MONDAY 25TH, 530PM PACIFIC TIME – FREE PRESENTATION & FREE BOOK DOWNLOAD COMING – Here’s the Zoom call link for this live call addressing how we are taking food security into our own hands. There is a concerted effort to contaminate and control our food and there is a growing push to force us to eat bugs to defeat “climate change”. The whole thing is beyond ludicrous.
Hear about the greenhouse that uses zero electricity (not even a fan!) that stays warm throughout the Montana winter. Learn techniques to create your own, using local materials with zero cement, or other toxic gick. Explore the fascinating aspects of earth integrated structures and hear about Paul’s Wofati design which highlights rustic passive house design creating a comfortable, solid and charming home that is quick, easy and cheap to build.
Earth Integrated Structures And The Truly Passive Greenhouse
Hear about the greenhouse that uses zero electricity (not even a fan!) that stays warm throughout the Montana winter. Learn techniques to create your own, using local materials with zero cement, or other toxic gick. Explore the fasci…
The Toltec system of knowledge is a vast system of experiential knowledge acquired over aeons upon aeons of time, and handed down from one generation to another only through oral and experiential training. The word Toltec simply means “a man or woman of knowledge”, and is independent of race, gender, religion, country, language, or any other differentiating factors within humanity. The Toltecs have systematically developed and evolved their knowledge of life and the universe, often quietly behind the scenes, and far from the normal daily pursuits of the world. The Toltecs have long understood that the outer-world is but a reflection of the diversity and richness of our inner-world. Modern science is currently a good description of the form of the natural world, in other words the outer-world, what things are made-of, and how these forms interact with one-another on the outside, the what, where, and the how of the physical form. The Toltec system of knowledge goes beyond this outer form, and works with the inner-world, intelligence, awareness, perception, and the hidden knowledge and understanding, the why, purpose for, and meaning of life’s most fundamental principles.
The practical application of the Toltec system of knowledge grows your awareness, and can transform your life far beyond your present comprehension. When we each contribute to the growth of humanity’s collective awareness, we will bring about a more inclusive, inter-dependent, and life-supportive approach, and a multidisciplinary understanding of our-self, each other, and the natural world. Little known or understood, this presentation introduces this system of knowledge, who the Toltecs are, and what they have accomplished through studying the great mystery and problems of the physical and spiritual universes.
The Toltec System Of Knowledge
The Toltec system of knowledge is a vast system of experiential knowledge acquired over aeons upon aeons of time, and handed down from one generation to another only through oral and experiential training. The word Toltec simply means “a man or woman of knowledge”, and is independent of race, gender, religion, country, language, or any other differentiating factors within humanity. The Toltecs …
General admission and student admission tickets are available now for the 2022, 11th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference. Location is the Hayden Lake Eagles in Hayden, Idaho, which is about 50 minutes from the Spokane International Airport in Spokane, Washington. Dates are July 6 to 10 (Wed to Sun). The tentative schedule is posted here:
The tickets include the 5 meals (4 lunches and 1 dinner) served at the conference – there is no option to not have meals included and the two different ticket options are the only options. Admission includes full access to all 5 days and all presentations, meals and demonstrations.
There are a few more presenters I’ll be listing soon on the schedule page – just been extremely busy with the new move into a new shop and am still catching up. Go here to get your tickets now – there are only 150 seats available and that’s it. The ticket sale page lists 150 for General and 150 for Students but its actually a combined total of 150. Go here and click the + sign for each quantity of the type of ticket that you want.
For VENDOR & PRESENTER/VIP/GUEST tickets, I’ll announce those soon.
Special thanks to Simon Davies aka dR-Green (on Energetic Forum) for creating a simple, user-friendly calculator on the new RPX website. Everyone can instantly see what audio frequency needs to be mixed with the 3.1 MHz carrier in order to create sidebands that are rich in harmonics for ANY frequency they want.
Simon has been replicating much of Tesla and Dollard’s work over the years and his calculators are accurate so if you want to know how to calculate windings and other parameters for your experiments, he has both free and paid calculators available at: Tesla Scientific
Here’s an example of how you can use this calculator and the RPX as a 432 Hz harmonic generator, which nobody else is doing.
