Inspired by a video posted online in 2009 of one Martin Grusenick from Germany who conducted a simple experiment with a self-built Michelson interferometer oriented to the vertical plane, through prodding from friends, Chris Machado took the investigation to the next step. The Grusenick device was examined and rebuilt with several modifications and upgrades while staying true to the Grusenick design. This in order to be sure we could reasonably compare results with Grusenick’s device.
This presentation will open with a brief review covering the background of the ether-drift concept and experiments to date. We’ll then review the experiment with the modified Grusenick-style interferometer, sharing results and analysis of over 130 turns and 3,336 data points collected. We’ll close the discussion with a review of ideal approaches to a further iteration on the device design and experiment.
Ether-Drift – Experiments With The Vertical Component
Inspired by a video posted online in 2009 of one Martin Grusenick from Germany who conducted a simple experiment with a self-built Michelson interferometer oriented to the vertical plane, through prodding from friends, Chris Machado took the investigation to the next step. The Grusenick device was examined and rebuilt with several modifications and upgrades while staying true to the Grusenick d…
Last year’s flame speaker was 100 watts, this year, it will be around 2000 watts. The audio modulator bay is 100% complete and the RF bay is well on its way. We have some makeshift modifications that we had time to complete for the conference. We’ll continue to completion after the conference. There will be multiple demonstrations with this universal, high frequency and high voltage test equipment. Watch the preview video below for a sample of what is demonstrated.
Ultra Low Frequency Amplifier-Modulator
Last year’s flame speaker was 100 watts, this year, it will be around 2000 watts. The audio modulator bay is 100% complete and the RF bay is well on its way. We have some makeshift modifications that we had time to complete for the conference. We’ll continue to completion after the conference. There will be multiple demonstrations with this universal, high frequency and high voltage test equipm…
The focus in this presentation is to step back and take a “bird’s-eye-view” of both the established and the fringe science and find common themes/mechanics between them. How does Lorentz Special Relativity relate to electrical engineering, and is it compatible with the works of Eric Dollard, Heaviside, and others? How can we tell if a theory is accurate, and how might we design experiments to confirm or falsify a model or claim? Are there common threads between different claimed “overunity” devices? Parametric variation is a major theme of the talk, and the demonstration(s) will be a reflection of that. A much improved ‘Carson rotary electrostatic converter’ aka Trump motor is planned for demonstration as well as other models to demonstrate key principles of fringe tech.
Slaying Maxwell’s Demon
The focus in this presentation is to step back and take a “bird’s-eye-view” of both the established and the fringe science and find common themes/mechanics between them. How does Lorentz Special Relativity relate to electrical engineering, and is it compatible with the works of Eric Dollard, Heaviside, and others? How can we tell if a theory is accurate, and how might we design experiments to c…
Over 80 years ago, William Skinner built a machine that uses gravity as a source of potential to amplify the input into his machine at a claimed increase of 1200%.
From the video evidence, this appears to be greatly understated. It is commonly thought that gravity is static and can do no work, but understanding the true nature of the dynamic properties of gravity, gravity is definitely a source of potential that can be used.
This machine has been discussed for many years on Energetic Forum and elsewhere. Aaron was the first to point out the obvious fact that Skinner’s input mechanism was of an elliptical nature but virtually every replication attempt posted online by independent builders have a circular input mechanism. Even the old news releases announcing Skinner’s machine clearly states that the “eccentrics”, which are the elliptical input mechanisms, are part of the secret.
Mark and Aaron are the only ones that appear to be attempting a replication using this eccentric input method rather than the circular input that has failed everyone else. The full scale model completely built by Mark that will be displayed is still under construction without any claims given.
This presentation aims to clearly show the evidence of Skinner’s eccentric input from the original 1939 video, which Aaron has pointed out multiple times in the past on YouTube and in Energetic Forum but has remained wholly ignored by the builders as well as pointing out once again what the original news releases describe, which matches what is obvious in the video.
