Cosmic Ether Exists Part 2 - Implications To Modern Physics by James DeMeo
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Tesla High Frequency Illumination Methods And Apparatuses by Griffin Brock

Griffin Brock is obviously destined to become one of the foremost experts of pure Tesla technology and he is demonstrating it in spades – at 17 years old, that is quite an accomplishment. He presented last year on 3-Phase Electrical Systems and his replication of some of the seismic detection methods related to Eric Dollard’s work. This year, he stunned everyone with two amazing presentations – one on some of Tesla’s methods of illuminating various bulbs and another on stimulating plants with high voltage.

This one being released is a developed explanation on the practicality of high frequency high potential illumination devices, as originally developed by Tesla. This includes the employment of various high potential driving apparatuses, and the construction of illuminating devices with peculiar phenomena. Griffin Brock, a prolific experimenter who also happens to be under Eric Dollard’s tutelage, is performing many experiments that many seasoned electrical engineers have not been able to accomplish.

Get a 25% discount on this presentation now:

As presented, multiple demonstrations and apparatuses gave insight to the functions and practicality of certain high frequency vacuum devices, as pioneered by Nikola Tesla. Most notably, his wireless brush discharge lamps, as historically replicated by hand, as well as other lamps possessing electrodes within them. The demonstration included a high potential tube based power source, which supplied special potential coils to provide an intense surrounding field for wireless illumination.

The bulbs shown in the demonstration were built with historical accuracy, that being, they do not possess any gases within. Ultimately giving forth luminous phenomena which should not occur within a vacuum. Especially for Tesla’s Brush Bulb, as demonstrated, which is devoid of matter, but nevertheless radiates large quantities of light. It should be noted that the replicated bulbs presented before the audience, were the first to be seen in historical accuracy, not witnessed in over 130 years.

Throughout the presentation, references and detail to other vacuum tubes as developed by Tesla were given, as well as a physical representation of such tubes when placed in a “null” zone state of activity, as produced by the coil setup.

Get a 25% discount on this presentation now:

Three Phase Distribution System Representation by Griffin Brock
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Robert Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator by Nick Kraakman

Nick Kraakman

Dr. Robert Adams is someone that most “newer” people in the “Free Energy” scene have never heard of although he is one of the Pioneers of the modern-day movement, which deals a lot with pulsed systems.

His electric motor/generator systems have shown to produce more work than the operator has to supply and it was Peter Lindemann that corresponded with him longer than anyone else in regards to his work. Peter is also the one who encouraged Dr. Adams to use calorimeters to properly measure any heat production to begin with, has a lot of correspondence letters and many photographs that have never been released to the public.

Nick Kraakman from The Netherlands is a software developer who has been studying the works of Tesla, Adams and other energy pioneers and his presentation may just kick off a new trend of experimentation with the Adams Motor. In this presentation, some photographs from Peter’s connection are seen for the first time ever, Nick shows his replication of the Adams motor (without free energy claims) and discloses may facts about this technology that most people are unfamiliar with.

This is going to be an ongoing project that Nick is working on so get this presentation to learn more about this historical motor-generator technology:

Get this presentation now:

In the near future, we’ll be releasing a 4 part series, which will be the most comprehensive collection of writings by Dr. Adams – many books, obscure writings, correspondence letters and many photographs so stay tuned for this. Nick’s presentation is the perfect Primer to prepare you for this exclusive upcoming release!

Electromagnetic Induction And Its Propagation by Eric Dollard
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Zero Entropy States – More on Time, Space & Overunity by Paul Babcock

Years ago, John Bedini posted multiple references on his website in the late 90’s regarding a “Time Charge” when it came to charging capacitors from the School Girl energizers and discharging them to batteries. Hardly anyone ever took this comment seriously but Paul Babcock definite did and when we consider the depth of Paul’s experience, it is a lot more meaningful. When we look at energy, potential, potential energy (potential for energy to exist), then doesn’t the possibiliy of Time Potential exist as well? It does and it is the potential for TIME to exist at a later time as well so if we can charge batteries with Time Potential from the radiant energy spikes, interesting things happen in batteries, etc.

Paul has been working with Mike Clarke on his Reactive Power Generator for several years and this knowledge has been applied to allow it to run in a manner, which appears to be indefinite without killing the batteries. And, mechanical work is turning a generator producting power by lighting bulbs the entire time. Getting a battery to reverse it’s TIME is more literaly than one might think.

This presentation is the perfect companion to his presentation from 2019 called Aether Weirdness – It’s About Time! Magic Batteries And Other Observations, which is recommended as the perfect companion presentation.

Get a copy of this presentation here:

Bedini RPX 3.1 MHz Sideband Generator – Rife Machine
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Adam’s Motor Demonstration at 2021 ESTC

Dr. Robert Adams Machine

Nick Kraakman who has been collaborating with Peter Lindemann behind the scenes is bringing an Adam’s Motor to the 2021 ESTC. Nick will be showing some never before seen pictures of some of Dr. Robert Adams machines that were sent to Peter Lindemann years ago. Peter corresponded with Dr. Adams for years and has compiled more booklets, pictures and letters from Dr. Adams regarding the Adams Motor than anyone that we know of. This information and pictures will all be available in digital downloadable format after the conference.

