Dr. Robert Adams is someone that most “newer” people in the “Free Energy” scene have never heard of although he is one of the Pioneers of the modern-day movement, which deals a lot with pulsed systems.
His electric motor/generator systems have shown to produce more work than the operator has to supply and it was Peter Lindemann that corresponded with him longer than anyone else in regards to his work. Peter is also the one who encouraged Dr. Adams to use calorimeters to properly measure any heat production to begin with, has a lot of correspondence letters and many photographs that have never been released to the public.
Nick Kraakman from The Netherlands is a software developer who has been studying the works of Tesla, Adams and other energy pioneers and his presentation may just kick off a new trend of experimentation with the Adams Motor. In this presentation, some photographs from Peter’s connection are seen for the first time ever, Nick shows his replication of the Adams motor (without free energy claims) and discloses may facts about this technology that most people are unfamiliar with.
This is going to be an ongoing project that Nick is working on so get this presentation to learn more about this historical motor-generator technology:
Get this presentation now: https://emediapress.com/shop/the-robert-adams-pulsed-electric-motor-generator/
In the near future, we’ll be releasing a 4 part series, which will be the most comprehensive collection of writings by Dr. Adams – many books, obscure writings, correspondence letters and many photographs so stay tuned for this. Nick’s presentation is the perfect Primer to prepare you for this exclusive upcoming release!