Over 80 years ago, William Skinner built a machine that uses gravity as a source of potential to amplify the input into his machine at a claimed increase of 1200%.
From the video evidence, this appears to be greatly understated. It is commonly thought that gravity is static and can do no work, but understanding the true nature of the dynamic properties of gravity, gravity is definitely a source of potential that can be used.
This machine has been discussed for many years on Energetic Forum and elsewhere. Aaron was the first to point out the obvious fact that Skinner’s input mechanism was of an elliptical nature but virtually every replication attempt posted online by independent builders have a circular input mechanism. Even the old news releases announcing Skinner’s machine clearly states that the “eccentrics”, which are the elliptical input mechanisms, are part of the secret.
Mark and Aaron are the only ones that appear to be attempting a replication using this eccentric input method rather than the circular input that has failed everyone else. The full scale model completely built by Mark that will be displayed is still under construction without any claims given.
This presentation aims to clearly show the evidence of Skinner’s eccentric input from the original 1939 video, which Aaron has pointed out multiple times in the past on YouTube and in Energetic Forum but has remained wholly ignored by the builders as well as pointing out once again what the original news releases describe, which matches what is obvious in the video.
William Skinner’s 1939 Gravity Power Machine
Over 80 years ago, William Skinner built a machine that uses gravity as a source of potential to amplify the input into his machine at a claimed increase of 1200%. From the video evidence, this appears to be greatly understated. It is commonly thought that gravity is static and can do no work, but understanding the true nature of the dynamic properties of gravity, gravity is definitely a source…
Quartet is a fortnightly episodic premium feature where John Petersen, Gregg Braden, Penny Kelly, Kingsley Dennis, and Mark Gober share their unique insights on this extraordinary global transition, what is happening, and what is on the horizon. John hosted/streamed this call live from the 2023 ESTC. After the Quartet episode concludes, there will be a brief break and then John Petersen and Gregg Braden will have a one on one conversation about breakthrough technologies.
The Golden Ratio is one of the fundamental underlying principles in the Wheelwork of Nature, and is reflected within many forms in the natural world. The Golden Ratio Discharge reflects this fundamental principle in the field of electricity and energy, first discovered by Eric Dollard in 1978, and now rediscovered by Adrian Marsh, and demonstrated by using a specific arrangement of Tesla coil and generator. This presentation makes an in-depth exploration of this unique discharge, looking into its scientific, engineering, and philosophical/esoteric origins, and how to practically reveal this discharge in a Tesla coil system, as well as considering its importance as an example of a core underlying principle of nature revealed in the field of electricity and electro-magnetism.
A complete engineering apparatus and schematics are disclosed for the experimental Tesla coil system, along with comprehensive measurements of the power supply, generator, and Tesla coil characteristics in both the time and frequency domain. The presentation contains all the necessary design keys to replicate this remarkable experiment. Vibration, tuning, and resonance of the experiments are explored in detail, and how to transition the discharge form from the Golden Dragon, a fractal expanding with Golden Ratio proportions, to more conventional Sword streamers. The Golden Dragon discharge shows profound symmetry, temporal and spatial coherence, and a choreography that demonstrates in no uncertain terms the fundamental nature of this underlying principle of the natural world.
The inner nature of the Golden Ratio discharge is explored using high-speed photography up to 2000 times which shows the creation and extinction of each discharge streamer, and hidden within this the first conjectured emergence of ball-lightning, or the formation of a “micro-sun”, the precursor to an inclusive fusion process, observed before within specialised vacuum tubes, but never before manifested in free-space. The presentation concludes with a live demonstration of the optimal tuning of the experimental apparatus to generate the Golden Ratio discharge in the form of the Golden Dragon, and then through specific tuning and adjustment the transition to sword streamers at lower frequencies. The Golden Ratio Discharge experiment in this presentation is shown to support Tesla’s profound statement, “… then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”, and has the potential to reveal deeper insights, principles, and knowledge of the natural order.
Includes PDF of the Powerpoint presentation and two close-up videos of the Golden Ratio Discharge.
The Golden Ratio Discharge
The Golden Ratio is one of the fundamental underlying principles in the Wheelwork of Nature, and is reflected within many forms in the natural world. The Golden Ratio Discharge reflects this fundamental principle in the field of electricity and energy, first discovered by Eric Dollard in 1978, and now rediscovered by Adrian Marsh, and demonstrated by using a specific arrangement of Tesla coil a…
Four-Phase, wrongly called “Two Phase”, is a relatively unknown form of polyphase power. However, it was the original method employed in the Tesla-Westinghouse system of polyphase power and for good reason. It provided the best match to the well-established Edison Three Wire System then in extensive use. While an effective mathematical representation exists for the common three-phase system, no such representation has ever been applied to four-phase. This representation is to be developed in this presentation.
Four-Phase analysis opens a new dimension in multiple co-ordinate representation and accordingly, opens a new avenue into this area of general theory. The established master of multiple co-ordinates is J.S. Bach and his poly-phonic (phase) music. BWV536 represents an idyllic representation of the four-phase concept; this is taken into a very high level of expression. This presentation applies the Fortescue method of the Fugue of BWV536 and is applied to the introductory part of Bach’s work.