You take the carrier of 3.1 Mhz and divide it by 432 = 7175.93
Round up or down to the nearest whole number = 7176
Multiply your desired frequency of 432 x 7176 the multiplier = 3.100032 Mhz sideband that will be created
The difference between the sideband and carrier is 32 Hz
Therefore, if you use an external signal generator with the RPX and you input a sinewave limited to 2 volts with a frequency of 32 Hz, it will create a sideband of 3.100032 MHz, which is a multiple of 432 Hz and it will have a whole lot of harmonics of that frequency.
This can obviously be done with any desired frequency – why not use Rife’s brilliant method to create frequencies for your frequency needs? Everyone else is just focusing on the fundamental frequency but are completely ignoring the fact that the real power comes from all the harmonics.
Go to the calculator here, enter the desired frequency and hit return. You’ll instantly get the audio frequency needed to be input into the RPX to do the above:
Here’s a short video showcasing some of the vendors (not all of them were available to share what they’re offering) at the 2021 ESTC.
Please support the vendors because they help to make the conference possible. is an affiliate of for a couple of the products available.
This new book is based on two reports written by Eric Dollard that was posted on his website for free. They are focusing on how the grid has degenerated in the digital age and how it has become susceptible to EMP attacks, which is a very real threat at this very time. This information is very important and should be considered vital to the security of the nation. A portion of the proceeds from this book go to EPD Laboratories, Inc., which is a 501(c)3 non profit corporation. It helps to support the work of Eric Dollard.
Presently, much discussion exists regarding the proliferation of harmonics in the electric utility system. Moreover, the susceptibility of this system to damage or destruction from a well-positioned nuclear E.M.P. is a subject of great concern. Such problems are not necessarily intrinsic to the process of electric transmission and distribution, but only present themselves when certain configurations exist within the electric utility system. Paramount in any transmission or distribution system is that such system must be a closed system, that is, the electromagnetic boundary condition must be maintained to the highest practical degree. This assures that the entry or exit of extraneous electric forces is minimized.
Presently, with regard to the electric utility system, the electromagnetic boundary condition is being violated in two ways: 1)By the ubiquitous employment of Wye to Wye connected transmission and distribution transformers, and related load configuration2)Through the extension of a common neutral connection throughout the entire electric utility system.
The widespread and enforced adoption of these practices has rendered the electric utility system an open system, or in other words, an antenna system, one of unprecedented proportions. The consequences must be obvious.It is the objective of the following series of engineering reports to re-establish a fundamental understanding of polyphase alternating current, and then apply this understanding to the analysis of the situation as it exists today with regard to the electric utility system.
The Electrical Utility in the Digital Age & Revival of the Science of Electricity in the Digital Age by Eric Dollard
The Electrical Utility in the Digital Age & Revival of the Science of Electricity in the Digital Age by Eric Dollard
In this Digital Age, the theoretical basis provided for Electrical Engineering has been defiled, reduced to an assemblage of delusive pronouncements enforced by a cabal of academic theoreticians. What gives authoritative force to their dictates is the overtly complex and convoluted mathematics which enshrouds them. This mathematics in turn becomes a “rite of passage” in teaching and replacing reason and experiment. Once the idols become digitized, they become law, and consequently electricity has become a lost science, relegated to the same scrap heap as alchemy.
However, in historical perspective, the theoretical basis for electrical engineering had achieved a very high level of development at the onset of the 20th century, this to meet the demands of a rapidly developing commercial enterprise, most notably that of the electro-magnetic telegraph and later electric light and power. Electrical science progressed remarkably well in this era, and thus became an exact science which engendered well thought out theories. The foundations of this science were derived from the Experimental Researches of Michael Faraday and their Mathematical Development by Clerk Maxwell. This became known as the “Faraday-Maxwell” Theory of Electricity.
Twenth-three years ago, Peter Lindemann wrote an article on colloidal silver that was published by Borderlands and today, it remains one of the most referenced articles.
Peter’s article is very easy to understand and clearly discusses the important to know difference between ionic and colloidal silver. I highly recommend downloading a copy from his website here:
One of the most popular questions from those who are exploring the reality of “Free Energy” is, “Where do I start”?
The first step is to fully understand that there are no violations of physics with free energy systems. It’s not about more out than in, it’s more out than what we put in. Obviously, that implies there is extra input that we aren’t providing so there is no funny business and no over 100% efficiency claims.
How can a system output more than we put in but be under 100% efficient? If that doesn’t make sense to you, there is a good reason why – the proper distinctions are never taught in school although it is so simple that an elementary school child can understand the principles.