There are very specific features about the circuit and coils that are no immediately apparent, which give advantages to it’s efficiency and coefficient of performance (COP). This will all be explained at the conference.

Also, get your tickets to the 10th Annual Energy Science & Technology Conference where we will be demonstrating this and more 🙂 – Learn more about the Energy Conference here:

The direct link to get your ticket(s) is here:

Here are a couple pictures of the latest build by Nick:

Bedini RPX 3.1 MHz Sideband Generator – Rife Machine
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Eric Dollard and Jeff Moe

Besides Eric’s personal presentation on Fortescue at the 2021 Energy Science and Technology Conference, which is all about his Versor Algebra mathematics and how it applies to the power grid, Eric and I will be presentation a few demonstrations with the equipment that we’ve been building.

Go here to get your tickets while you still can: 2021 Energy Conference

Watch this video to hear Eric describe a few of these demonstrations:

Violation of the Conservation of Energy / Destruction of Energy

Counterspace entry into a different “dimension”

Plasma flame speaker – plasma cymatics?

Golden ratio discharge on a Tesla Coil

How Primary & Secondary coils are unnecessary – Tesla described this but nobody listened

Go here to get your tickets while you still can: 2021 Energy Conference

Bedini’s Gravity Wave Space Flux Motor - Disclosure And Demonstration by Peter Lindemann
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Where to Start with Free Energy?

Free Energy

One of the most popular questions from those who are exploring the reality of “Free Energy” is, “Where do I start”?

The first step is to fully understand that there are no violations of physics with free energy systems. It’s not about more out than in, it’s more out than what we put in. Obviously, that implies there is extra input that we aren’t providing so there is no funny business and no over 100% efficiency claims.

How can a system output more than we put in but be under 100% efficient? If that doesn’t make sense to you, there is a good reason why – the proper distinctions are never taught in school although it is so simple that an elementary school child can understand the principles.

Here are some recommended starting points and why…

  1. Hacking the Aether is a presentation I gave several years ago, which is based on my old book The Quantum Key. It is a fluid aetheric model, which is essentially a unified field model that shows why relativistic effect happen and why, what gravity is, what the real difference is between energy and potential, the basics of open vs closed systems and more. You do not need a technical background to learn the reality about free energy and you will learn the necessary distinctions that you will not learn in school.
  2. Open System Thermodynamics is a section in Hacking the Aether and is probably the most important because it shows Nobel Prize material that says that any system that is open with the environment CAN output more than the operator inputs. Peter Lindemann presented on this at one of our earlier conferences and remains one of the most important presentations we’ve produced. If you want even more irrefutable evidence that Free Energy is legitimate, after watching Hacking the Aether, this is a must see.
  3. The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space is a must-have book written by Dr. James DeMeo. The ether exists as a matter of fact and Michelson-Morley never disproved anything. As a matter of fact, Michelson defended the ether long after – this truth is in my presentation above but if you want to see the most important collection of studies that have been done all the way to the modern day showing the ether – this book has it. There has never been a compilation quite like this and nobody should receive a degree in physics unless they study and understand this material – it is that important. So with the above two presentations and this book (there is a presentation on this by Dr. DeMeo that came out right before the book), you will understand not only the principles of free energy systems, but you will understand about the source potential itself, which is the ether.
  4. A Common Language for Electrical Engineering  – Lone Pine Writings by Eric Dollard is a book, which is available as a paperback on Amazon. It lays out and defines all the basic electrical engineering dimensions. So, now we’re getting to the practical application of real energy science, which actually has its roots in the electrical sciences, which has not been taught for a very long time. Whether you are a newbie or electrical engineering expert, this book is a must have resource:
  5. The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual – if I could have started all over 21 years ago when I first met John Bedini, I would have gotten my basic ham radio Technician’s license. The study guide is a basic electrical engineering course that teaches you all the basic components, formulas as well as the basic laws as it applies to radio transmission. This would have greatly cut my learning curve, especially as it applies to high frequency devices like Tesla Coil experiments and related. It’s so simple that even 6 year old children have gotten their basic ham radio license. For the practical application of electrical engineering principles, there is no better start than Eric’s book above and the ARRL manual – go get your ham radio license. It’s inexpensive and simple.

If you’re walking into all of this brand new and you actually TAKE ACTION and watch the above presentations and get the books and study them, you will be light years ahead of where any of us were 20, 30 or even 40 years ago. For some very famous people in this field, it has taken a lifetime of research to simply come to these conclusions that are presented in the above material. You can have this in your hands almost instantly and with the books, it may take 1-2 weeks to go through this material repeatedly, it’s impossible to stress the value of this and how fortunate you are that you even have access to all of this.