This is the first of many releases to come from the 2023 ESTC. Electric Motor Secrets Part 3 also concludes the Trilogy of Electric Motor Secrets, which also has an extra video Advanced Motor Secrets.
This new presentation is a first disclosure of what Peter Lindemann saw when meeting Troy Reed years ago – he is finally discussing what he believes he saw. Discussing the secret life of Tesla’s AC Induction Motor, Troy Reed’s “Hot Fan” project, and Robert Alexander’s 1975 US Patent titled Method and Apparatus for Increasing Electrical Power.
The other presentations will be released daily until they’re all out.
It’s very exciting to finally release version 3.0 of the most authentic Rife Frequency generator manufactured anywhere in the world. The link at the end of this sentence titled “Rife Machine” takes you to the Vril.io RPX page that explains why that is true – scroll back up to this link but read this page first: Rife Machine
Below is a sneak peak at the Bedini RPX 3.1MHz Sideband Generator v3.0 – “Rife Machine”. If you’re not familiar with what a sideband generator is, the above link will take you to a page that explains it. Any machine that correctly produces “Rife Frequencies” the way that Rife and his assistant Philip Hoyland did must be done with “sidebands” or it is not a Rife Machine – this is an indisputable, historically-documented fact.
RPX stands for Rife, Priore and an X-Factor but it really should stand for Rife, Priore and Bedini because what his genius incorporated into the RPX is in fact the X-Factor. When we release the v3.0, you’ll learn why the RPX is far superior to any other device even remotely similar and there is only one that is close that I know of and that John Bedini truly was the world’s leading authority on what Rife was doing.
First, here’s a picture of the original unit – it worked perfect but was a bit cumbersome since you have to connect an external signal generator and external battery but this is how John Bedini originally released it late 2014 or early 2015. Below, you’ll see the obvious point to the new RPX 3.0 and why my goal was to make the most user friendly “Rife Machine” ever developed and it has been successfully accomplished.
Below you can see the prototype (no logo or labels for the knobs, switches or jacks). The signal generator inside was designed by Paul Babcock so this couldn’t have happened without his brilliant help. Others were kind enough to offer their services to design one in the past but at that time, the cost was prohibitive, plus, I wanted to stay away from digital as much as possible because digital is fake and analog is of the real world. THE SIGNAL GENERATOR IS 100% ANALOG. Both Rife and Bedini would be thrilled about that!
The LEFT KNOB controls the TIME of the sweep. Specifics will be forthcoming.
The SWITCH between the knobs in the down position leaves it in WIDEBAND MODE so it sweeps from close to 0Hz up to 150kHz to create sidebands that are all even multiples of EVERY SINGLE Rife Frequency automatically without having to. Rife went to 40kHz because that was the upper range of a typical audio signal generator. Why go to 150kHz? It’s one of the things that makes this superior to any sideband generator that creates the Rife Frequencies and I’ll show the math and demonstrations for this so you understand what this means and why it is important. What did Bedini know that Rife and Hoyland possibly didn’t? You’ll find out soon on the page where these units will be available for pre-order on February 17th, 2022.
The RIGHT KNOB controls the narrow band sweep. When the switch is in the up position, it activates the narrow band mode. I’m asked all the time about focusing on certain frequencies. It’s always a bad idea to use any single static frequency as a “wobble” or variation in the frequency was always what was found to be superior. So within the 150kHz range, the narrow band will focus on a 25-30kHz range. If the knob is all the counterclockwise, it will sweep from almost 0Hz up to about 25kHz and as you rotate the dial clockwise, it will keep a 25-30kHz sweep width but higher up in the 150kHz range. There will be a chart printed on top of the case that shows you what frequency range you are at based on the number on the dial, which will be printed on the front panel.
Scroll down to the top of the next picture for an explanation of the rest of the features on the front panel – I just want to break up the text a bit to make it easier to read.
The switch at the top next to the gold RCA jack allows you to use the internal signal generator, which is all anyone will need 99.99% of the time. In the down position, you will be using the internal signal generator and the two knobs and switch to the left. But for those of you who are more technically oriented, you can move the switch in the up position and you can then plug in your own signal generator into that RCA jack. ONLY USE SINE WAVE AND LIMIT THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE OF YOUR SIGNAL GENERATOR TO 2 VOLTS MAX or you can damage the unit. You will able to narrow the sweep to perhaps a few kilocycles on either side of a target frequency to get more specific, extend sweep times beyond what is possible with the internal signal generator or even use frequencies that will produce sidebands that are even multiples of frequencies like 432Hz or any other frequency set of numbers using this method. We’ll teach you how to calculate all that with videos that will be available.
