the fields of science and wellness and how belief and open-mindedness are the foundations of true innovation. He will also speak about AquaCure and Brown’s Gas (HHO) therapy and its benefits.
Marty Luckoski is George Wiseman’s business partner who is heading up the development and manufacturing of their product line. George Wiseman is the leading authority on HHO or Brown’s Gas generators.
HHO is commonly ducted water gas that has many amazing properties – some bordering on the supernatural. It is known that water has a memory effect and when producing HHO from water and allowing the gas to recombine into water, it appears that the water’s memory has been reset. There are many applications for this gas and the AquaCure machine literally “cures” the water itself!
James DeMeo has been investigating the work of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich since 1970, and founded the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory in 1978. With cooperative assistance from a network of professionals and institutes supportive of Wilhelm Reich’s original discoveries, OBRL has grown to become one of the world’s primary centers for genuine and uncompromised research and educational programs focused upon Orgonomy, the science of orgone (life) energy functions in nature, as developed by Reich in the first half of the 20th Century. James formally studied the Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Sciences at Florida International University and the University of Kansas, where he earned his PhD in 1986. At KU, he openly undertook the first graduate-level natural scientific research specifically focused upon Wilhelm Reich’s controversial discoveries, subjecting those ideas to rigorous testing, with positive verification of the original findings. DeMeo subsequently undertook drought-related field research in the arid American Southwest, Egypt, Israel, sub-Saharan Eritrea, and Namibia, Africa.
At the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference, he presented on two topics. Cosmic Ether Exists: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science and The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Experimental Confirmations and New Water-Structuring Evidence – Get your copies here:
Dr. DeMeo will also be delivering two new presentations at the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference – pre-register for free here – seating is limited to 150 people.
For the more recent 2019 presentation by Walt Jenkins, he gives an update of how far he has come over the last couple years. There is so much water in the atmosphere that it is possible to extract this right out of the air to be used in the fuel process and this is something he wants to use in his planned RV project where he drives across the country mostly on water.Walt covers that his study of charged particles and lightning led to his new process to get the energy out of water. This possibly leads to the lowest cost fuel on Earth that may utilize either fresh or salt water.
He shows some video of some tests such as 5ml of gasoline and 450ml of water that were mixed and put into a 49cc scooter. There has shown to be an 80% reduction in emissions with this system. Normally, this kind of scooter gets around 70mpg. With Walt’s system, he claims 500mpg! We hope to see experience this test ourselves where we can see a long road test from Spokane to Seattle for example, which is about 280 miles. This would eliminate any doubt in the minds of skeptics that it is only burning vapor of the gasoline for a short demonstration until those vapors are gone.
In some tests, it is claimed to have an 1100 times increase in gas mileage and the horsepower doubles.
Another video of a test is done with a 196cc engine.
Walt covers his planned RV/bus tour to travel across the country without stopping for fuel.
Again, we hope to see some long distance tests such as the scooter running on a circular track for x miles until all the water/fuel mixture is used up as well as seeing some commercial application come into play as soon as possible.
The Electrical Properties of Interfacial Water by Kurt Kung PhD
At the 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Dr. Gerald Pollack who is a professor at the University of Washington presented on the 4th Phase of Water. This is considered to be some of the most authoritative and advanced science in the world of subtle energy research dealing with water.
Dr. Kurt Kung attended the University of Washington and worked closesly with Dr. Pollack who was his advisor at the time and currently, they are partners in ongoing water research and technologies. So if you are looking for more authoritative information on methods to measure subtle energy changes in water, this is the presentation for you.
Dr. Kung starts with an overview of some of his work with EZ water, which is the 4th Phase of Water known as “Exclusion Zone” water, which you would be familiar with if you studied Dr. Pollack’s work. This is what Dr. Kung is referring to when he is discussing the properties of Interfacial Water and its net negative charge.
The charge separation that happens when this EZ water is produced is very important because there are two very different types of water that are in close proximity to each other and they do not mix. Therefore, there is a high and low potential or dipole that is formed directly in the water.
What that means is that you can literally create a battery using one source of water that is simply in contact with a hydrophilic surface, which in turn creates the EZ water separation – if you have two potential differences in that water, then you have a battery. That in fact is what Dr. Kung did – by stringing a bunch of those water cells in series, he was able to light an LED to prove the point. It is a ways off before this is something that can produce large amounts of power, but it is in its infancy and is a profound discovery.
Everything is made of the same stuff…so is there an exchange at every level? If everything is a field of information, then how does it inform? If everything vibrates then through what? What ethereal medium do most glance over? What is the primordial soup of creation? What is the foundation, and the entanglement – macro to macro.
How did Tesla come up with the wireless network? Where do those aha moments and ideas come from? Which greats were electrified? Water is one of the key elements and like all is it fundaMENTAL and eleMENTAL. This presentation is EXTREME on visuals.