William Skinner’s 1939 Gravity Power Machine
Over 80 years ago, William Skinner built a machine that uses gravity as a source of potential to amplify the input into his machine at a claimed increase of 1200%. From the video evidence, this appears to be greatly understated. It is commonly thought that gravity is static and can do no work, but understanding the true nature of the dynamic properties of gravity, gravity is definitely a source…
Quartet is a fortnightly episodic premium feature where John Petersen, Gregg Braden, Penny Kelly, Kingsley Dennis, and Mark Gober share their unique insights on this extraordinary global transition, what is happening, and what is on the horizon. John hosted/streamed this call live from the 2023 ESTC. After the Quartet episode concludes, there will be a brief break and then John Petersen and Gregg Braden will have a one on one conversation about breakthrough technologies.
The Golden Ratio is one of the fundamental underlying principles in the Wheelwork of Nature, and is reflected within many forms in the natural world. The Golden Ratio Discharge reflects this fundamental principle in the field of electricity and energy, first discovered by Eric Dollard in 1978, and now rediscovered by Adrian Marsh, and demonstrated by using a specific arrangement of Tesla coil and generator. This presentation makes an in-depth exploration of this unique discharge, looking into its scientific, engineering, and philosophical/esoteric origins, and how to practically reveal this discharge in a Tesla coil system, as well as considering its importance as an example of a core underlying principle of nature revealed in the field of electricity and electro-magnetism.
A complete engineering apparatus and schematics are disclosed for the experimental Tesla coil system, along with comprehensive measurements of the power supply, generator, and Tesla coil characteristics in both the time and frequency domain. The presentation contains all the necessary design keys to replicate this remarkable experiment. Vibration, tuning, and resonance of the experiments are explored in detail, and how to transition the discharge form from the Golden Dragon, a fractal expanding with Golden Ratio proportions, to more conventional Sword streamers. The Golden Dragon discharge shows profound symmetry, temporal and spatial coherence, and a choreography that demonstrates in no uncertain terms the fundamental nature of this underlying principle of the natural world.
The inner nature of the Golden Ratio discharge is explored using high-speed photography up to 2000 times which shows the creation and extinction of each discharge streamer, and hidden within this the first conjectured emergence of ball-lightning, or the formation of a “micro-sun”, the precursor to an inclusive fusion process, observed before within specialised vacuum tubes, but never before manifested in free-space. The presentation concludes with a live demonstration of the optimal tuning of the experimental apparatus to generate the Golden Ratio discharge in the form of the Golden Dragon, and then through specific tuning and adjustment the transition to sword streamers at lower frequencies. The Golden Ratio Discharge experiment in this presentation is shown to support Tesla’s profound statement, “… then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”, and has the potential to reveal deeper insights, principles, and knowledge of the natural order.
Includes PDF of the Powerpoint presentation and two close-up videos of the Golden Ratio Discharge.
The Golden Ratio Discharge
The Golden Ratio is one of the fundamental underlying principles in the Wheelwork of Nature, and is reflected within many forms in the natural world. The Golden Ratio Discharge reflects this fundamental principle in the field of electricity and energy, first discovered by Eric Dollard in 1978, and now rediscovered by Adrian Marsh, and demonstrated by using a specific arrangement of Tesla coil a…
In Parker’s demonstration, they will showcase single-wire electrical transmission using two coils tuned to the same frequency. The primary coil, longer in length, will have the secondary coils wrapped around its base. Both primary coils will be wound to 1/4 the wavelength of the transmitted frequency. The connection between the coils will be established by connecting the bottom wire of the primary coils, while the secondary coils wound around the base of the primary coils will serve as reference secondary coils. Parker will connect a signal generator to the secondary (shorter) coil of the sending coil and tune it to the desired transmission frequency. On the identical receiving coil, a LED or similar device will be placed on the secondary (shorter) coil, and as Parker adjusts the signal generator to the resonant frequency of the coil system, the LED will illuminate. In the second part of the demonstration, Parker will power up a diathermy machine and discuss intriguing effects associated with high-frequency alternating current. They will then proceed to light an incandescent bulb using the diathermy machine. If a volunteer is available, Parker may invite them to hold the bulb and touch one side with a metal object while simultaneously touching the diathermy machine with another metal object. This interaction aims to demonstrate the bulb’s illumination through the transfer of energy. If time allows, Parker will further showcase their expertise by lighting a candle or a kerosene lamp using the diathermy machine. Throughout the demonstration, Parker will provide detailed explanations and insights into the underlying principles and phenomena. Attendees can look forward to an engaging and educational experience, gaining a deeper understanding of single-wire electrical transmission, high-frequency effects, and practical applications.
