This is a must have presentation because the Tesla Turbine is one of the “low hanging fruits” when it comes to a technology that is the closest to fulfilling a sustainable energy generator that can power your home or business. With relatively low temperatures, you can have a turbine spinning 10’s of thousands of RPM turning a generator that supplies electricity. There are many variations and applications of the Tesla Turbine technology and the particular one that Jeremiah Ferwerda is focusing on is the “cyrophorus” method.
That means there is a hot and cold side to the turbine – the warm water tank boils water at a low temperature because a vacuum is applied to it, that steam drives the drive stage of the turbine and the other side is a vacuum side that pulls a vacuum through the drive stage all the way to the water to keep it boiling at a low temperature.
Solar electricity is about 20% efficient if you’re lucky but what most people don’t understand is that using the sun to heat water is much more efficient. So, with not much effort to heat some water with the sun, you’ll have a solar battery that runs a turbine at high speed making electricity – literally, the concept is as simple as that and for this particular application of the Tesla Turbine, Jeremiah is further ahead that anyone else developing more and more efficient methods with the cyrophorus method. Imagine a solar electric system that winds up being 40, 60, 80 or even close to 100% efficient!
In 2020, Jeremiah presented other aspects of the Tesla Turbine system but that presentation was never released because we were not able to include a demonstration. We’re also releasing this presentation at the same time so you can get either the 2020 1.5 hour presentation or the 2021 1 hour presentation with demo or both at a further discount.
The overall concept is explained in this one sentence: “A solar thermal fuel is like a rechargeable battery, but instead of electricity, you put sunlight in and get heat out, triggered on demand,” – Jeffrey Grossman, Engineer MIT
Here is a simple diagram that shows the concept:
When heat from the sun warms a fluid, it changes the molecules so that this heat can be released at a later time on demand when it is exposed to a catalyst.
What I see as a huge instant benefit is the efficiency of the system. Solar panels are around 20% efficient, which is horrible, but some of the best solar heat collectors such as the evacuated tube collectors can be in the high 90%. Being that heating accounts for about half of the average home energy use, this method makes a lot of sense.
It is likely you have experience with a fluid that operates similar to this – sodium acetate heating pads. These are plastic containers with a simple chemical solution. When you heat them up, the solution liquefies and stays that way until activated. There is a tiny metal, flexible disc inside. When the disc is bent or “clicked”, it triggers a chain reaction crystallization process of the chemical that heats up. This is of course oversimplified compared to the Solar Thermal Fuel technology, but is suffice to convey the concept in simple terms.
Earlier this year, Adam Abraham, a researcher, videographer and advocate for natural and safe healing modalities, green energy solutions and other related topics, came to Spokane for business relating to his water research.
We had already connected in the past so this was a great opportunity to introduce him to a lot of the movers and shakers in the local area who are known in the “free energy” world. He met with John Bedini, Peter Lindemann, Paul Babcock and even stopped by to visit Eric Dollard on his way back down to Arizona.
Here are two videos that he posted on YouTube and there are more to come. The first is an interview with Peter Lindemann on what is Free Energy and the second is a brief overview of what we do at Tesla Chargers. Please give Adam’s videos a thumbs up to show your support and share this post with your friends!
For years, the “Lithium Ion” battery has dominated the market whenever high capacity, small size and low weight were application requirements. That means, they have been used exclusively in cell phones, Tablet computers, Laptops, and most of the new high capacity portable tools. But that is not all. They are also used in the newer Hybrid electric automobiles and even the latest transcontinental commercial airliners, like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Although these batteries have a very high energy density for their size and weight, they can also be dangerous if they are not charged properly. You may recall some of the stories in the last few years about laptop computers bursting into flames, and even the whole fleet of 787 airliners being grounded because of battery fires. So, behind the scenes, the battery industry has been trying to develop a battery that has all of the benefits of Lithium Ion batteries, but none of the dangers.
Over the last two years, a new type of Lithium battery has been quietly showing up on the market. In the last 6 months, this battery has started becoming available in almost all sizes and for almost all applications. This battery is called the Lithium Iron Phosphate battery, and is referred to as the LiFePO4 for short.
This new kid on the block, has a slightly lower energy density than the typical “Lithium Ion” batteries (about 14% less), but they are much safer to use than either Lithium Ion or even the standard Lead Acid batteries are. The cost of the LiFePO4 batteries are still fairly high, but the prices are coming down pretty fast at this point.
Here’s a picture of a Lead Acid battery used to start a car next to its equivalent battery in the LiFePO4 chemistry. You can see from this that the battery is about half the size and only one fifth the weight. Now THAT is a better battery!