Then join Energetic Forum here: – it is one of the leading discussion forums online for all the above topics. It is free to join and fast – once you join, regardless of what emails you receive, send an email to help at emediapress dot com with your username and email you used during registration requesting activation and your account will be activated right away. You can learn from some experts in there, share your experiments, and get answers to a lot of your questions.

Energy Science Forum is also a great resource with less members and there is no approval process, just join, read, post, etc. there is a lot of info shared there that is not in Energetic Forum. 

Orgone Energy Experiments Part 2 - Proof Of A Cosmic Life-Energy by James DeMeo
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Interview with James DeMeo, PhD by Greg Carlwood of Higherside Chats

James DeMeo, PhD
James DeMeo, PhD

James DeMeo has been investigating the work of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich since 1970, and founded the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory in 1978. With cooperative assistance from a network of professionals and institutes supportive of Wilhelm Reich’s original discoveries, OBRL has grown to become one of the world’s primary centers for genuine and uncompromised research and educational programs focused upon Orgonomy, the science of orgone (life) energy functions in nature, as developed by Reich in the first half of the 20th Century. James formally studied the Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Sciences at Florida International University and the University of Kansas, where he earned his PhD in 1986. At KU, he openly undertook the first graduate-level natural scientific research specifically focused upon Wilhelm Reich’s controversial discoveries, subjecting those ideas to rigorous testing, with positive verification of the original findings. DeMeo subsequently undertook drought-related field research in the arid American Southwest, Egypt, Israel, sub-Saharan Eritrea, and Namibia, Africa.

His published works include dozens or articles and papers as well as several books, like his newly expanded and revised edition of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook and his most recent release: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting A Major Error in Modern Science.

At the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference, he presented on two topics. Cosmic Ether Exists: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science and The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Experimental Confirmations and New Water-Structuring Evidence – Get your copies here:

Dr. DeMeo will also be delivering two new presentations at the 2020 Energy Science & Technology Conference – pre-register for free here – seating is limited to 150 people.

James’ website:

Method Of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied To The Solution Of Polyphase Networks by Eric Dollard
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Panel Discussion #1 – 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference

Panel Discussion #1 - 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference
Panel Discussion #1 – 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference

Here is the free viewing of the first Panel Discussion with Paul Babcock, Aaron Murakami, James DeMeo PhD, Robert Haralick PhD, Jack Hanlon PhD, & Eric Dollard.

There is a wide range of topics in this discussion with an emphasis on a living ether. Both Dr. DeMeo and Eric Dollard give some interesting insights into the Orgone energy and wait until you hear what Eric’s personal experience was with a small orgone accumulator. It needs to be replicated far and wide!

Please share this far and wide!

3D Printable Flat Spiral Coils
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* NEW RELEASE * Cosmic Ether Exists & Orgone Energy Accumulator by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Cosmic Ether Exists: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science and The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Experimental Confirmations and New Water-Structuring Evidence by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Orgone Energy Accumulator - Experimental Confirmations & New Water-Structuring Evidence by James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Energy Accumulator – Experimental Confirmations & New Water-Structuring Evidence by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Cosmic Ether Exists - Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science by James DeMeo, PhD
Cosmic Ether Exists – Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science by James DeMeo, PhD

We’re honored to have Dr. James DeMeo present at the 2019 ESTC. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on Wilhelm Reich, which includes the science of Orgone – a form of energy that is crucial to life, it is able to be cultivated and even used to assist biological systems, which you’ll see.

His two presentations are: Cosmic Ether Exists: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science and The Orgone Energy Accumulator: Experimental Confirmations and New Water-Structuring Evidence

Get your copies here:

The first is an overview of the ether and then an insurmountable volume of facts and data that cannot be refuted regarding the reality of the ether. These verifications have been going on for a century and continue to this day but chances are that you’ve never heard of them – possibly because it disproves Einstein’s ether-less Theory of Relativity in a very simple and wholesale manner. This presentation is so important that it should be required study for anyone to graduate from high school because the facts presented literally change everything regarding the foundation of physics starting with time and space and everything built upon that.

The second covers many verifiable facts about the orgone energy discovered by Wilhelm Reich who was Sigmund Freud’s #1 student. This presentation is required study for any interested in the forces of nature. The simple orgone accumulator built correctly can violate thermodynamics in a number of ways and the most tangible is the fact that inside of it, even if the door is open, a warmer temperature is measurable, which never comes into equilibrium with the surrounding temperature! If you want to delve into a self-organizing, negentropic device, then this is it and it is very simple to build and demonstrate.

Get your copies here:

WATCH THE FREE EXCERPTS ON THE WEBSITE! There are three – two are excerpts from each of the presentations and one has excerpts from a panel discussion at the conference with discussions of the orgone energy. When you hear what Eric Dollard’s personal experience was building a small orgone accumulator and experimenting with it, it will simply blow your mind!

It is highly recommended to get a copy of Dr. DeMeo’s books The Orgone Accumulator Handbook and Heretic’s Notebook. These are PERFECT companions to the presentations.

Method Of Symmetrical Co-Ordinates Applied To The Solution Of Polyphase Networks by Eric Dollard