This video is made available for free to help raise awareness about Parker’s work. He is inspiring hundreds of thousands of youth who otherwise would not know about Tesla and the related sciences. This has a list of a bunch of links to his different websites:
Tesla Coil And Diathermy Machine
In Parker’s demonstration, they will showcase single-wire electrical transmission using two coils tuned to the same frequency. The primary coil, longer in length, will have the secondary coils wrapped around its base. Both primary coils will be wound to 1/4 the wavelength of the transmitted frequency. The connection between the coils will be established by connecting the bottom wire of the prim…
This presentation by Griffin Brock demonstrates fundamental science – for the first time in 120 years, Tesla’s Shadowgraph tube has been perfected and demonstrated. This is one of the most important breakthroughs in the Tesla sciences that has emerged in a long time and we were fortunate to be able to witness this first hand at the 2023 ESTC!
At the close of the Nineteenth Century, research as conducted by Nikola Tesla became exceedingly directed towards high vacuum – high frequency vacuum tubes. Tesla produced a variety of single electrode lamps, some of which manufactured rather unique rays, dubbed as Shadowgraphs. As opposed to succeeding contemporaries including W. C. Röentgen, whom of which proclaimed a similar effect, Nikola Tesla ultimately discovered an exceptional form of ray, similar to conventional Röentgen Rays, while not possessing inherent characteristics. Tesla later dwelled upon these special single-electrode tubes, realizing their implication in radiant matter applications, as well as their electrostatic effects. This presentation will cover the replication and a rigorous scientific exploration into the realm of the Tesla Radiant Matter – Shadowgraph Tube. As well as the covering of perfected versions of the apparatus, not expounded upon since the 1890’s.
See the preview or get a copy here:
Recent Research On The Tesla Radiant Matter Tube And Related Phenomena
This presentation by Griffin Brock demonstrates fundamental science – for the first time in 120 years, Tesla’s Shadowgraph tube has been perfected and demonstrated. This is one of the most important breakthroughs in the Tesla sciences that has emerged in a long time and we were fortunate to be able to witness this first hand at the 2023 ESTC!
Support EPD Laboratories, Inc. a 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to furthering the electrical sciences.
Here are 2 NEW Eric Dollard presentations mentioned in the Zoom call!
Four-Phase, wrongly called “Two Phase”, is a relatively unknown form of polyphase power. However, it was the original method employed in the Tesla-Westinghouse system of polyphase power and for good reason. It provided the best match to the well-established Edison Three Wire System then in extensive use. While an effective mathematical representation exists for the common three-phase system, no such representation has ever been applied to four-phase. This representation is to be developed in this presentation.
Four-Phase analysis opens a new dimension in multiple co-ordinate representation and accordingly, opens a new avenue into this area of general theory. The established master of multiple co-ordinates is J.S. Bach and his poly-phonic (phase) music. BWV536 represents an idyllic representation of the four-phase concept; this is taken into a very high level of expression. This presentation applies the Fortescue method of the Fugue of BWV536 and is applied to the introductory part of Bach’s work.
This is the first of many releases to come from the 2023 ESTC. Electric Motor Secrets Part 3 also concludes the Trilogy of Electric Motor Secrets, which also has an extra video Advanced Motor Secrets.
This new presentation is a first disclosure of what Peter Lindemann saw when meeting Troy Reed years ago – he is finally discussing what he believes he saw. Discussing the secret life of Tesla’s AC Induction Motor, Troy Reed’s “Hot Fan” project, and Robert Alexander’s 1975 US Patent titled Method and Apparatus for Increasing Electrical Power.
The other presentations will be released daily until they’re all out.