Lead Acid vs LiFePO4
But the best thing about these batteries is their safety. The LiFePO4 battery doesn’t have a liquid electrolyte, so it can’t leak or boil out to make a mess, and you never need to add water. It can be charged quickly without harming the battery, so it won’t over-heat. And best of all, there is NO FIRE DANGER like with the more common types of Lithium Ion batteries.
In fact, you may have already been using these LiFePO4 batteries and didn’t even know it. Many of the solar yard lights sold in the last year actually use these batteries. They get charged throughout the day and when it gets dark, the light comes on and runs the light until the battery goes completely dead! In the morning, the process starts over. And, this is done day after day after day for months and the battery still seems to be working fine.
That is one of the biggest benefits of these new LiFePO4 batteries – they can take a serious beating and still come back over and over! There isn’t another type of battery out there that can take this kind of treatment. Any other battery, such as a sealed lead acid type, would be on its death bed if it took that kind of abuse.
The LiFePO4 batteries also have a much higher life cycle rating than lead acids or the common “Lithium Ion” batteries. That means you can charge and discharge them many more times.
The LiFePO4 batteries are also a constant voltage battery. For example, with a lead acid battery, as you power a load, the voltage goes down little by little until it takes a nose dive. With the LiFePO4, you pretty much get the full voltage as you’re powering a load with them for nearly the entire time and then suddenly, they drop off a cliff. This is much more desirable because you get full power for most of the capacity of the battery, which you won’t get with lead acid batteries.
If you were in an emergency situation and needed a power supply for some light, a radio, a mobile phone charger, etc… what kind of battery would you want? There definitely is no comparison – the only kind of battery to have on hand in an emergency situation is a LiFePO4, no contest.
As you may have heard, Tesla Motors is creating a $5 Billion factory to mass produce “Lithium Ion” battery banks in order to make the mass production of electric cars a reality. The goal is to have a 200 miles range for the battery bank, which will actually be made by Panasonic. If they produced a Lithium Iron Phosphate battery as an option, the cars would have a 172 mile range, but the batteries would last much longer and they would be environmentally friendly.
Also, this could drastically reduce the cost of Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries, which would revolutionize the entire battery industry, not just for automobile applications, but also for back up battery banks in solar applications as well.
For quite a while now, John Bedini, a world-renown expert in battery charging technologies has manufactured the most effective chargers and rejuvenators for lead acid batteries commercially available to the public. These chargers have been shown to be able to bring about 80% of the batteries doomed for the dump back to many more years of useful service.
Unfortunately, these charging and rejuvenation technologies were never compatible with the common “Lithium Ion” batteries, primarily because of the problems in the battery itself.
Fortunately, John Bedini has created a small line of solar charge controllers made specifically for the new LiFePO4 batteries. That means that the ultimate in small-scale emergency solar systems are now available, which completely surpass any other similar sized solar energy system.
This new line of chargers is part of Tesla Chargers solar charge controller line known as the Tesla Solar Tracker 5’s. The LiFePO4 solar charge controllers are rated for 12 volt 3 amp and 12 volt 7.5 amp solar arrays. That is roughly 45 watts and 110 watts of solar panels respectively.
Learn more about these revolutionary solar charge controllers here – make sure to watch the free video on this website by Peter Lindemann on the LiFePO4 chargers – make sure to also download the free LiFePO4 PowerPoint Presentation on this website as well! LiFePO4 Solar Charge Controllers
We’ve all been running in high gear preparing for the conference, which is only 10 days away! If you want to come see the historical presentations, register now as there are only 25 seats left and they’re going quick.
Peter will be giving a sneak peak demonstration at the conference of the machine that will be the basis for the material in the 3rd Bedini book – Bedini SG – The Complete Advanced Handbook, which focuses on converting mechanical work to electrical energy.
There will be more variations presented in the book and the video presentation will be part of the book package, which should be available no later than August.
There are already some replication attempts – here is a link to more details: and a bunch of comments by Aaron Murakami. You’ll also get a link to a paper by Nikola Tesla on the Moon’s Rotation that is relevant to rotating mechanical systems.
There are various ways to rotate a lever in an elliptical orbit like the input lever of the Skinner Gravity Power Machine. Here is a method that is very simple and might just make it easier for people to replicate the machine – you can see the bicycle wheel demo towards the end that demonstrates the principle:
Here is a great video showing a giant solar Stirling engine producing 1.5 kw of electricity from a 100C temperature differential between cold water and heat in a greenhouse. 1.5 kw is a lot of energy for a small village and the technology is fairly low-tech.
Scientists Discover How to Generate Solar Power in the Dark: The moon crosses in AP Photo: Andres Gutierrez. The moon crosses in front of the lower part of the sun during a partial solar eclipse in Santa Cruz de Tenerife …