Here are some recommended starting points and why…
Hacking the Aether is a presentation I gave several years ago, which is based on my old book The Quantum Key. It is a fluid aetheric model, which is essentially a unified field model that shows why relativistic effect happen and why, what gravity is, what the real difference is between energy and potential, the basics of open vs closed systems and more. You do not need a technical background to learn the reality about free energy and you will learn the necessary distinctions that you will not learn in school.
Open System Thermodynamics is a section in Hacking the Aether and is probably the most important because it shows Nobel Prize material that says that any system that is open with the environment CAN output more than the operator inputs. Peter Lindemann presented on this at one of our earlier conferences and remains one of the most important presentations we’ve produced. If you want even more irrefutable evidence that Free Energy is legitimate, after watching Hacking the Aether, this is a must see.
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space is a must-have book written by Dr. James DeMeo. The ether exists as a matter of fact and Michelson-Morley never disproved anything. As a matter of fact, Michelson defended the ether long after – this truth is in my presentation above but if you want to see the most important collection of studies that have been done all the way to the modern day showing the ether – this book has it. There has never been a compilation quite like this and nobody should receive a degree in physics unless they study and understand this material – it is that important. So with the above two presentations and this book (there is a presentation on this by Dr. DeMeo that came out right before the book), you will understand not only the principles of free energy systems, but you will understand about the source potential itself, which is the ether.
A Common Language for Electrical Engineering – Lone Pine Writings by Eric Dollard is a book, which is available as a paperback on Amazon. It lays out and defines all the basic electrical engineering dimensions. So, now we’re getting to the practical application of real energy science, which actually has its roots in the electrical sciences, which has not been taught for a very long time. Whether you are a newbie or electrical engineering expert, this book is a must have resource:
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual – if I could have started all over 21 years ago when I first met John Bedini, I would have gotten my basic ham radio Technician’s license. The study guide is a basic electrical engineering course that teaches you all the basic components, formulas as well as the basic laws as it applies to radio transmission. This would have greatly cut my learning curve, especially as it applies to high frequency devices like Tesla Coil experiments and related. It’s so simple that even 6 year old children have gotten their basic ham radio license. For the practical application of electrical engineering principles, there is no better start than Eric’s book above and the ARRL manual – go get your ham radio license. It’s inexpensive and simple.
If you’re walking into all of this brand new and you actually TAKE ACTION and watch the above presentations and get the books and study them, you will be light years ahead of where any of us were 20, 30 or even 40 years ago. For some very famous people in this field, it has taken a lifetime of research to simply come to these conclusions that are presented in the above material. You can have this in your hands almost instantly and with the books, it may take 1-2 weeks to go through this material repeatedly, it’s impossible to stress the value of this and how fortunate you are that you even have access to all of this.
Then join Energetic Forum here: – it is one of the leading discussion forums online for all the above topics. It is free to join and fast – once you join, regardless of what emails you receive, send an email to help at emediapress dot com with your username and email you used during registration requesting activation and your account will be activated right away. You can learn from some experts in there, share your experiments, and get answers to a lot of your questions.
Energy Science Forum is also a great resource with less members and there is no approval process, just join, read, post, etc. there is a lot of info shared there that is not in Energetic Forum.
As we see the erosion of our rights at the state level continuing as well as an invasion of our privacy, especially with the current pandemic situation, there is a need now more than ever for secure communications or at least as secure as practical considering what we have to work with. The US Postal Service still remains the most secure method of communication other than face to face but for digital/phone/instant, we do have several options.
For a few years, I’ve relied on the VSee private messenger because it is encrypted and is so good it is HIPPA compliant, which means it can be used to transmit medical/health information for telemedicine conferencing, etc. It’s so swamped right now that new members can’t install it, so myself and many of my friends, family and associates are all switching to SIGNAL right now and it might be a good idea to consider doing the same.
You can download it here: – it’s 100% FREE, relatively small and you can do group texts with an unlimited amount of people in the group.
Signal is a non-profit with open source encryption. It’s not just a private messenger app, but on Android and Apple, it can actually be set to be the default text messaging app for your phone, will import everything over and anything you text to others that have Signal installed will be encrypted. And you can make voice and video calls through the app as well and those will also be encrypted.
Keep in mind that if you communicate in this manner while away from wi-fi, it will tap into your data plan so it makes sense to use this only when you’re connected to wi-fi unless you have an unlimited data plan. More info here:
Share this far and wide with the share buttons and when you install it yourself, make sure to encourage your friends and family to do the same.