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Robert Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator by Nick Kraakman

Nick Kraakman

Dr. Robert Adams is someone that most “newer” people in the “Free Energy” scene have never heard of although he is one of the Pioneers of the modern-day movement, which deals a lot with pulsed systems.

His electric motor/generator systems have shown to produce more work than the operator has to supply and it was Peter Lindemann that corresponded with him longer than anyone else in regards to his work. Peter is also the one who encouraged Dr. Adams to use calorimeters to properly measure any heat production to begin with, has a lot of correspondence letters and many photographs that have never been released to the public.

Nick Kraakman from The Netherlands is a software developer who has been studying the works of Tesla, Adams and other energy pioneers and his presentation may just kick off a new trend of experimentation with the Adams Motor. In this presentation, some photographs from Peter’s connection are seen for the first time ever, Nick shows his replication of the Adams motor (without free energy claims) and discloses may facts about this technology that most people are unfamiliar with.

This is going to be an ongoing project that Nick is working on so get this presentation to learn more about this historical motor-generator technology:

Get this presentation now:

In the near future, we’ll be releasing a 4 part series, which will be the most comprehensive collection of writings by Dr. Adams – many books, obscure writings, correspondence letters and many photographs so stay tuned for this. Nick’s presentation is the perfect Primer to prepare you for this exclusive upcoming release!

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Over 700 Volts from the Kromrey Generator

There have already been a few posts/videos on shorting coils and they’re relationship to the Kromrey Generator. To show the potential, no pun intended, of shorting the Kromrey Generator coils, another video is available.

You can see that over 700 volts AC is available by shorting it’s small generator coils or almost 600 volts DC from the same coils.

Get Peter Lindemann’s presentation on the Kromrey Generator here:

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Shorted Coils Part 1

In the last Energy Times newsletter, I shared a bit about John Bedini’s Kromrey Generator and demonstrated that it speeds up when the output is shorted. You can see that here:

Here is a video (Part 1) going deeper into the coil shorting concepts and soon after, I’ll post Part 2 that shows what the benefit is.

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Al Francoeur – Owner of Ed Gray Motors Interview 2017-05-14

Aaron Murakami, Al Francoeur, Paul Babcock
Aaron Murakami, Al Francoeur, Paul Babcock

Al Francoeur has been involved with energy technologies since the 1980’s and is the inventor of several interference generators that operate with reduced back emf.

He is the owner of several E.V. Gray Motors that were later converted to run conventionally. There are some clues in these motors and an original power supply, which appears to have never been tampered with. Al has found a few clues as to the original operating method and will be sharing his perspective on these aspects of the Ed Gray Motor technology at the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference.

Mark McKay is a researcher that has traveled the country visiting Ed Gray’s family, friends, engineers, etc. and has revealed his historical findings in these presentations:

Al’s presentation will be a perfect companion to Mark’s presentations and will be released after the upcoming conference.

Come meet Al Francoeur at the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference – there are only 8 seats remaining:

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NEW RELEASE – Plasma Impulse Motor by Aaron Murakami

Plasma Impulse Motor by Aaron Murakami
Plasma Impulse Motor by Aaron Murakami

Plasma Impulse Motor by Aaron Murakami, presents a novel way to power an inductor that appears to possibly have a reduced resistance/impedance effect in the entire circuit. This may prove out to show how to get a stronger magnetic punch on a coil thereby increasing its power so we can have stronger motors for the same or less electricity. It is also a 100% mirror image of the Gray Tube circuit, which is though by many to be THE Holy Grail of Free Energy since the output is astoundingly high compared to the input. If the inductor’s impedance is being reduced, even a little, this is a very important discovery in electromagnetic science. Release date – August 27, 2016. Learn more: Plasma Impulse Motor

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NEW RELEASE – Bedini SG – Beyond the Advanced Handbook by Peter Lindemann

Bedini SG - Beyond the Advanced Handbook by Peter Lindemann
Bedini SG – Beyond the Advanced Handbook
by Peter Lindemann

Bedini SG – Beyond the Advanced Handbook by Peter Lindemann – This is the first time John Bedini’s 1984 Kromrey Generator has been publicly demonstrated ever and the meters showed that the output was 200% compared to the input. And, the primary KEY piece of information to make it was has been fully disclosed! The Bedini SG that was demonstrated had a self-rotating battery system based on Bedini’s Splitting the Positive diagram and it recycled virtually all of the energy is used to run the energizer back through batteries to charge them up. The amp hours of running time that this energizer demonstrated was way more than the battery capacity can account for. A diode method was also shown that elicited way more radiant energy than the circuit and batteries could even handle, which teaches you that generating the radiant is not the issue because it has always been in the machine from the beginning – the real issue is how to safely capture it! The bottom line is that this presentation demonstrates that what was taught in the Advanced Bedini SG Handbook book is true.  Release date – August 9, 2016. Learn more: Bedini SG – Beyond the Advanced Handbook

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Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami – NEW RELEASE

Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami
Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami

Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami – This presentation reveals and unknown patent application that spells out the clearest description and list of benefits of Cold Electricity out of any public document. It has been hiding in plain sight for years and is the subject of a replication attempt. There are enough details in this presentation to demonstrate the basic switching method and two proposed methods of operation. Proceeds from this video will be used to further the replication attempt and we hope that others will be able to follow suit. Learn more: Cold Electricity