The RED and BLACK banana jacks at the bottom are the output jacks. We supply a cable that you can plug into that and on the other end are alligator clips. You only have to supply your own electrodes. Inexpensive copper tubing from a hardware store than you can get for a few dollars per foot is all you need. Two pieces about 4″ long and maybe 3/8 to 1/2″ diameter is sufficient. Conductive gel is recommended and this one is the only one I could easily find that is free of parabens – this is our Amazon affiliate link: Conductive Gel
If you’re mechanically inclined, we’d recommend cutting off the alligator clips and soldering the wires to the tubes or adding ring terminals and screwing them to the tubes. Later on, we may recommend a company where you can get some electrodes.
The top right LED light is a RED power light that shows the RPX power is turned on (switch is on the back).
The LED directly under that shows when the PUMPWAVE is on and it will also be RED – just the prototype has the blue light and its just too bright. The switch underneath that can be switched to turn the Pumpwave off and on. This is another one John Bedini’s genius innovations. With the switch off, you can still get the classic Rife Frequencies with the 3.1MHz carrier and sidebands. With the switch on, you get the low frequency carrier (another carrier) that puts the 3.1MHz carrier and sidebands on it and that Pumpwave is a 8-9Hz square wave that takes electrode delivery to another level. Literally, there is nothing that compares to the Bedini 3.1MHz Sideband Generator v3.0.
Above the next picture is a description of what is on the back of the RPX.
The jack and switch below will be flush with the panel on the final units. The jack on the left is for a 16.8 volt 1 amp, regulated lithium-ion charger. The red light on the charger will be on while it is charging and when it is finished charging, the green light will come on. You will not be able to use the RPX while the battery is charging – plugging in the charger will disconnect the battery from the circuit. Please charge the battery fully before using the RPX for the first time. The average use time the RPX is on is about 15 to 30 minutes so you will get a good number of uses before you have to charge the battery again. The switch on the right is the off/on switch to turn on the power. In the down position, it will be off and in the up position, it will be on.
I’ll make a video walk thru and will put that on the RPX page when pre-orders are open on February 17th along with pricing, etc.
The RPX v2.0 model sold for $425 itself (required you to provide your own battery and signal generator) or $650 for the whole combo kit that included everything except the electrodes. My goal was to make this new RPX 3.0 available for as close to the RPX v2.0 price as possible. The RPX v3.0 will cost more because my production costs are higher. The first 50 (most likely 50) units for pre-sale will be at a super low price compared to what the retail price should be.
Keep in mind that the next closest machine that even comes close to a “Rife Machine” retails for over $1800. That means that since this is a superior technology and it is a super specialty item not available anywhere else that the RPX v3.0 should have a retail price of around $2000 to $2500 (but it won’t be) and it would be worth ever penny comparing value vs value in terms of sale price.
Make sure to order as soon as the pre-order page opens up on February 17th because you’ll be pleasantly surprised with our pricing! You’ll also be earning points on emediapress.com that is good for credit toward digital downloads. More to come…
Remember to go to this page to learn more in depth about the truth about what a Rife Rife machine is and what it isn’t’: Rife Machine
Marty Luckoski will discuss the ways in which we have been lead to believe that some things are impossible in the fields of science and wellness and how belief and open-mindedness are the foundations of true innovation. He will also speak about AquaCure and Brown’s Gas (HHO) therapy and its benefits.
Marty Luckoski is George Wiseman’s business partner who is heading up the development and manufacturing of their product line. George Wiseman is the leading authority on HHO or Brown’s Gas generators.
HHO is commonly ducted water gas that has many amazing properties – some bordering on the supernatural. It is known that water has a memory effect and when producing HHO from water and allowing the gas to recombine into water, it appears that the water’s memory has been reset. There are many applications for this gas and the AquaCure machine literally “cures” the water itself!
Here’s a short video showcasing some of the vendors (not all of them were available to share what they’re offering) at the 2021 ESTC.
Please support the vendors because they help to make the conference possible. Emediapress.com is an affiliate of for a couple of the products available.
This next presentation is another exclusive from Dr. Ruth Olmstead, a leading authority in brain stimulation & entrainment. For nearly 20 years, I’ve been producing my own brain entrainment audios to enhance my own learning and related abilities, but I have never experienced the power of a brain stimulation methodology like the devices that use Dr. Olmstead’s protocols. The most clinically tested “mind machine” is also one that uses her protocols and the results are astounding and that includes significantly increasing the IQ in children and more!
Ruth Olmstead, PhD presents the interesting theories and clinical findings utilizing auditory and visual (AVS) non invasive brain stimulation and entrainment through the use of a small device consisting of white full spectrum glasses and headphones. She describes the evolution of AVS devices (known also as mind machines), and presents some of the clinical findings using AVS technology to combat the symptoms of a variety of disorders.
The developer of a clinical device, the Professional Synaptic Stimulus Trainer (SST), Dr. Olmstead discusses its use with individuals diagnosed with autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, and stress.
Note: The WISC-III individual child test scores are omitted to ensure confidentiality.
We’ll make some of these Mind Machines available soon – some of the models are only available through Dr. Olmstead as the manufacturers do not sell them directly to the public. Stay tuned!