In this presentation Karen Elkins takes you on a visual journey though a myriad of disciplines and shows you the interconnectedness within the universe – micro to macro – man, machine and the matrix.
Because she is the editor, researching and designer of Science to Sage E-Magazine, and has produced over 53 issue hosting the best in the world, she has images most have never seen. Her presentation shows riveting images of water most in the world have NEVER seen.
At the 2018 ESTC (Energy Science & Technology Conference), Professor Robert Haralick takes us deeper in the realm of subtle energies by showing exactly how he measured quantifiable changes in water that result from conscious intention alone. This is the companion presentation to the presentation from last year.
He also covers many important points about how the experimenter can influence the experiment on a level that goes above the common superficial understanding of this concept. This is taken to a higher level and suggestions are offered on how to clear the influence of intentions on the experiment in order to have cleaner or purer results.
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Prof. Haralick gives the exact components that he uses to measure changes in the impedance of water for the control or unaltered water in comparison to water that is subject to the influence of intention. The results are strikingly obvious – conscious intention alters how well water accepts or rejects the signal from an analyzer.
What this shows is how the intention possibly changed the bonding angles or other characteristics. Whatever the change may be, it is unmistakable that the water was indeed changed by consciousness alone.
Quite a few experiments are revealed by both graphs, Smith Charts, etc. and Prof. Haralick also reviews various “structured” water and how their boiling point is changed. The most altered appears to have lower boiling points indicating the possibility that the strength that the water molecules are holding hands has been reduced and this is a possible further indication that the surface tension has been reduced.
Various water technologies are also discussed as well as his personal experience meeting with the inventors.
If you have an interest in water and the effects of consciousness on it, this presentation is for you because you learn exactly how to measure the effects. Experimental protocols that actually work are not very well understood even by many water scientists, but this presentation lays it all out for you.
2018 ESTC Panel Discussion #1 with Anupam Tewari, Jeane Manning, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Aaron Murakami, Prof. Robert Haralick, Karen Elkins, Paul Babcock.
Dr. Pollack is a world-renown scientist and professor at the University of Washington who has investigated water for many years. Much of this study is in relation to cellular water and its role in biological processes.
Water is deceptively simple yet complex at the same time and most of what is thought to be understood about it is usually wrong.
Once you see this presentation, Fourth Phase of Water – Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor, named after Dr. Pollack’s book of the same title, you will agree.
The discoveries presented shine light on a new way to create a battery that has only water and no electrolytes or dissimilar metals, water apparently moving in perpetual motion unidirectionally through tubes, a solid form of water at room temperature and other mind-blowing facts.
Look at a few of the profound revelations you will learn in this presentation:
How there is a 4th phase that is different from solid, liquid or vapor.
How water can be separated into two types in one container that can be used as a battery – has already been proven to be able to light an LED – there is no electrolyte in the water or dissimilar metals, it is 100% water in two different forms.
A glimpse at SOLID water at ROOM TEMPERATURE – that’s right, easy to come to an understanding that almost anything anyone thinks they know about water is probably wrong.
How water can desalinate itself as well as separating out other particles.
A discovery showing how water actually flows through capillaries and assists the blood pumping action since the heart is not capable of pumping all of the blood as is commonly thought.
Free water pumping action through a tube at an infinite COP (coefficient of performance) since we provide zero input and any other input comes from external sources.
Moray King has been a thought leader in the field of breakthough energy technologies for many decades. We were honored to have him present at our 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference and you can find his presentation here:
He now has a new book called Water: The Key to New Energy: Cavitating Electrolyzers & Zero-Point Energy and you can pre-order it on Amazon right now.
Here is the book description: Physicist King expands, with diagrams, on how zero-point water energy can be used with the tremendous fluctuations of electrical field energy embedded within the fabric of space. King explains how gas emitted from popular water electrolyzer projects manifests unusual energetic anomalies, which include vaporizing tungsten when used in a welding torch, and running internal combustion engines on small quantities of the gas. Some claim to run generators in closed loop fashion solely on the gas from the electrolyzer, which is powered solely from the generator. Most investigators believe the energy comes from burning hydrogen. A hypothesis is proposed that the dominant energy does not come from hydrogen, but rather it comes from charged water gas clusters, which activate and coherently trap zero-point energy. Cavitating the water in the electrolyzers appears to maximize gas and energy production. Packed with diagrams, patents and photos.
From Nanobubbles to Ball Lightning by Moray B. King
From Nanobubbles to Ball Lightning by Moray B. King – In an internal combustion engine the big anomalous energy manifests from microscopic ball lightning – not hydrogen combustion. This presentation shows many resources and academic paper references that are involved with the latest research in this field. You will also learn how you may be able to make your own nanobubbles using various methods of cavitation to create what just may be microscopic ball lightning in your engine. Release date – August 18, 2016. Learn more: From Nanobubbles to Ball Lightning